#TITLE: Winkler #DESCRIPTION: Dissolved oxygen in water by Winkler method (1) and a modification (2). #VARIABLES: Oxygen O2 #UNITS: milligrammes per litre #REFERENCE_VALUES: None #APPLICATION_SECTOR: Environment #ANALYTE: Dissolved oxygen. #MATRIX_TYPE: Water #RATIONALE: Environmental control #DATA_TYPE: Real #DATA_STRUCTURE: Each line is a separate sample. #DATA_STRUCTURE: n(.) is number of repeat measurements. #DATA_STRUCTURE: Mean (.) is the mean result. #DATA_STRUCTURE: Stdev(.) is the standard deviation of the results. #CONDITIONS: Repeatability #ORIGIN: India #DATE_OF_ORIGIN: 2010 #AUTHOR: Shriwastav A, Sudarsan G, Bose P, Tare V. #AUTHOR_ADDRESS: Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, #AUTHOR_ADDRESS: Kanpur, 208016, India. #LITERATURE_REFERENCES:1. Analytical Methods, 2010, 2, 1618-1622. n(1) Mean(1) Stdev(1) n(2) Mean(2) Stdev(2) 20 2.13 0.26 20 2.14 0.42 20 1.03 0.14 20 1.27 0.29 20 1.74 0.21 20 1.95 0.39 5 4.74 0.19 9 4.34 1.19 10 1.53 0.09 10 1.54 0.3 10 4.25 0.33 10 4.37 0.38 10 1.99 0.2 10 2.34 0.35 9 8.7 0.29 9 9.92 0.43 9 3.12 0.44 10 3.44 0.32 10 3.36 0.27 10 3.49 0.19 10 3.08 0.52 10 3.19 0.57 10 3.46 0.67 10 3.52 0.34 10 4.56 0.36 10 4.48 0.82 10 4.02 0.35 10 3.96 0.64 10 5.33 0.15 10 5.91 0.3 10 4.04 0.38 10 4.73 0.61 10 3.98 0.54 10 4.48 0.43 10 3.07 0.11 10 3.3 0.37 10 4.88 0.54 10 5.01 0.34 10 6.01 0.28 10 6.49 0.45 10 5.47 0.66 10 5.67 0.81 9 5.9 0.35 10 5.91 0.63 10 3.94 0.3 10 4.13 0.37 10 4.56 0.48 10 4.54 0.61 10 6.29 0.27 10 6.61 0.62 10 4.76 0.93 10 4.95 0.34 10 4.22 0.28 10 4.4 0.29 10 4.42 0.73 10 4.95 0.34 10 5.17 0.5 10 5.51 0.91 10 5.95 0.59 10 6 0.8 10 5.93 0.26 10 6.22 0.43 10 5.01 0.24 10 5.5 0.37 10 4.46 0.69 10 4.92 0.3