File Name : supplementary figure 2.tiff Caption : supplementary figure 2. representative confocal z-stack images, with panc-1 cell only culture, day 14 of culture, to assess the growing of the pdac culture model in the entire depth of the culture chamber of the microfluidic device. hoechst staining showed the cells to be viable in the entire depth of the device. white arrows depict the microfluidic device depth of 100 µm. File Name : supplementary figure 3.tiff Caption : supplementary figure 3. representative confocal images of the negative control of the immunofluorescence stain of the pdac cultures grown in bme gel, day 14 of culture, for a) collagen type i and b) hif-alpha, prior to immunostaining the microfluidic pdac culture model for collagen type i and hif-1 alpha. scale bar, 50 µm. File Name : supplementary figure 4.tiff Caption : supplementary figure 4. the interstitial flow assessment with the perfusion of fluorescein-medium solution. a) images of the fluorescein-medium solution through bme gel only and the 21-day microfluidic pdac culture model at 0 minute and 25 – 30 minutes after perfusion. scale bar, 200 µm. b) the intensity profile of the perfusion versus the distant travelled in the device with bme gel only and the 21-day microfluidic pdac culture. File Name : supplementary figure 5.tiff Caption : supplementary figure 5. atp viability assessment of a) 21-day off-chip pdac culture and b) 21-day microfluidic pdac culture model, following a 72-hour incubation with losartan. File Name : supplementary figure 6.tiff Caption : supplementary figure 6. confocal images of the immunostained 21-day off-chip pdac cultures for hif-1 alpha following treatment with losartan of different concentrations. scale bar, 50 and 100 µm. File Name : supplementary figure 7.tiff Caption : supplementary figure 7. atp viability assessment of the off-chip and on-chip pdac cultures, following a 72-hour incubation with 31.25 µm gemcitabine.