Issue 26, 2009

Excited-state lifetime of propadienylidene, l-C3H2


The excited-state dynamics of the singlet carbene propadienylidene, l-C3H2, were investigated by femtosecond time-resolved photoionisation. The carbene was excited into the C 1A1 state with 250 nm pulses and the subsequent excited state dynamics were probed by multiphoton ionization with 800 nm pulses. The lifetime of the C 1A1 state was determined to be 70 fs. In agreement with recent nanosecond experiments, we assume that the carbene deactivates to the electronic ground state where it subsequently dissociates. Since propadienylidene was generated from 3-bromo-1-iodopropyne, two further radical intermediates were studied, IC3H2 and C3H2Br. For both species, an ultrafast excited state decay was observed with an upper limit of 40 fs for the respective lifetimes.

Graphical abstract: Excited-state lifetime of propadienylidene, l-C3H2

Article information

Article type
27 Jan 2009
17 Mar 2009
First published
16 Apr 2009

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2009,11, 5353-5357

Excited-state lifetime of propadienylidene, l-C3H2

B. Noller, M. Margraf, C. Schröter, T. Schultz and I. Fischer, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2009, 11, 5353 DOI: 10.1039/B901765H

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