23rd Conference on Isoprenoids

4 - 7 September 2016, Minsk , Belarus

EuCheMS recognised event No. 2015.17.MS.BY.EUCHEMS
Sponsorship & supporting organisations
the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

TBA, the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Conference on Isoprenoids, Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry NAS of Belarus, Kuprevich str., 5/2, Minsk , 220141, Belarus

Organised by
The Conference is jointly organised by the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry NASB, Minsk; the Isoprenoid Society; the Czech Chemical Society; the University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague; the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry AS CR, Prague; the Institute of Endocrinology, Prague; Phytochemical Society of Europe; Palacky University Olomouc; Belarusian State University EuCheMS recognised event No. 2015.17.MS.BY.EUCHEMS
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