File Name : videos1.wmv Caption : video s1. video of the application of a 4 v pulse with a cc = 10 ma on the top electrode. spherical deformations appear due the pulse application. the video has the same scale than figure s1. File Name : videos2.wmv Caption : video s2. video of the application of a -4 v pulse with a cc = 10 ma on the top electrode. less spherical deformations appear due the pulse application in comparison with a positive voltage. the video has the same scale than figure s1. File Name : videos3.wmv Caption : video s3. video of the application of a 4 v pulse with cc = 10 ma and after that, a second voltage pulse with opposite polarity of -4 v pulse with cc = 10 ma at the top electrode was applied. spherical deformations appear when the first voltage application. practically no new deformations appear after the second pulse application. after the device is electroformed do not suffer any new deformation even if pulse voltages of both polarities are applied. the video has the same scale than figure s1.