Issue 8, 2009

Modifying metal–polymernanostructures using UV exposure


Metals have a variety of behaviors when deposited onto diblock copolymer films, in particular, poly(styrene-b-methylmethacrylate). Silver is known to form nanowires, whereas gold forms ellipsoidal nanoparticles of different sizes on each of the blocks, and chromium creates a uniform film on PS-b-PMMA. We show that with UV light we can alter the separation between silver nanowires, by making each wire narrower. We also demonstrate the effects of UV light on PS-b-PMMA coated with thin layers of gold and chromium, as observed with atomic force microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. We have found that UV exposure increased corrugation of such metal–polymer hybrids by removing PMMA domains, but did not remove metal residing on top of those domains. The ability to manipulate the morphology of these nanomaterials has potential application in areas such as electronics and sensor technology.

Graphical abstract: Modifying metal–polymer nanostructures using UV exposure

Article information

Article type
20 Nov 2008
23 Jan 2009
First published
02 Mar 2009

Soft Matter, 2009,5, 1683-1686

Modifying metal–polymer nanostructures using UV exposure

N. Yufa, S. Fronk, S. B. Darling, R. Divan, W. Lopes and S. J. Sibener, Soft Matter, 2009, 5, 1683 DOI: 10.1039/B820775E

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