File Name : figure s1.jpg Caption : figure s1. heatmap of the otus in control group altered by hfcd responding to ory treatment. control: control; hfcd: high fat and cholesterol diet; ory: hfcd supplemented with 0.5% w/w oryzanol. n=6 File Name : figure s2.jpg Caption : figure s2. (a) principal component analysis (pca) of the positive model; (b) principal component analysis (pca) of the negative model; (c) volcano plots of hfcd group vs control group, and ory group vs hfcd group; (d) volcano plots of ory group vs hfcd group; (e) venn analysis of significant differential metabolites. control: control; hfcd: high fat and cholesterol diet; ory: hfcd supplemented with 0.5% w/w oryzanol. n =10. File Name : figure s3.jpg Caption : figure s3. (a) human metabolome database (hmdb) classification; (b) heatmap of the metabolites in control group altered by hfcd responding to ory treatment; (c) cluster of orthologous groups (cog) of microbiotas. control: control; hfcd: high fat and cholesterol diet; ory: hfcd supplemented with 0.5% w/w oryzanol. a-b, n=10; c, n=6.