Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2007, 9

Additions and corrections

First-principles calculations of solid-state 17O and 29Si NMR spectra of Mg2SiO4 polymorphs

Sharon E. Ashbrook, Laurent Le Pollès, Chris J. Pickard, Andrew J. Berry, Stephen Wimperis and Ian Farnan

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2007, 9, 1587 (DOI: 10.1039/b618211a). Amendment published 20th September 2007

In Table 1 of this recent paper, the column headed CS contains a sign error. The corrected Table is given below:

Table 1 Experimental and calculated 29Si shielding parameters (isotropic chemical shift (iso), anisotropy (CS), asymmetry (CS) and principal tensor components (11, 22 and 33 expressed as deshieldings in order of decreasing ppm)) for -Mg2SiO4(forsterite)
  iso/ppm a CS/ppm CS 11/ppm 22/ppm 33/ppm

CASTEP (Brown37)–62.723.60.88–40.6–61.4–86.4
CASTEP geometry optimized (Brown37)–62.0a29.30.61–38.3–56.4–91.3
CASTEP (Hazen36)–62.431.10.62–37.3–56.5–93.4
Single-crystal NMR14––38.8–55.3–95.4
Static NMR––37.8–55.2–94.5
MAS NMR13–61.9
a For CASTEP calculations iso has been set to –62.0 ppm for the structure produced after geometry optimization and other values referenced relative to this.  

The original error also necessitates small corrections to Figures 2 and 8, given below:

[correct version of Fig. 2]
Fig. 2 (a)29Si (99.3 MHz) NMR spectrum of a static sample of forsterite, recorded using a spin-echo pulse sequence, where 144 transients were averaged with a recycle interval of 1200 s. The sample was packed in a 4-mm rotor and a radiofrequency field strength, 1/2, of 56 kHz was employed. Also shown are lineshapes simulated using principal tensor components from CASTEP calculations for the structures of Brown37 (b) before and (c) after geometry optimization, and (d) Hazen.36

[correct version of Fig. 8]
Fig. 8 Comparison of calculated and experimental 29Si CS and CS for forsterite (-Mg2SiO4). Calculated results are shown for the structures of Brown before (filled diamond) and after (diamond) optimization (Brown*) and Hazen (filled square). Experimental results from static powders (cross) and single-crystal work14 (star) are also shown.

The Royal Society of Chemistry apologises for these errors and any consequent inconvenience to authors and readers.
