File Name : fig 1s revised.tif Caption : fig. 1s: sem images of (a) chitosan nanofibres, (b) laccase molecules agglomerates in chitosan matrix File Name : fig 2s revised.tif Caption : fig. 2s: ftir spectra of, (a) mwcnt, (b) chitosan, (c) compressed chit-mwcnt, (d) compressed chit-mwcnt-laccase File Name : fig 3s revised.tif Caption : fig. 3s: (a) chronoamperometric response of chit-mwcnts electrode in phosphate buffer containing 0.005 mole l-1 ferrocyanide, (b) it1/2 as function of time. File Name : fig 4s revised.tif Caption : fig. 4s: chronoamperometric response of chit-mwcnt electrode at 0.2 v vs. sce. File Name : fig 5s revised.tif Caption : fig. 5s: chronoamperometric response at 0.2 v of the biocathode in presence of sodium fluoride in phosphate buffered saline solution ph 7 File Name : fig 6s revised.tif Caption : fig. 6s: chronoamperometric response at 0.2 v vs. sce of the biocathode in sheep serum at 37°c.