File Name : figs0a.jpg Caption : average raman spectra of different samples and standard deviation. the average value (¯x) are presented by the red lines, while the standard deviation of each point (σ) are presented by the grey line ( ¯x+σ, ¯x-σ). File Name : figs1.tif Caption : raman spectrum of pbi2 resulting of placing fapbi3 under an excitation power higher than 1 mw (λ=633nm). File Name : figs2.tif Caption : pl signal of the fapbi3 polymorphs at rt: αi (824 nm), αδ (765 nm) and αrec(814 nm). File Name : figs3.tif Caption : raman spectrum and pl signal of αδ*-fapbi3. this corresponds to the αδ-phase that appears in yellow needle-like fapbi3 crystals. these are directly synthesized via heating the 1m fapbi3+gbl solution at 70°c overnight. File Name : figs4a.tif Caption : fig. 5 temperature dependence of pl signal position of the transitions of fapbi3: (a)αi→αht and (b) αrec→αht. File Name : figs5.tif Caption : temperature dependent xrd measurements of αi-fapbi3 scs. File Name : figs6a.tif Caption : comparison of experimental xrd patterns of as-prepared fapbi3 thin film annealed at 120°c with: a) annealed at 80°c and 100°c and with b) simulated cubic pm¯3m and im¯3 patterns via le bail fitting. File Name : figs8a.tiff Caption : graphical representation of the results obtained from pawley refinement of the xrd patterns obtained at rt: (a) lattice constants of cubic (pm¯3m) phase and (b) full-width-at-half-maximum (fwhm) values for the corresponding 002- and 022-diffraction maxima. coloured points correspond to thin films prepared at noticed temperatures. on the abscissa, three polymorphs of the samples are given: as-prepared (αi, cubic - 100%), degraded (αδ, cubic – 19-24%, the rest is δ-phase) and recovered (αrec, cubic – 77-93%, the rest is pbi2).