File Name : fig1_sm.pdf Caption : contour plots of the pes at different angular configurations for γ=γe. negative (blue lines) and positive (red lines) energies are separated in steps of 10 cm-1 and 100 cm-1, respectively. File Name : fig2_sm.pdf Caption : same as fig. 1 but for γ=80o. File Name : fig3_sm.pdf Caption : same as fig. 1 but for γ=150o. File Name : fig4_sm.pdf Caption : first vl1m1l2le,r) radial coefficients of the sicsi-h2 pes. File Name : fig5_sm.pdf Caption : analytical (lines) and ab initio (points) energies of the sicsi-h2 complex at r=16 å for several values of γ, at a fixed configuration of φ, θ´ and φ´. these ab initio energies were not included in the fitting procedure. File Name : fig6_sm.pdf Caption : contour plots of the pes of sicsi-h2 averaged over the h2 orientation for φ=90o at several values of γ. negative (blue lines) and positive (red lines) energies are separated in steps of 6 cm-1 and 50 cm-1, respectively.