File Name : fig1si.eps Caption : figure 1, supplementary information: heat capacity as a function of temperature for 30 nm ps films annealed at 248 k at the indicated aging time. the reference curve corresponds to a sample heated up just after cooling. the inset shows the resulting recovered enthalpies (right axis) and $t_f$(s) (left axis) as a function of the aging time. File Name : fig2si.eps Caption : figure 2, supplementary information: heat capacity as a function of temperature of 30 nm thick ps films cooled down at 20 k/min (brown line), melt (red line) and glass (blue line) bulk ps. File Name : fig3si.eps Caption : figure 2, supplementary information: recovered enthalpy as a function of aging temperature for 30 nm thick ps films and bulk ps aged for 480 min and 5 days, respectively. dashed lines are guides to the eye.