File Name : supplementary figure 1.tif Caption : supplementary figure 1. non-linear dose-response association between grape supplementation and absolute mean differences. dose-response relations between grape supplementation and absolute mean differences in hdl (mg/dl- 57 trials), ldl (mg/dl- 56 trials), tc (mg/dl- 57 trials) and tg (mg/dl- 54 trials) based on dose of polyphenols (mg/day) were depicted. grape supplementation did change hdl (r = -0.808, p-nonlinearity = 0.038) and ldl (r = 8.79, p-nonlinearity = 0.020) based on dose of polyphenols in nonlinear fashion. however grape supplementation did not change tc (r = 0.95, p-nonlinearity = 0.35) and tg (r = -18.62, p-nonlinearity = 0.076) significantly based on dose of polyphenols in nonlinear fashion. the 95% ci is outlined between lines. File Name : supplementary figure 2.tif Caption : supplementary figure 2. non-linear dose-response association between grape supplementation and absolute mean differences. dose-response relations between grape supplementation and absolute mean differences in hdl (mg/dl- 57 trials), ldl (mg/dl- 56 trials), tc (mg/dl- 57 trials) and tg (mg/dl- 54 trials) based on duration (weeks) were depicted. grape supplementation did not change hdl (r = -0.18, p-nonlinearity = 0.504), ldl (r = 0.24, p-nonlinearity = 0.418), tc (r = 1.10, p-nonlinearity = 0.328) and tg (r = 4.97, p-nonlinearity = 0.402) based on duration in nonlinear fashion. the 95% ci is outlined between lines.