#TITLE: Homogeneity test for 1,3-DCP and 3-MCDP in soy sauce #DESCRIPTION: Ten random samples of soy sauce analysed for 1,3-DCP and 3-MCDP #VARIABLES: Sample: ID of test unit #VARIABLES: Names of analytes #UNITS: mass fraction time 10^9 (parts per billion) #REFERENCE_VALUES: n/a #APPLICATION_SECTOR: Food #ANALYTE: 1,3-dichloropropane (1,3-DCP) and 3-monochloropropane-1,2-diol (3-MCDP) #MATRIX_TYPE: Soy sauce #RATIONALE: Homogeneity test #DATA_TYPE: Experimental #DATA_STRUCTURE:Nested #CONDITIONS: Repeatability #ORIGIN: Withheld #DATE_OF_ORIGIN:Withheld #AUTHOR: Withheld #AUTHOR_ADDRESS:Withheld #LITERATURE_REFERENCES:None 1,3-DCP 3-MCDP Sample Result 1 Result 2 Result 1 Result 2 1 33.0 33.0 39.2 32.9 2 34.0 32.0 36.8 36.7 3 32.9 33.9 38.4 34.2 4 32.8 32.5 36.7 37.4 5 34.5 33.9 37.1 39.8 6 33.3 33.0 35.2 37.1 7 33.5 33.2 31.2 39.5 8 32.6 31.7 36.9 39.6 9 36.0 35.0 41.7 36.4 10 33.2 36.0 41.3 37.8