File Name : fig.s1.tif Caption : fig. s1 simulated ir spectra of the most stable folded structures ac12, ac14, at11 and at14 at the b3lyp-d3 level with experimental results expa and expb for comparison. a lorentzian profile with a fwhm of 20 cm-1 is used to convolute the calculated spectra. File Name : fig.s2.tif Caption : fig. s2 simulated ir spectra of conformer at4 at the b3lyp-d3 and m062x level with experimental results expa and expb for comparison. a lorentzian profile with a fwhm of 20 cm-1 is used to convolute the calculated spectra. File Name : fig.s3.tif Caption : fig. s3 the computed ir spectrum of representative conformer at1 in the anharmonic motion (red) and the calibrated harmonic motion (black, scaling factor: 0.9813) at the b3lyp(bj)/6-311++g (d, p) level. a lorentzian profile with a fwhm of 20 cm-1 is used to convolute the calculated spectra.