Additions and corrections

The case of thresholdless antiferroelectricity: polarization-stabilized twisted SmC* liquid crystals give V-shaped electro-optic response

P. Rudquist, J. P. F. Lagerwall, M. Buivydas, F. Gouda, S. T. Lagerwall, N. A. Clark, J. E. Maclennan, R. Shao, D. A. Coleman, S. Bardon, T. Bellini, D. R. Link, G. Natale, M. A. Glaser, D. M. Walba, M. D. Wand and X.-H. Chen

J. Mater. Chem., 1999, 9, 1257-1261. Amendment published 17th January 2000

An acknowledgement of NASA support was omitted form this article. The phrase "NASA Grant NAG3-1846," should be included in the Acknowledgements section between the mentions of support from "AFOSR MURI" and "Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research".

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