Venue information

Please check that city, town and postcode is entered correctly before submitting the event, as we cannot verify these details, and incorrect spellings will deliver an inaccurate map reference.

If this is an online only event, and you have indicated this on the 'event' page earlier in the submission process, you do not need to enter venue details on this page.

As this has also been listed as an online event, venue details are not mandatory, however if the event is open to invited or registering attendees, please give us the venue details on this page

Is the event being held at the Royal Society of Chemistry's venue at Burlington House in London? *

Venue name *

eg University of Bristol, The Ritz


eg Lecture Theatre 1

Venue useful link


Venue address

Address 1 *
Address 2
Address 3
Town/City *
Postcode/Zipcode *
Country *
Region *

For guidance, see the RSC Region map