26th International symposium: Synthesis in organic chemistry

15 - 18 July 2019, Cambridge, United Kingdom

The Synthesis in Organic Chemistry conference is a flagship event for the international organic chemistry community.

The first meeting of this internationally renowned symposium was held in Oxford in 1969, and since then the meetings have alternated on a biennial basis between Oxford and Cambridge.

The Synthesis in Organic Chemistry conference provides an international showcase for the core area of organic chemistry - synthesis - covering all aspects of contemporary organic synthesis and providing a forum for the ever more exciting methodologies and strategies that continue to emerge.


The RSC is keen to encourage and enable as many people as possible to attend our events, to benefit from the networking opportunities and the chance to hear talks from leaders in the field. If you have childcare or other caring responsibilities, and would like to attend this event, please do get in touch with us to see if there’s anything we can do to help enable you to attend.


Abstract Submission
Abstract submission is now closed. Late abstracts will not be accepted.

Due to the popularity of the event and space limitations at the venue, it is only possible for us to accept 80 poster abstracts to present at this event. Please submit you abstract by 17 February 2019. You will be notified by mid March 2019 if your poster has been accepted.

Registration fees

Included in your registration fee
  • Attendance at the welcome reception 15 July
  • Attendance at all lectures 16 - 18 July
  • Attendance at the late evening lectures and evening drinks receptions 16 and 17 July
  • Lunch on 16,17 & 18 July
  • Event materials pack
(by 1/4/18)
(by 3/6/19)
Member £375 £425
Non-member* £475 £525
Student member £220 £270
Student non-member* £250 £300

* ​For non-member registrants, affiliate membership of the Royal Society of Chemistry until the end of 2020, the affiliate membership application will be processed and commence once the registrant has attended the event.

Accommodation and evening meals packages

Accommodation and evening meals are not included in the above registration fee however you can purchase and add-on package during registration.  
Accommodation will be located at Churchill College (student accomodation) Rooms are single occupancy singles on a B&B basis.
Package Cost
Accommodation & Dinner package (15, 16 & 17 July - includes the conference banquet) £345
Dinner only Package (dinner 15, 16 & 17 July - includes the conference banquet) £115
Additional night's accommodation 14 or 18 July (single occupancy single B&B)   £76


Terms and Conditions for Events run by the Royal Society of Chemistry

We have two types of grants available to attend this meeting: 
  • A limited number of non-competitive travel grants of up to £200 are available for PhD students and early career scientists. These are assigned on a first come, first served basis Applicants must be Royal Society of Chemistry members of any level at the time of making their application
  • Competitive grants of up to £800 are available to assist with international travel expenses for PhD students, postdocs within 10 years of completing their PhD and early career scientists (including technicians and industrialists) within 10 years of leaving full time education. In addition, applicants must be Royal Society of Chemistry members of any level at the time of making their application. 
To take advantage of the competitive grants and many other benefits, become a member. Follow the link on the right hand side to find out more and join today!

Applications for either grant should be submitted as early as possible.
Sponsors and Exhibitors
A selection of sponsorship opportunities are available for companies who would like to promote their activities at the 26th International Symposium: Synthesis in Organic Chemistry.

As well as booking a table top exhibition space, there are opportunities to sponsor social events, advertise in the abstract book or place a promotional item in delegate packs. A sponsorship menu document is available to download from this page with more details and prices.

If you would like more information about sponsoring the 26th International Symposium: Synthesis in Organic Chemistry, please contact the Commercial Sales Department at the Royal Society of Chemistry on solutions@rsc.org.  Sponsorship Menu
Churchill College

Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge, CB3 0DS, United Kingdom

Accommodation can be booked as part of the accommodation and evening meals package during registration. Please see the 'Registration' tab for further details and prices.

Contact information
Commercial Sales Team
Thomas Graham House,
Science Park,
Milton Road,
Contact us by email

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