File Name : figure s1.tif Caption : figure s1. (a) total dos and partial dos of p orbitals of the i atom, p orbitals of s atom, and d orbitals of cr atom for the unstrained monolayer crsi. (b) spin-up and (c) spin-down band structures for the unstrained monolayer crsi. the fermi energy is indicated by the dashed vertical line. File Name : figure s2.tif Caption : figure s2. 2×2×1 supercells of monolayer crsi with (a) fm and (b-f) five different antiferromagnetic states. the arrows represent the spin orientation of cr atoms. the gray, yellow and red balls represent cr, s and i atoms, respectively. File Name : figure s3.tif Caption : figure s3. the p orbital-resolved mae of i atom for the unstrained monolayer crsi when (a) angle θ is equal to 0° and (b) angle θ is equal to 90°.