#TITLE: Homogeneity test for Ochratoxin in Cereal #DESCRIPTION: Ten random samples of cereal analysed for ochratoxin #VARIABLES: Sample; ID of test unit #VARIABLES: Name of analyte; ochratoxin #UNITS: Mass fraction times 10^9 (microgrammes per kilogramme, parts per billion) #REFERENCE_VALUES: n/a #APPLICATION_SECTOR: Food #ANALYTE: Ochratoxin #MATRIX_TYPE: Cereal #RATIONALE: Homogeneity test #DATA_TYPE: Repeatability #DATA_STRUCTURE: Nested #CONDITIONS: Experiemntal #ORIGIN: Withheld #DATE_OF_ORIGIN: 2005 #AUTHOR: Withheld #AUTHOR_ADDRESS: Withheld #LITERATURE_REFERENCES: None Sample Result 1 Result 2 1 21.3 21.1 2 21 21.4 3 20.6 19.4 4 21.6 22.2 5 21.5 21.4 6 19.5 19.6 7 19.4 20.7 8 19.5 21.5 9 20.1 20.1 10 19.9 20.2