#TITLE: Homogeneity test for types of fat in mixed fat spread #DESCRIPTION: Ten random samples of mixed fat spread analysed for saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. #VARIABLES: Sample; ID of distribution unit #VARIABLES: Saturated; saturated fatty acids #VARIABLES: Monounsat; Monounsaturated fatty acids #VARIABLES: Polyunsaturated fatty acids #UNITS: Mass fraction times 100 (% by mass) #REFERENCE_VALUES: n/a #APPLICATION_SECTOR: Food #ANALYTE: Fatty acids #MATRIX_TYPE: Mixed fat spread #RATIONALE: Homogeneity test #DATA_TYPE: Experimental #DATA_STRUCTURE: Nested #CONDITIONS: Repeatability #ORIGIN: Withheld #DATE_OF_ORIGIN: Withheld #AUTHOR: Withheld #AUTHOR_ADDRESS: Withheld #LITERATURE_REFERENCES: None Saturated Monounsat Polyunsat Sample Result 1 Result 2 Result 1 Result 2 Result 1 Result 2 1 40.91 40.88 27.04 27.02 24.99 24.98 2 40.91 40.95 27 27.01 24.96 24.95 3 40.96 40.99 26.9 26.92 25.04 25.02 4 41.12 41.11 26.85 26.89 24.98 24.99 5 41.18 41.09 26.86 26.85 24.93 24.9 6 41.04 41.05 26.89 26.89 25.01 24.99 7 40.77 40.73 27.05 27.12 25.09 25.09 8 40.82 40.78 27.08 27.1 25.04 25.07 9 40.83 40.82 27.03 27.03 25.04 25.05 10 40.77 40.72 27.13 27.13 25.07 25.11