Issue 6, 1998

Sodium borohydride in carboxylic acid media: a phenomenal reduction system


The union of sodium borohydride and carboxylic acids has yielded an amazingly versatile and efficient set of reducing reagents. These acyloxyborohydride species reduce and N-alkylate indoles, quinolines, isoquinolines, related heterocycles, imines, enamines, oximes, enamides, and similar functional groups. They reduce amides and nitriles, aryl alcohols and ketones, aldehydes in the presence of ketones, and β-hydroxyketones to 1,3-diols stereoselectively. This reagent is also extraordinarily useful for the N-alkylation of primary and secondary amines with aldehydes and ketones in a novel reductive amination process.

Article information

Article type

Chem. Soc. Rev., 1998,27, 395-404

Sodium borohydride in carboxylic acid media: a phenomenal reduction system

G. W. Gribble, Chem. Soc. Rev., 1998, 27, 395 DOI: 10.1039/A827395Z

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