Additions and corrections

Inclusion of triphenylmethane derivatives by crown and linear O-containing molecules: selective interactions and crystal structures

Marina S. Fonari*, Yurii A. Simonov, Wen-Jwu Wang, Shang-Wei Tang and Eduard V. Ganin

CrystEngComm, 2009, 11, DOI: 10.1039/b810076d. Amendment published 19th December 2008.

We have discovered the following errors in the paper:

1. In Table 1, on page 96, line 2 and on page 98, line 12 below Fig. 4: Instead of P1 space group it should be P-1 (hyphen should be above 1 showing that it is a centrosymmetric space group).

2. In line 18 on page 96 and in last line on page 98: It should be 'trifluoroacetate' instead of 'triflate' anion.

The Royal Society of Chemistry apologises for these errors and any consequent inconvenience to authors and readers.
