File Name : novle figure s1.tif Caption : figure s1 the giant component of lpn and 1000 randomized networks File Name : figure s2.tif Caption : figure s2 the degree distribution of (a) lncrna nodes and (b) protein nodes in lpn File Name : figure s3.tif Caption : figure s3 the venn diagram of go-term numbers enriched by four lncrna categories File Name : figure s4.tif Caption : figure s4 the comparison of topological features analysis of lncrna binding proteins with other kinds of proteins in string network. we repeat all the analysis of the figure 4 in another ppi network from string database and got similar results. we also compared the (a) degree, (b) betweenness, (c) closeness and (d) clustering coefficient of lbps to the other kinds of proteins (disease, essential and all proteins).