File Name : figures2.docx Caption : white light image for different control and infected tissue section area, with the corresponding peak intensity ratio maps. File Name : figures3.docx Caption : empirical analysis results using two different peak intensity ratios. (a) scatter plot of peak intensity ratios (i1170/ i1585) for the 43 average raman spectra from all the control and malaria infected mice spleen tissue that were mapped. as with figure 2, clear separation is also observed using these peaks. (b) average intensity ratio plots for the control (0.183 ± 0.005) and infected (0.255 ± 0.004) data sets. this difference in mean ratios was also shown to be statistically relevant (unpaired student’s t-test, p < 0.0001). File Name : figures4.docx Caption : core heme-structure of hemoglobin and hemozoin units, highlighting the structural similarities of the two compounds. File Name : figures5.docx Caption : . images of uninfected & p. berghei infected spleen sections, stained using a prussian blue stain. brown hemozoin deposits within the infected sample are indicated by the black arrows. other results: iron (hemosiderin) – blue; nuclei – red; background – pink.