File Name : figs1.tif Caption : figure s1. ft-ir spectrum of ppf. File Name : figs2.tif Caption : figure s2. nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherms of ppf and the inset shows the corresponding pore size distributions. File Name : figs3.tif Caption : figure s3. xrd pattern of ppf. File Name : figs4 .tif Caption : figure s4. high resolution xps spectra of s 1s for fenc@nsc. File Name : figs5 .tif Caption : figure s5. a, b) sem and c,d) tem images of ppf. File Name : figs6 .tif Caption : figure s6. a, b) sem images of nsc. c, d) tem images of nsc. File Name : figs7 .tif Caption : figure s7. sem images of ppf in different tpapp:dfth ratio of a) 86 mg : 10 mg and b) 86 mg : 60 mg. File Name : figs8 .tif Caption : figure s8. a, b) hrtem images of fenc@nsc and c-h) corresponding element mapping. File Name : figs9.tif Caption : figure s9. cv curves of a) nsc and b) fenc@nsc. File Name : figs10.tif Caption : figure s10. lsv curves of a) pt/c and b) fes-fenc@nsc with the rotating speed range from 400 to 2000 rpm. the k-l plots of c) pt/c and d) fes-fenc@nsc. File Name : figs11.tif Caption : figure s11. lsv curves of fes-fenc@nsc after 4000 cvs cycles. File Name : figs12.tif Caption : figure s12. xrd pattern of fes-fenc@nsc after amperometric i-t measurement for 36000 s. File Name : figs13.tif Caption : figure s13. nyquist plots of electrochemical impedance data. File Name : figs14.tif Caption : figure s14. lsv polarization curve of fes-fenc@nsc in different carbonization temperature.