File Name : figure s1.pdf Caption : figure s1 effects of dfs on the growth performance. (a) body weight, (b) adg, adfi, and (c) fcr of pigs. con: control; mcc: microcrystalline cellulose; inu: inulin (n=6). adg: average daily gain; adfi: average daily feed intake; fcr: feed conversion ratio. data are expressed as min to max. figure s2 effects of dfs on bacterial community diversities in the ileum and colon of pigs. File Name : figure s2.pdf Caption : figure s2 effects of dfs on bacterial community diversities in the ileum and colon of pigs. alpha diversity index of bacteria, include the (a and d) chao1, (b and e) shannon, and (c and f) simpson in the ileum and colon. con: control; mcc: microcrystalline cellulose; inu: inulin (n=6). data are expressed as min to max. groups with different letters are statistically significant (p<0.05). File Name : figure s3.pdf Caption : figure s3 effect of dfs administration on the ileal (a) and colonic (b) microbiome composition at the phylum level.