The insilicolynxdqi Python library needs to calculate a large amount of data to generate the DQI and HLD parameters referred to in this study. This raw data can be replicated by running the following command line code on a computer where the insilicolynxdqi Python library has been installed (see installation instructions distributed with the library). The following code assumes that the insilicolynxdqi Python library has been installed on to a Linux or Win32 computer (running an appropriate version of Python) and that the "(8) Input_data.txt" has also been downloaded to a folder (on the same computer) and, for simiplicity, its file name changed to "data.txt". Open a new terminal (Linux) or a new command prompt (Win32) on the said computer and change the working directory to the folder containing the said "data.txt" file. To replicate the data in Figs. 3, 4a type the following and press "enter": >>> -df data.txt -m 3 To replicate the data in Fig. 4b type the following and press "enter": >>> -df data.txt -m 4 To replicate the data in Figs. 5 and 6 and Table 2 type the following and press "enter" (note, this can take a significant amount of time to run): >>> -df data.txt -m 3 -es 50 -ep cl v