File Name : figuresuppltheoreticalmodel.log
Caption : figure s1: illustration of the forces on a membrane roll (a). fx denotes the rolling force in the x-direction, fd is the drag force and the adhesion energy per area is given by wad. 3-dimensional illustration of the membrane roll (b). the width of the roll w is indicated.
File Name : figuresupplres1.log
Caption : figure s2: the cumulative rolled distance as a function of time for the theoretical model. the dashed line marks the maximum rolled distance.
File Name : figuresupplres2.log
Caption : figure s3: the rolling velocity as a function of time. the blue line shows the theoretical model, while the experimental data for stxb and ctxb are shown in red and black respectively (a). by performing a zoom the initial theoretical peak of the rolling velocity can be viewed (b).
File Name : figuresuppl1controls.log
Caption : figure s4: control experiments for stxb and ctxb. no response of the membrane patch is observed when the glycosphingolipids are removed for both stxb (a, b) and ctxb (d). in the absense of ca2+ and pops rolling is only occuring in some cases whereas in most cases the membrane patch is dissolved and goes into solution over time as observed for both stxb and ctxb (e-k). when the content of glycosphingolipids in the supported membranes is increased to 15 % roll-up of the membrane patch is still observed for both stxb (l, m) and ctxb (n, o). cell concentrations of proteins for all experiments: stxb: 40 nm, stxb-alexa488: 40 nm, and ctxb: 40 nm. the experiments were performed with at least n = 5 repetitions.