File Name : fig. s1.tif Caption : fig. s1 the typical xps analysis of the as-prepared wz-mnse nanoconveyors, (a) mn 2p region, and (b) se 3d region. the two distinct peaks of 642.2 and 653.9 ev are assigned to mn 2p3/2 and mn 2p1/2 core level, respectively, which can be used as a fingerprint to identify the presence of mn(ii), and the fitting peaks centered at 55.3 ev is consistent with se 3d core level.s1 File Name : fig. s2.tif Caption : fig. s2 hrtem image of the endpoint in a nw. the two yellow arrowheads indicate the boundary between ag2se and mnse. the ag2se nanoparticles can be indexed to the cubic phase with the space group of im3m (a = 4.99 å), and the mnse nw has a wz-type structure with the space group of p63mc (a = 4.16 å, c = 6.70 å). along the interfaces, the mismatch value between mnse (1 00)[11 0] and ag2se (002)[110] is ~1.7 %, the mismatch of mnse (1 00)[0001] and ag2se (002)[110] is ~5.5 %, and the mismatch for mnse (0002)[ 3 00] and ag2se (002)[110] is ~16 %, as calculated using the standard cell parameters. File Name : fig. s3.tif Caption : fig. s3 tem images of the sample obtained at different amount of ag nanoparticle solution: (a) 0.05 ml, and (b) 0.2 ml. File Name : fig. s4.tif Caption : fig. s4 (a, b) low-, (c) high-magnification tem images of the synthesized mnse nanosaws with thick teeth. File Name : fig. s5.tif Caption : fig. s5 sem images of the synthesized mnse nanopods. File Name : fig. s6.tif Caption : fig. s6 (a) low-, (b) high-magnification tem images, (c) hrtem image of the synthesized mnse nanocondyles. File Name : fig. s7.tif Caption : fig. s7 (a) temperature dependence of fc and zfc susceptibility, (b) hysteresis loops at 5 k for the short teeth nanoconveyors obtained at 300 °c, 3 min and solid nanopods.