Issue 1, 2006

Electronic sorting and recovery of single live cells from microlitre sized samples


Sorting and recovering specific live cells from samples containing less than a few thousand cells have become major hurdles in rare cell exploration such as stem cell research, cell therapy and cell based diagnostics. We describe here a new technology based on a microelectronic chip integrating an array of over 100,000 independent electrodes and sensors which allow individual and parallel single cell manipulation of up to 10,000 cells while maintaining viability and proliferation capabilities. Manipulation is carried out using dynamic dielectrophoretic traps controlled by an electronic interface. We also demonstrate the capabilities of the chip by sorting and recovering individual live fluorescent cells from an unlabeled population.

Graphical abstract: Electronic sorting and recovery of single live cells from microlitre sized samples

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Article information

Article type
04 May 2005
27 Oct 2005
First published
15 Nov 2005

Lab Chip, 2006,6, 121-126

Electronic sorting and recovery of single live cells from microlitre sized samples

A. B. Fuchs, A. Romani, D. Freida, G. Medoro, M. Abonnenc, L. Altomare, I. Chartier, D. Guergour, C. Villiers, P. N. Marche, M. Tartagni, R. Guerrieri, F. Chatelain and N. Manaresi, Lab Chip, 2006, 6, 121 DOI: 10.1039/B505884H

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