File Name : figs1.eps Caption : fig. s1 : tem of the [0 0 1] zone in sc5rh6sn18. (a) fourier transform of the high-resolution image. no superstructure reflections were found in this zone. (b) corresponding fourier filtered high-resolution image. (c) simulated diffraction pattern of the [0 0 1] zone. (d) electron diffraction pattern of the [0 0 1] zone. intensities appear equalized due to dynamic scattering compared to the kinematic simulation in (c). File Name : figs2.eps Caption : fig. s2 : tem of the [1 1 0] zone in sc5rh6sn18. (a) fourier transform of the high-resolution image. no superstructure reflections were found in this zone. (b) corresponding fourier filtered high-resolution image. (c) simulated diffraction pattern of the [1 1 0] zone. (d) electron diffraction pattern of the [1 1 0] zone. intensities appear equalized due to dynamic scattering compared to the kinematic simulation in (c). File Name : figs3.eps Caption : fig. s3 first coordination sphere of the sn1-atom. a: the sc2sn14 polyhedron incorporated in trigonal prisms. b: illustration (ellipsoid probability: 90 %) of the anisotropic displacement parameters (see table s3) of all atoms forming the vertices of the polyhedron. c: sn1sc22sn14 frank-kasper polyhedron. File Name : figs4.eps Caption : fig. s4 the wyckoff positions together with atomic coordinates and occupational factors g (not given for the fictitious structure because g = 1) for the averaged tb5rh6sn18 structure and related to them positions in sc5ir6sn18 type. dashed pointed lines indicate the identical positions in both structures, while dashed lines show split positions within the same space group. the fictitious structure (sg i41cd) was obtained for the chemical bonding analysis from the sc5ir6sn18 type by a translationsgleiche transformation of index 2 (t2) within the group-subgroup scheme (see text for more details).