# Supplementary Material (ESI) for Dalton Transactions # This journal is (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry 2008 data_global _journal_name_full 'Dalton Trans.' _journal_coden_Cambridge 0222 _journal_volume ? _journal_page_first ? _journal_year ? _publ_contact_author_name 'Euan Brechin' _publ_contact_author_email EBRECHIN@STAFFMAIL.ED.AC.UK _publ_section_title ; Rare tetranuclear mixed-valent [MnII2MnIV2] clusters as building blocks for extended networks ; loop_ _publ_author_name 'Euan Brechin' 'Anna Collins' 'Marco Evangelisti' 'Leigh F Jones' 'Georgios Karotsis' ; T.D.Nguyen ; 'Giannis Papaefstathiou' 'Simon Parsons' # Attachment 'eb7053-(1).cif' data_EB7053 _database_code_depnum_ccdc_archive 'CCDC 682648' _audit_creation_date 07-05-11 _audit_creation_method CRYSTALS_ver_12.84 _chemical_name_systematic ? _chemical_melting_point ? _cell_length_a 13.6721(3) _cell_length_b 9.1130(2) _cell_length_c 17.2367(4) _cell_angle_alpha 90 _cell_angle_beta 99.485(2) _cell_angle_gamma 90 _cell_volume 2118.23(8) _symmetry_cell_setting Monoclinic _symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'P 1 21/c 1 ' _symmetry_space_group_name_Hall '-P 2ybc' loop_ _symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz x,y,z -x,-y,-z -x,y+1/2,-z+1/2 x,-y+1/2,z+1/2 loop_ _atom_type_symbol _atom_type_scat_dispersion_real _atom_type_scat_dispersion_imag _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_a1 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_b1 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_a2 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_b2 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_a3 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_b3 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_a4 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_b4 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_c _atom_type_scat_source C 0.0033 0.0016 2.3100 20.8439 1.0200 10.2075 1.5886 0.5687 0.8650 51.6512 0.2156 'International Tables Vol C and' H 0.0000 0.0000 0.4930 10.5109 0.3229 26.1257 0.1402 3.1424 0.0408 57.7998 0.0030 'International Tables Vol C and' N 0.0061 0.0033 12.2126 0.0057 3.1322 9.8933 2.0125 28.9975 1.1663 0.5826 -11.5290 'International Tables Vol C and' O 0.0106 0.0060 3.0485 13.2771 2.2868 5.7011 1.5463 0.3239 0.8670 32.9089 0.2508 'International Tables Vol C and' Mn 0.3368 0.7283 11.2819 5.3409 7.3573 0.3432 3.0193 17.8674 2.2441 83.7543 1.0896 'International Tables Vol C and' Br -0.2901 2.4595 17.1789 2.1723 5.2358 16.5796 5.6377 0.2609 3.9851 41.4328 2.9557 'International Tables Vol C and' _cell_formula_units_Z 2 # Given Formula = C24 H64 Br4 Mn4 N4 O12 # Dc = 1.79 Fooo = 1144.00 Mu = 49.91 M = 570.06 # Found Formula = C24 H64 Br4 Mn4 N4 O12 # Dc = 1.79 FOOO = 1144.00 Mu = 49.91 M = 570.06 _chemical_formula_sum 'C24 H64 Br4 Mn4 N4 O12' _chemical_formula_moiety '[Mn4 O2 Br2 (C6H14N2O2)2 (EtOH)6] 2[Br]' _chemical_compound_source 'G. Karotsis' _chemical_formula_weight 1140.12 _cell_measurement_reflns_used 7039 _cell_measurement_theta_min 2 _cell_measurement_theta_max 28 _cell_measurement_temperature 150 _exptl_crystal_description block _exptl_crystal_colour black _exptl_crystal_size_min 0.14 _exptl_crystal_size_mid 0.24 _exptl_crystal_size_max 0.34 _exptl_crystal_density_diffrn 1.787 _exptl_crystal_density_meas ? # Non-dispersive F(000): _exptl_crystal_F_000 1144 _exptl_absorpt_coefficient_mu 4.991 # Sheldrick geometric approximatio 0.30 0.50 _exptl_absorpt_correction_type multi-scan _exptl_absorpt_process_details 'SADABS (Siemens, 1996)' _exptl_absorpt_correction_T_min 0.30 _exptl_absorpt_correction_T_max 0.50 _diffrn_measurement_device_type 'Bruker SMART' _diffrn_radiation_monochromator graphite _diffrn_radiation_type 'Mo K\a' _diffrn_radiation_wavelength 0.71073 _diffrn_measurement_method \w # If a reference occurs more than once, delete the author # and date from subsequent references. _computing_data_collection 'SMART (Siemens, 1993)' _computing_cell_refinement 'SAINT (Siemens ,1995)' _computing_data_reduction 'SAINT (Siemens ,1995)' _computing_structure_solution 'SIR92 (Altomare et al., 1994)' _computing_structure_refinement 'CRYSTALS (Betteridge et al., 2003)' _computing_publication_material 'CRYSTALS (Betteridge et al., 2003)' _computing_molecular_graphics 'CAMERON (Watkin et al., 1996)' _diffrn_standards_interval_time ? _diffrn_standards_interval_count ? _diffrn_standards_number 0 _diffrn_standards_decay_% ? _diffrn_ambient_temperature 150 _diffrn_reflns_number 25247 _reflns_number_total 5196 _diffrn_reflns_av_R_equivalents 0.043 # Number of reflections with Friedels Law is 5196 # Number of reflections without Friedels Law is 0 # Theoretical number of reflections is about 5586 _diffrn_reflns_theta_min 1.510 _diffrn_reflns_theta_max 28.913 _diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_max 0.929 _diffrn_reflns_theta_full 27.178 _diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_full 0.998 _diffrn_reflns_limit_h_min -18 _diffrn_reflns_limit_h_max 18 _diffrn_reflns_limit_k_min -12 _diffrn_reflns_limit_k_max 12 _diffrn_reflns_limit_l_min -22 _diffrn_reflns_limit_l_max 22 _reflns_limit_h_min -18 _reflns_limit_h_max 18 _reflns_limit_k_min 0 _reflns_limit_k_max 12 _reflns_limit_l_min 0 _reflns_limit_l_max 22 _oxford_diffrn_Wilson_B_factor 0.00 _oxford_diffrn_Wilson_scale 0.00 _atom_sites_solution_primary direct #heavy,direct,difmap,geom # _atom_sites_solution_secondary difmap _atom_sites_solution_hydrogens geom _refine_diff_density_min -0.91 _refine_diff_density_max 1.23 _refine_ls_number_reflns 5196 _refine_ls_number_restraints 67 _refine_ls_number_parameters 217 #_refine_ls_R_factor_ref 0.0508 _refine_ls_wR_factor_ref 0.0699 _refine_ls_goodness_of_fit_ref 0.7442 #_reflns_number_all 5196 _refine_ls_R_factor_all 0.0508 _refine_ls_wR_factor_all 0.0699 # No actual I/u(I) cutoff was used for refinement. The # threshold below is used for "_gt" information ONLY: _reflns_threshold_expression I>2.0\s(I) _reflns_number_gt 3655 _refine_ls_R_factor_gt 0.0308 _refine_ls_wR_factor_gt 0.0666 _refine_ls_shift/su_max 0.000731 # choose from: rm (reference molecule of known chirality), # ad (anomolous dispersion - Flack), rmad (rm and ad), # syn (from synthesis), unk (unknown) or . (not applicable). _chemical_absolute_configuration . _refine_ls_structure_factor_coef Fsqd _refine_ls_matrix_type full _refine_ls_hydrogen_treatment constr # none, undef, noref, refall, # refxyz, refU, constr or mixed _refine_ls_weighting_scheme calc _refine_ls_weighting_details ; Method= Modified Sheldrick w=1/[\s^2^(F^2^) + ( 0.00P)^2^ + 0.00P] ,where P=(max(Fo^2^,0) + 2Fc^2^)/3 ; _exptl_crystal_recrystallization_method ; Et2O diffusion in EtOH solution ; _refine_special_details ; Hydrogen atoms attached to carbon were placed geometrically. All Hydrogens on oxygen and nitrogen were located in a difference map. Hydrogens were refined subject to geometric contraints on bond lenghts and angles before finally being contrained to ride on their host atoms. Checkcif output: 220_ALERT_2_C Large Non-Solvent C Ueq(max)/Ueq(min) ... 3.32 Ratio 222_ALERT_3_B Large Non-Solvent H Ueq(max)/Ueq(min) ... 4.21 Ratio The methyl carbon in the ethanol molecules has more freedom of motion than atoms in bridging positions. 912_ALERT_3_B # Missing FCF Reflections Above STH/L=0.6 ...... 383 911_ALERT_3_C # Missing FCF Refl Between THmin & STh/l= 0.600 1 The data collection strategy intended to collect a sphere of data. See completeness statistics below. Resolution & Completeness Statistics (Cumulative and Friedel Pairs Averaged) #============================================================================== Theta sin(th)/Lambda Complete Expected Measured Missing #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20.82 0.500 1.000 2215 2214 1 23.01 0.550 1.000 2940 2939 1 25.24 0.600 1.000 3839 3838 1 #----------------------------------------------------------- ACTA Min. Res. --- 27.51 0.650 0.998 4882 4870 12 28.91 0.680 0.931 5580 5196 384 042_ALERT_1_C Calc. and Rep. MoietyFormula Strings Differ .... ? The moiety formula given is intended to be more chemically significant. 060_ALERT_3_C Ratio Tmax/Tmin (Exp-to-Rep) (too) Large ....... 1.21 Sadabs corrects for all systematic errors that lead to disparities in the intensities of symmetry-equivalent data. These may include absorption by the mount, crystal decay etc. 720_ALERT_4_C Number of Unusual/Non-Standard Label(s) ........ 12 795_ALERT_4_C C-Atom in CIF Coordinate List out of Sequence .. C23 796_ALERT_4_C O-Atom in CIF Coordinate List out of Sequence .. O13 Noted but no action taken. ; # Insert your own references if required - in alphabetical order _publ_section_references ; Altomare, A., Cascarano, G., Giacovazzo, G., Guagliardi, A., Burla, M.C., Polidori, G. & Camalli, M. (1994). J. Appl. Cryst. 27, 435. Betteridge, P.W., Carruthers, J.R., Cooper, R.I., Prout, K. & Watkin, D.J. (2003). J. Appl. Cryst. 36, 1487. Larson, A.C. (1970) Crystallographic Computing, Ed Ahmed, F.R., Munksgaard, Copenhagen, 291-294. Siemens Industrial Automation, Inc (1993). SMART: Area-Detector Software Package; Madison, WI. Siemens Industrial Automation, Inc (1995). SAINT: Area-Detector Integration Software.; Madison, WI. Siemens Industrial Automation, Inc (1996). SADABS: Area-Detector Absorption Correction;: Madison, WI. Watkin, D.J., Prout, C.K. & Pearce, L.J. (1996). CAMERON, Chemical Crystallography Laboratory, Oxford, UK. ; # Uequiv = arithmetic mean of Ui i.e. Ueqiv = (U1+U2+U3)/3 # Replace last . with number of unfound hydrogen atomsattached to an atom. # ..._refinement_flags_... # . no refinement constraints S special position constraint on site # G rigid group refinement of site R riding atom # D distance or angle restraint on site T thermal displacement constraints # U Uiso or Uij restraint (rigid bond) P partial occupancy constraint loop_ _atom_site_label _atom_site_type_symbol _atom_site_fract_x _atom_site_fract_y _atom_site_fract_z _atom_site_U_iso_or_equiv _atom_site_occupancy _atom_site_adp_type _atom_site_refinement_flags_posn _atom_site_refinement_flags_adp _atom_site_refinement_flags_occupancy _atom_site_disorder_assembly _atom_site_disorder_group _atom_site_attached_hydrogens Mn1 Mn 0.46176(3) 1.03658(4) 0.56514(2) 0.0164 1.0000 Uani D . . . . . O1 O 0.56250(13) 0.9255(2) 0.54043(10) 0.0184 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . N11 N 0.53715(16) 1.2351(2) 0.58930(13) 0.0188 1.0000 Uani D . . . . . C211 C 0.5672(2) 1.2410(3) 0.67717(16) 0.0231 1.0000 Uani D . . . . . C221 C 0.5999(2) 1.0910(3) 0.70763(16) 0.0235 1.0000 Uani D . . . . . N231 N 0.51555(16) 0.9921(3) 0.68111(12) 0.0208 1.0000 Uani D . . . . . C311 C 0.62770(19) 1.2681(3) 0.55303(15) 0.0211 1.0000 Uani D . . . . . C321 C 0.6182(2) 1.2564(3) 0.46458(16) 0.0206 1.0000 Uani D . . . . . O331 O 0.63268(13) 1.1128(2) 0.43734(10) 0.0198 1.0000 Uani D . . . . . C411 C 0.4591(2) 1.3473(3) 0.56305(16) 0.0220 1.0000 Uani D . . . . . C421 C 0.3638(2) 1.3058(3) 0.59269(17) 0.0233 1.0000 Uani D . . . . . O431 O 0.35407(13) 1.1508(2) 0.59075(11) 0.0202 1.0000 Uani D . . . . . Mn2 Mn 0.77116(3) 0.98976(5) 0.44354(2) 0.0214 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . O13 O 0.87794(15) 0.8186(2) 0.42661(12) 0.0313 1.0000 Uani D . . . . . C23 C 0.8772(2) 0.7247(4) 0.35953(19) 0.0363 1.0000 Uani D . . . . . C33 C 0.8991(3) 0.5682(4) 0.3824(3) 0.0582 1.0000 Uani D . . . . . O14 O 0.77422(15) 1.0483(2) 0.31896(11) 0.0302 1.0000 Uani D . . . . . C24 C 0.8638(3) 1.0875(4) 0.2898(2) 0.0454 1.0000 Uani D . . . . . C34 C 0.8480(3) 1.1987(5) 0.2276(3) 0.0681 1.0000 Uani D . . . . . O12 O 0.76437(15) 0.9018(3) 0.56270(12) 0.0351 1.0000 Uani D . . . . . C22 C 0.8392(3) 0.8635(4) 0.6274(2) 0.0472 1.0000 Uani D . . . . . C32 C 0.8767(3) 0.7125(5) 0.6219(2) 0.0630 1.0000 Uani D . . . . . Br1 Br 0.88828(2) 1.19716(4) 0.50174(2) 0.0342 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . Br2 Br 0.62691(2) 0.64746(3) 0.689709(16) 0.0243 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . H2111 H 0.6201 1.3131 0.6896 0.0277 1.0000 Uiso DR . . . . . H2112 H 0.5103 1.2733 0.7007 0.0283 1.0000 Uiso DR . . . . . H2211 H 0.6175 1.0968 0.7648 0.0274 1.0000 Uiso DR . . . . . H2212 H 0.6579 1.0571 0.6874 0.0284 1.0000 Uiso DR . . . . . H3111 H 0.6488 1.3674 0.5662 0.0247 1.0000 Uiso DR . . . . . H3112 H 0.6809 1.2026 0.5752 0.0250 1.0000 Uiso DR . . . . . H3211 H 0.6684 1.3166 0.4477 0.0244 1.0000 Uiso DR . . . . . H3212 H 0.5545 1.2898 0.4389 0.0250 1.0000 Uiso DR . . . . . H4111 H 0.4829 1.4441 0.5819 0.0258 1.0000 Uiso DR . . . . . H4112 H 0.4444 1.3465 0.5046 0.0262 1.0000 Uiso DR . . . . . H4211 H 0.3655 1.3403 0.6463 0.0286 1.0000 Uiso DR . . . . . H4212 H 0.3078 1.3516 0.5605 0.0290 1.0000 Uiso DR . . . . . H231 H 0.9253 0.7582 0.3285 0.0430 1.0000 Uiso DR . . . . . H232 H 0.8107 0.7298 0.3294 0.0432 1.0000 Uiso DR . . . . . H331 H 0.8979 0.5057 0.3370 0.0818 1.0000 Uiso DR . . . . . H332 H 0.9604 0.5676 0.4143 0.0818 1.0000 Uiso DR . . . . . H333 H 0.8481 0.5399 0.4122 0.0824 1.0000 Uiso DR . . . . . H241 H 0.9102 1.1293 0.3328 0.0560 1.0000 Uiso DR . . . . . H242 H 0.8928 0.9987 0.2686 0.0562 1.0000 Uiso DR . . . . . H341 H 0.9121 1.2250 0.2168 0.1019 1.0000 Uiso DR . . . . . H342 H 0.8159 1.2800 0.2489 0.1021 1.0000 Uiso DR . . . . . H343 H 0.8067 1.1568 0.1834 0.1027 1.0000 Uiso DR . . . . . H221 H 0.8934 0.9319 0.6278 0.0551 1.0000 Uiso DR . . . . . H222 H 0.8111 0.8689 0.6767 0.0541 1.0000 Uiso DR . . . . . H321 H 0.9270 0.6907 0.6680 0.0970 1.0000 Uiso DR . . . . . H322 H 0.9040 0.7027 0.5736 0.0974 1.0000 Uiso DR . . . . . H323 H 0.8206 0.6470 0.6200 0.0970 1.0000 Uiso DR . . . . . H4 H 0.4691 1.0069 0.7104 0.0299 1.0000 Uiso DR . . . . . H23 H 0.5330 0.8993 0.6870 0.0306 1.0000 Uiso DR . . . . . H28 H 0.7406 0.9877 0.2897 0.0456 1.0000 Uiso DR . . . . . H9 H 0.7065 0.8844 0.5675 0.0526 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . H24 H 0.9350 0.8222 0.4506 0.0454 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . loop_ _atom_site_aniso_label _atom_site_aniso_U_11 _atom_site_aniso_U_22 _atom_site_aniso_U_33 _atom_site_aniso_U_23 _atom_site_aniso_U_13 _atom_site_aniso_U_12 Mn1 0.0163(2) 0.0149(2) 0.01802(19) 0.00061(17) 0.00328(15) 0.00013(17) O1 0.0182(10) 0.0187(10) 0.0183(9) 0.0018(8) 0.0030(7) 0.0014(8) N11 0.0199(12) 0.0161(11) 0.0206(11) -0.0010(9) 0.0036(9) 0.0009(10) C211 0.0254(15) 0.0204(15) 0.0236(14) -0.0031(12) 0.0041(12) -0.0008(13) C221 0.0241(15) 0.0241(15) 0.0218(14) -0.0021(12) 0.0021(11) 0.0010(13) N231 0.0230(12) 0.0180(12) 0.0222(11) 0.0014(10) 0.0058(9) 0.0018(10) C311 0.0166(14) 0.0198(15) 0.0271(14) -0.0016(12) 0.0041(11) -0.0012(11) C321 0.0206(14) 0.0148(13) 0.0275(14) 0.0013(11) 0.0074(11) -0.0010(12) O331 0.0193(10) 0.0159(10) 0.0247(10) -0.0007(8) 0.0055(8) -0.0016(8) C411 0.0239(15) 0.0130(13) 0.0298(14) 0.0013(12) 0.0064(12) 0.0011(12) C421 0.0221(15) 0.0179(14) 0.0308(15) 0.0003(13) 0.0073(12) 0.0008(12) O431 0.0166(9) 0.0182(10) 0.0264(10) 0.0002(8) 0.0050(8) 0.0017(8) Mn2 0.0174(2) 0.0233(2) 0.0237(2) -0.00143(18) 0.00360(16) -0.00045(18) O13 0.0231(11) 0.0360(13) 0.0337(11) -0.0069(10) 0.0016(9) 0.0048(10) C23 0.0316(18) 0.039(2) 0.0380(18) -0.0103(16) 0.0061(14) 0.0043(15) C33 0.050(2) 0.038(2) 0.081(3) -0.015(2) -0.005(2) 0.0116(19) O14 0.0273(11) 0.0365(13) 0.0270(10) -0.0005(10) 0.0051(9) -0.0086(10) C24 0.035(2) 0.063(3) 0.0386(19) 0.0014(18) 0.0092(15) -0.0040(19) C34 0.041(2) 0.092(4) 0.072(3) 0.038(3) 0.009(2) -0.010(2) O12 0.0212(11) 0.0549(15) 0.0284(11) 0.0107(11) 0.0020(9) 0.0021(11) C22 0.034(2) 0.061(3) 0.043(2) 0.0157(19) -0.0047(16) -0.0005(19) C32 0.048(2) 0.085(3) 0.060(3) 0.035(2) 0.022(2) 0.022(2) Br1 0.02264(16) 0.03207(18) 0.04584(19) -0.00855(15) -0.00029(13) -0.00505(14) Br2 0.02642(16) 0.02168(15) 0.02461(14) 0.00203(12) 0.00380(11) 0.00215(13) _refine_ls_extinction_method None _oxford_refine_ls_scale 0.30779(19) loop_ _geom_bond_atom_site_label_1 _geom_bond_site_symmetry_1 _geom_bond_atom_site_label_2 _geom_bond_site_symmetry_2 _geom_bond_distance _geom_bond_publ_flag Mn1 . Mn1 2_676 2.7118(8) yes Mn1 . O331 2_676 1.8719(18) yes Mn1 . O1 2_676 1.8280(17) yes Mn1 . O1 . 1.8158(18) yes Mn1 . N11 . 2.089(2) yes Mn1 . N231 . 2.053(2) yes Mn1 . O431 . 1.9134(18) yes N11 . C211 . 1.504(3) yes N11 . C311 . 1.506(3) yes N11 . C411 . 1.494(3) yes C211 . C221 . 1.505(4) yes C211 . H2111 . 0.974 no C211 . H2112 . 0.980 no C221 . N231 . 1.476(3) yes C221 . H2211 . 0.976 no C221 . H2212 . 0.968 no N231 . H4 . 0.884 no N231 . H23 . 0.880 no C311 . C321 . 1.512(4) yes C311 . H3111 . 0.966 no C311 . H3112 . 0.969 no C321 . O331 . 1.416(3) yes C321 . H3211 . 0.961 no C321 . H3212 . 0.959 no O331 . Mn2 . 2.1877(18) yes C411 . C421 . 1.524(4) yes C411 . H4111 . 0.977 no C411 . H4112 . 0.994 no C421 . O431 . 1.418(3) yes C421 . H4211 . 0.973 no C421 . H4212 . 0.963 no O431 . Mn2 2_676 2.1421(19) yes Mn2 . O13 . 2.188(2) yes Mn2 . O14 . 2.2196(19) yes Mn2 . O12 . 2.221(2) yes Mn2 . Br1 . 2.5716(5) yes O13 . C23 . 1.437(4) yes O13 . H24 . 0.821 no C23 . C33 . 1.497(5) yes C23 . H231 . 0.963 no C23 . H232 . 0.970 no C33 . H331 . 0.966 no C33 . H332 . 0.923 no C33 . H333 . 0.968 no O14 . C24 . 1.444(4) yes O14 . H28 . 0.833 no C24 . C34 . 1.467(5) yes C24 . H241 . 0.969 no C24 . H242 . 0.997 no C34 . H341 . 0.956 no C34 . H342 . 0.964 no C34 . H343 . 0.950 no O12 . C22 . 1.427(4) yes O12 . H9 . 0.824 no C22 . C32 . 1.476(5) yes C22 . H221 . 0.968 no C22 . H222 . 0.990 no C32 . H321 . 0.981 no C32 . H322 . 0.971 no C32 . H323 . 0.968 no loop_ _geom_angle_atom_site_label_1 _geom_angle_site_symmetry_1 _geom_angle_atom_site_label_2 _geom_angle_site_symmetry_2 _geom_angle_atom_site_label_3 _geom_angle_site_symmetry_3 _geom_angle _geom_angle_publ_flag Mn1 2_676 Mn1 . O331 2_676 99.26(6) yes Mn1 2_676 Mn1 . O1 2_676 41.74(6) yes O331 2_676 Mn1 . O1 2_676 95.94(8) yes Mn1 2_676 Mn1 . O1 . 42.08(5) yes O331 2_676 Mn1 . O1 . 97.83(8) yes O1 2_676 Mn1 . O1 . 83.82(8) yes Mn1 2_676 Mn1 . N11 . 97.65(6) yes O331 2_676 Mn1 . N11 . 161.77(8) yes O1 2_676 Mn1 . N11 . 92.14(8) yes O1 . Mn1 . N11 . 99.27(8) yes Mn1 2_676 Mn1 . N231 . 129.23(7) yes O331 2_676 Mn1 . N231 . 90.78(8) yes O1 2_676 Mn1 . N231 . 169.57(8) yes O1 . Mn1 . N231 . 87.39(8) yes N11 . Mn1 . N231 . 83.74(9) yes Mn1 2_676 Mn1 . O431 . 137.83(6) yes O331 2_676 Mn1 . O431 . 81.19(8) yes O1 2_676 Mn1 . O431 . 96.11(8) yes O1 . Mn1 . O431 . 179.00(8) yes N11 . Mn1 . O431 . 81.73(8) yes N231 . Mn1 . O431 . 92.78(9) yes Mn1 2_676 O1 . Mn1 . 96.18(8) yes Mn1 . N11 . C211 . 106.03(16) yes Mn1 . N11 . C311 . 120.16(16) yes C211 . N11 . C311 . 107.7(2) yes Mn1 . N11 . C411 . 103.18(16) yes C211 . N11 . C411 . 110.1(2) yes C311 . N11 . C411 . 109.4(2) yes N11 . C211 . C221 . 109.5(2) yes N11 . C211 . H2111 . 108.4 no C221 . C211 . H2111 . 111.6 no N11 . C211 . H2112 . 108.9 no C221 . C211 . H2112 . 109.8 no H2111 . C211 . H2112 . 108.6 no C211 . C221 . N231 . 105.9(2) yes C211 . C221 . H2211 . 108.2 no N231 . C221 . H2211 . 113.3 no C211 . C221 . H2212 . 112.2 no N231 . C221 . H2212 . 109.8 no H2211 . C221 . H2212 . 107.5 no C221 . N231 . Mn1 . 108.49(16) yes C221 . N231 . H4 . 109.2 no Mn1 . N231 . H4 . 110.4 no C221 . N231 . H23 . 111.6 no Mn1 . N231 . H23 . 110.4 no H4 . N231 . H23 . 106.7 no N11 . C311 . C321 . 117.7(2) yes N11 . C311 . H3111 . 108.9 no C321 . C311 . H3111 . 105.9 no N11 . C311 . H3112 . 109.1 no C321 . C311 . H3112 . 106.8 no H3111 . C311 . H3112 . 108.0 no C311 . C321 . O331 . 113.9(2) yes C311 . C321 . H3211 . 108.6 no O331 . C321 . H3211 . 106.3 no C311 . C321 . H3212 . 111.4 no O331 . C321 . H3212 . 107.8 no H3211 . C321 . H3212 . 108.6 no C321 . O331 . Mn1 2_676 123.10(16) yes C321 . O331 . Mn2 . 128.69(16) yes Mn1 2_676 O331 . Mn2 . 102.51(8) yes N11 . C411 . C421 . 109.6(2) yes N11 . C411 . H4111 . 109.6 no C421 . C411 . H4111 . 111.7 no N11 . C411 . H4112 . 108.4 no C421 . C411 . H4112 . 107.3 no H4111 . C411 . H4112 . 110.1 no C411 . C421 . O431 . 108.7(2) yes C411 . C421 . H4211 . 110.5 no O431 . C421 . H4211 . 109.4 no C411 . C421 . H4212 . 109.9 no O431 . C421 . H4212 . 110.9 no H4211 . C421 . H4212 . 107.4 no Mn2 2_676 O431 . C421 . 132.02(17) yes Mn2 2_676 O431 . Mn1 . 102.79(8) yes C421 . O431 . Mn1 . 118.35(16) yes O331 . Mn2 . O431 2_676 69.34(7) yes O331 . Mn2 . O13 . 161.74(7) yes O431 2_676 Mn2 . O13 . 93.29(7) yes O331 . Mn2 . O14 . 89.07(7) yes O431 2_676 Mn2 . O14 . 91.05(7) yes O13 . Mn2 . O14 . 85.58(8) yes O331 . Mn2 . O12 . 93.58(7) yes O431 2_676 Mn2 . O12 . 83.46(8) yes O13 . Mn2 . O12 . 89.81(8) yes O14 . Mn2 . O12 . 172.62(8) yes O331 . Mn2 . Br1 . 96.93(5) yes O431 2_676 Mn2 . Br1 . 164.84(5) yes O13 . Mn2 . Br1 . 100.93(6) yes O14 . Mn2 . Br1 . 95.22(6) yes O12 . Mn2 . Br1 . 91.29(6) yes Mn2 . O13 . C23 . 127.97(18) yes Mn2 . O13 . H24 . 120.2 no C23 . O13 . H24 . 108.0 no O13 . C23 . C33 . 112.4(3) yes O13 . C23 . H231 . 110.1 no C33 . C23 . H231 . 108.8 no O13 . C23 . H232 . 106.5 no C33 . C23 . H232 . 108.4 no H231 . C23 . H232 . 110.6 no C23 . C33 . H331 . 111.9 no C23 . C33 . H332 . 106.6 no H331 . C33 . H332 . 111.8 no C23 . C33 . H333 . 105.3 no H331 . C33 . H333 . 110.8 no H332 . C33 . H333 . 110.2 no Mn2 . O14 . C24 . 123.25(18) yes Mn2 . O14 . H28 . 109.3 no C24 . O14 . H28 . 111.6 no O14 . C24 . C34 . 113.2(3) yes O14 . C24 . H241 . 108.5 no C34 . C24 . H241 . 106.6 no O14 . C24 . H242 . 109.8 no C34 . C24 . H242 . 108.2 no H241 . C24 . H242 . 110.4 no C24 . C34 . H341 . 106.6 no C24 . C34 . H342 . 105.8 no H341 . C34 . H342 . 111.8 no C24 . C34 . H343 . 107.7 no H341 . C34 . H343 . 112.9 no H342 . C34 . H343 . 111.5 no Mn2 . O12 . C22 . 132.61(19) yes Mn2 . O12 . H9 . 110.4 no C22 . O12 . H9 . 116.8 no O12 . C22 . C32 . 112.9(3) yes O12 . C22 . H221 . 107.3 no C32 . C22 . H221 . 109.1 no O12 . C22 . H222 . 109.2 no C32 . C22 . H222 . 106.8 no H221 . C22 . H222 . 111.5 no C22 . C32 . H321 . 110.0 no C22 . C32 . H322 . 109.1 no H321 . C32 . H322 . 111.0 no C22 . C32 . H323 . 107.2 no H321 . C32 . H323 . 110.3 no H322 . C32 . H323 . 109.2 no # Attachment 'eb7054-(2).cif' data_CRYSTALS_cif _database_code_depnum_ccdc_archive 'CCDC 682649' _audit_creation_date 07-05-29 _audit_creation_method CRYSTALS_ver_12.84 _chemical_compound_source ' G.Karotsis reaction GK3 ' _exptl_crystal_recrystallization_method ; Evaporation of ethanol ; _oxford_structure_analysis_title 'rhomb in R-3' _chemical_name_systematic ? _chemical_melting_point ? _cell_length_a 23.5608(3) _cell_length_b 23.5608(3) _cell_length_c 15.5896(6) _cell_angle_alpha 90 _cell_angle_beta 90 _cell_angle_gamma 120 _cell_volume 7494.6(3) _symmetry_cell_setting Trigonal _symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'R -3 ' _symmetry_space_group_name_Hall '-R 3' loop_ _symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz x,y,z -x,-y,-z x+1/3,y+2/3,z+2/3 -x+1/3,-y+2/3,-z+2/3 x+2/3,y+1/3,z+1/3 -x+2/3,-y+1/3,-z+1/3 -y,x-y,z y,-x+y,-z -y+1/3,x-y+2/3,z+2/3 y+1/3,-x+y+2/3,-z+2/3 -y+2/3,x-y+1/3,z+1/3 y+2/3,-x+y+1/3,-z+1/3 -x+y,-x,z x-y,x,-z -x+y+1/3,-x+2/3,z+2/3 x-y+1/3,x+2/3,-z+2/3 -x+y+2/3,-x+1/3,z+1/3 x-y+2/3,x+1/3,-z+1/3 loop_ _atom_type_symbol _atom_type_scat_dispersion_real _atom_type_scat_dispersion_imag _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_a1 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_b1 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_a2 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_b2 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_a3 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_b3 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_a4 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_b4 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_c _atom_type_scat_source C 0.0033 0.0016 2.3100 20.8439 1.0200 10.2075 1.5886 0.5687 0.8650 51.6512 0.2156 'International Tables Vol C and' H 0.0000 0.0000 0.4930 10.5109 0.3229 26.1257 0.1402 3.1424 0.0408 57.7998 0.0030 'International Tables Vol C and' N 0.0061 0.0033 12.2126 0.0057 3.1322 9.8933 2.0125 28.9975 1.1663 0.5826 -11.5290 'International Tables Vol C and' O 0.0106 0.0060 3.0485 13.2771 2.2868 5.7011 1.5463 0.3239 0.8670 32.9089 0.2508 'International Tables Vol C and' Cl 0.1484 0.1585 11.4604 0.0104 7.1964 1.1662 6.2556 18.5194 1.6455 47.7784 -9.5574 'International Tables Vol C and' Mn 0.3368 0.7283 11.2819 5.3409 7.3573 0.3432 3.0193 17.8674 2.2441 83.7543 1.0896 'International Tables Vol C and' _cell_formula_units_Z 9 # Given Formula = C16 H46 Cl4 Mn4 N4 O11 # Dc = 1.66 Fooo = 3276.00 Mu = 18.54 M = 416.04 # Found Formula = C12 H32 Cl4 Mn4 N4 O8 # Dc = 1.44 FOOO = 3276.00 Mu = 18.36 M = 360.97 _chemical_formula_sum 'C16 H46 N4 O11 Cl4 Mn4' _chemical_formula_moiety '[Mn4(O)2(C6N2O2H14)2(OH2)2(Cl)4].(C2OH6)2(H2O)' _chemical_formula_weight 832.08 _cell_measurement_reflns_used 5589 _cell_measurement_theta_min 2 _cell_measurement_theta_max 29 _cell_measurement_temperature 150 _exptl_crystal_description square _exptl_crystal_colour black _exptl_crystal_size_min 0.30 _exptl_crystal_size_mid 0.31 _exptl_crystal_size_max 0.40 _exptl_crystal_density_diffrn 1.66 _exptl_crystal_density_meas ? # Non-dispersive F(000): _exptl_crystal_F_000 3276 _exptl_absorpt_coefficient_mu 1.854 # Sheldrick geometric approximatio 0.57 0.58 _exptl_absorpt_correction_type multi-scan _exptl_absorpt_process_details 'SADABS (Siemens, 1996)' _exptl_absorpt_correction_T_min 0.48 _exptl_absorpt_correction_T_max 0.58 _diffrn_measurement_device_type 'Bruker SMART' _diffrn_radiation_monochromator graphite _diffrn_radiation_type 'Mo K\a' _diffrn_radiation_wavelength 0.71073 _diffrn_measurement_method \w # If a reference occurs more than once, delete the author # and date from subsequent references. _computing_data_collection 'SMART (Siemens, 1993)' _computing_cell_refinement 'SAINT (Siemens ,1995)' _computing_data_reduction 'SAINT (Siemens ,1995)' _computing_structure_solution 'SIR92 (Altomare et al., 1994)' _computing_structure_refinement 'CRYSTALS (Betteridge et al., 2003)' _computing_publication_material 'CRYSTALS (Betteridge et al., 2003)' _computing_molecular_graphics 'CAMERON (Watkin et al., 1996)' _diffrn_standards_interval_time ? _diffrn_standards_interval_count ? _diffrn_standards_number 0 _diffrn_standards_decay_% ? _diffrn_ambient_temperature 150 _diffrn_reflns_number 33942 _reflns_number_total 4268 _diffrn_reflns_av_R_equivalents 0.025 # Number of reflections with Friedels Law is 4268 # Number of reflections without Friedels Law is 0 # Theoretical number of reflections is about 4650 _diffrn_reflns_theta_min 1.644 _diffrn_reflns_theta_max 29.522 _diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_max 0.915 _diffrn_reflns_theta_full 27.456 _diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_full 0.996 _diffrn_reflns_limit_h_min -32 _diffrn_reflns_limit_h_max 16 _diffrn_reflns_limit_k_min 0 _diffrn_reflns_limit_k_max 32 _diffrn_reflns_limit_l_min 0 _diffrn_reflns_limit_l_max 20 _reflns_limit_h_min -32 _reflns_limit_h_max 16 _reflns_limit_k_min 0 _reflns_limit_k_max 32 _reflns_limit_l_min 0 _reflns_limit_l_max 20 _oxford_diffrn_Wilson_B_factor 1.49 _oxford_diffrn_Wilson_scale 751.15 _atom_sites_solution_primary direct #heavy,direct,difmap,geom # _atom_sites_solution_secondary difmap _atom_sites_solution_hydrogens geom _refine_diff_density_min -0.53 _refine_diff_density_max 1.04 _refine_ls_number_reflns 4268 _refine_ls_number_restraints 0 _refine_ls_number_parameters 145 #_refine_ls_R_factor_ref 0.0486 _refine_ls_wR_factor_ref 0.1062 _refine_ls_goodness_of_fit_ref 0.9935 #_reflns_number_all 4268 _refine_ls_R_factor_all 0.0486 _refine_ls_wR_factor_all 0.1062 # No actual I/u(I) cutoff was used for refinement. The # threshold below is used for "_gt" information ONLY: _reflns_threshold_expression I>2.0\s(I) _reflns_number_gt 3261 _refine_ls_R_factor_gt 0.0378 _refine_ls_wR_factor_gt 0.0967 _refine_ls_shift/su_max 0.000506 # choose from: rm (reference molecule of known chirality), # ad (anomolous dispersion - Flack), rmad (rm and ad), # syn (from synthesis), unk (unknown) or . (not applicable). _chemical_absolute_configuration . _refine_ls_structure_factor_coef Fsqd _refine_ls_matrix_type full _refine_ls_hydrogen_treatment constr # none, undef, noref, refall, # refxyz, refU, constr or mixed _refine_ls_weighting_scheme calc _refine_ls_weighting_details ; Method= Modified Sheldrick w=1/[\s^2^(F^2^) + ( 0.05P)^2^ + 0.00P] ,where P=(max(Fo^2^,0) + 2Fc^2^)/3 ; loop_ _platon_squeeze_void_nr _platon_squeeze_void_average_x _platon_squeeze_void_average_y _platon_squeeze_void_average_z _platon_squeeze_void_volume _platon_squeeze_void_count_electrons 1 -0.033 -0.041 -0.005 2418.4 579.8 _platon_squeeze_details ; This amounts to 2EtOH and 1H2O per formula unit. The values of f(000), Dcalc, M and Mu have been calculated on this assumption. ; _refine_special_details ; Refinement of F^2^ against ALL reflections. The weighted R-factor wR and goodness of fit S are based on F^2^, conventional R-factors R are based on F, with F set to zero for negative F^2^. The threshold expression of F^2^ > 2sigma(F^2^) is used only for calculating R-factors(gt) etc. and is not relevant to the choice of reflections for refinement. R-factors based on F^2^ are statistically about twice as large as those based on F, and R- factors based on ALL data will be even larger. Checkcif Output: 601_ALERT_2_A Structure Contains Solvent Accessible VOIDS of . 2425.00 A**3 Squeeze applied (see above) 912_ALERT_3_B # Missing FCF Reflections Above STH/L=0.6 ...... 394 The data collection strategy used aimed to achieve a complete data set to 2\q = 53 deg. Some higher angle data were collected in the process and these have been included in the refinement. 232_ALERT_2_C Hirshfeld Test Diff (M-X) Mn1 - O12_a .. 5.11 su The oxygen atom bonded to the central manganese have some thermal motion perpendicular to the M-O bond due to their freedom of movement, whereas the metal centre is relatively fixed in position. 796_ALERT_4_C O-Atom in CIF Coordinate List out of Sequence .. O12 No action taken ; # Insert your own references if required - in alphabetical order _publ_section_references ; Altomare, A., Cascarano, G., Giacovazzo, G., Guagliardi, A., Burla, M.C., Polidori, G. & Camalli, M. (1994). J. Appl. Cryst. 27, 435. Betteridge, P.W., Carruthers, J.R., Cooper, R.I., Prout, K. & Watkin, D.J. (2003). J. Appl. Cryst. 36, 1487. Larson, A.C. (1970) Crystallographic Computing, Ed Ahmed, F.R., Munksgaard, Copenhagen, 291-294. Siemens Industrial Automation, Inc (1993). SMART: Area-Detector Software Package; Madison, WI. Siemens Industrial Automation, Inc (1995). SAINT: Area-Detector Integration Software.; Madison, WI. Siemens Industrial Automation, Inc (1996). SADABS: Area-Detector Absorption Correction;: Madison, WI. Watkin, D.J., Prout, C.K. & Pearce, L.J. (1996). CAMERON, Chemical Crystallography Laboratory, Oxford, UK. ; # Uequiv = arithmetic mean of Ui i.e. Ueqiv = (U1+U2+U3)/3 # Replace last . with number of unfound hydrogen atomsattached to an atom. # ..._refinement_flags_... # . no refinement constraints S special position constraint on site # G rigid group refinement of site R riding atom # D distance or angle restraint on site T thermal displacement constraints # U Uiso or Uij restraint (rigid bond) P partial occupancy constraint loop_ _atom_site_label _atom_site_type_symbol _atom_site_fract_x _atom_site_fract_y _atom_site_fract_z _atom_site_U_iso_or_equiv _atom_site_occupancy _atom_site_adp_type _atom_site_refinement_flags_posn _atom_site_refinement_flags_adp _atom_site_refinement_flags_occupancy _atom_site_disorder_assembly _atom_site_disorder_group _atom_site_attached_hydrogens Mn1 Mn 0.450469(18) 0.467685(18) 0.44194(2) 0.0169 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . Mn2 Mn 0.36868(2) 0.311307(19) 0.44354(3) 0.0211 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . N11 N 0.40711(11) 0.52641(11) 0.45194(14) 0.0224 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . C11 C 0.39058(14) 0.53683(14) 0.36254(18) 0.0271 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . C21 C 0.44341(15) 0.54403(15) 0.30218(19) 0.0309 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . N21 N 0.44805(11) 0.48417(11) 0.31327(15) 0.0243 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . C31 C 0.34589(12) 0.48481(13) 0.50176(19) 0.0260 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . C41 C 0.31305(13) 0.41543(13) 0.4661(2) 0.0277 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . O41 O 0.36196(9) 0.39886(9) 0.44652(12) 0.0217 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . C51 C 0.44421(13) 0.59229(12) 0.49384(18) 0.0235 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . C61 C 0.52749(13) 0.40314(14) 0.41860(18) 0.0249 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . O61 O 0.46349(9) 0.39670(9) 0.41891(12) 0.0219 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . O12 O 0.53636(8) 0.53123(8) 0.44170(11) 0.0174 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . Cl13 Cl 0.41429(4) 0.24107(3) 0.45842(5) 0.0303 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . Cl14 Cl 0.28016(4) 0.25502(3) 0.54685(5) 0.0304 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . O15 O 0.32287(11) 0.28309(10) 0.32391(12) 0.0304 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . H411 H 0.2825 0.3845 0.5093 0.0330 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . H412 H 0.2885 0.4129 0.4134 0.0330 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . H311 H 0.3569 0.4844 0.5630 0.0307 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . H312 H 0.3159 0.5026 0.4962 0.0307 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . H511 H 0.4811 0.6206 0.4554 0.0295 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . H512 H 0.4139 0.6099 0.4982 0.0295 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . H611 H 0.5576 0.4433 0.3864 0.0314 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . H612 H 0.5244 0.3645 0.3892 0.0314 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . H111 H 0.3872 0.5771 0.3608 0.0347 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . H112 H 0.3482 0.4987 0.3451 0.0347 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . H211 H 0.4856 0.5834 0.3169 0.0371 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . H212 H 0.4316 0.5475 0.2423 0.0371 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . H21 H 0.4853 0.4897 0.2878 0.0345 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . H22 H 0.4126 0.4494 0.2890 0.0345 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . H15 H 0.3279 0.2572 0.2920 0.0507 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . H16 H 0.3189 0.3108 0.2944 0.0507 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . loop_ _atom_site_aniso_label _atom_site_aniso_U_11 _atom_site_aniso_U_22 _atom_site_aniso_U_33 _atom_site_aniso_U_23 _atom_site_aniso_U_13 _atom_site_aniso_U_12 Mn1 0.01614(19) 0.01572(19) 0.01905(19) -0.00058(14) 0.00152(14) 0.00815(15) Mn2 0.0236(2) 0.01658(19) 0.0226(2) -0.00139(14) -0.00040(15) 0.00951(16) N11 0.0200(11) 0.0185(10) 0.0285(12) -0.0029(9) -0.0012(9) 0.0095(9) C11 0.0302(15) 0.0266(14) 0.0302(14) -0.0045(11) -0.0077(11) 0.0185(12) C21 0.0365(16) 0.0276(15) 0.0290(15) 0.0043(12) -0.0012(12) 0.0164(13) N21 0.0196(11) 0.0256(12) 0.0242(12) -0.0023(9) -0.0021(8) 0.0086(9) C31 0.0149(12) 0.0210(13) 0.0410(16) -0.0025(11) 0.0033(11) 0.0082(10) C41 0.0186(13) 0.0241(14) 0.0400(16) -0.0004(12) 0.0037(11) 0.0103(11) O41 0.0168(9) 0.0181(9) 0.0297(10) -0.0041(7) 0.0002(7) 0.0085(7) C51 0.0228(13) 0.0152(12) 0.0357(15) -0.0029(10) -0.0013(11) 0.0118(10) C61 0.0246(13) 0.0238(13) 0.0303(14) -0.0040(11) 0.0018(11) 0.0152(11) O61 0.0183(9) 0.0180(9) 0.0305(10) -0.0042(7) 0.0006(7) 0.0098(7) O12 0.0174(8) 0.0178(8) 0.0151(8) 0.0014(6) 0.0015(6) 0.0073(7) Cl13 0.0357(4) 0.0241(3) 0.0366(4) -0.0033(3) -0.0069(3) 0.0191(3) Cl14 0.0328(4) 0.0269(3) 0.0303(4) 0.0028(3) 0.0091(3) 0.0139(3) O15 0.0443(13) 0.0316(11) 0.0253(10) -0.0066(8) -0.0032(9) 0.0264(10) _refine_ls_extinction_method None _oxford_refine_ls_scale 0.034626(4) loop_ _geom_bond_atom_site_label_1 _geom_bond_site_symmetry_1 _geom_bond_atom_site_label_2 _geom_bond_site_symmetry_2 _geom_bond_distance _geom_bond_publ_flag Mn1 . Mn1 2_666 2.7367(8) yes Mn1 . O12 2_666 1.8384(18) yes Mn1 . N11 . 2.097(2) yes Mn1 . N21 . 2.049(2) yes Mn1 . O41 . 1.8978(18) yes Mn1 . O61 . 1.8796(17) yes Mn1 . O12 . 1.8186(17) yes Mn2 . O41 . 2.1470(18) yes Mn2 . O61 . 2.1659(18) yes Mn2 . Cl13 . 2.3929(8) yes Mn2 . Cl14 . 2.4364(8) yes Mn2 . O15 . 2.090(2) yes N11 . C11 . 1.500(3) yes N11 . C31 . 1.494(3) yes N11 . C51 . 1.498(3) yes C11 . C21 . 1.501(4) yes C11 . H111 . 0.990 no C11 . H112 . 0.990 no C21 . N21 . 1.478(4) yes C21 . H211 . 0.990 no C21 . H212 . 0.990 no N21 . H21 . 0.910 no N21 . H22 . 0.910 no C31 . C41 . 1.521(4) yes C31 . H311 . 0.990 no C31 . H312 . 0.990 no C41 . O41 . 1.422(3) yes C41 . H411 . 0.990 no C41 . H412 . 0.990 no C51 . C61 2_666 1.499(4) yes C51 . H511 . 0.990 no C51 . H512 . 0.990 no C61 . O61 . 1.438(3) yes C61 . H611 . 0.990 no C61 . H612 . 0.990 no O15 . H15 . 0.840 no O15 . H16 . 0.840 no loop_ _geom_angle_atom_site_label_1 _geom_angle_site_symmetry_1 _geom_angle_atom_site_label_2 _geom_angle_site_symmetry_2 _geom_angle_atom_site_label_3 _geom_angle_site_symmetry_3 _geom_angle _geom_angle_publ_flag Mn1 2_666 Mn1 . O12 2_666 41.28(5) yes Mn1 2_666 Mn1 . N11 . 98.34(6) yes O12 2_666 Mn1 . N11 . 92.98(8) yes Mn1 2_666 Mn1 . N21 . 129.71(7) yes O12 2_666 Mn1 . N21 . 169.64(8) yes N11 . Mn1 . N21 . 83.04(9) yes Mn1 2_666 Mn1 . O41 . 135.86(6) yes O12 2_666 Mn1 . O41 . 94.61(8) yes N11 . Mn1 . O41 . 82.60(8) yes N21 . Mn1 . O41 . 94.35(9) yes Mn1 2_666 Mn1 . O61 . 98.52(6) yes O12 2_666 Mn1 . O61 . 95.70(8) yes N11 . Mn1 . O61 . 162.09(8) yes N21 . Mn1 . O61 . 90.81(9) yes O41 . Mn1 . O61 . 81.11(8) yes Mn1 2_666 Mn1 . O12 . 41.83(5) yes O12 2_666 Mn1 . O12 . 83.11(8) yes N11 . Mn1 . O12 . 99.53(8) yes N21 . Mn1 . O12 . 88.11(8) yes O41 . Mn1 . O12 . 176.93(8) yes O61 . Mn1 . O12 . 97.05(8) yes O41 . Mn2 . O61 . 69.43(7) yes O41 . Mn2 . Cl13 . 159.52(5) yes O61 . Mn2 . Cl13 . 92.77(5) yes O41 . Mn2 . Cl14 . 93.12(5) yes O61 . Mn2 . Cl14 . 145.83(5) yes Cl13 . Mn2 . Cl14 . 96.76(3) yes O41 . Mn2 . O15 . 92.89(7) yes O61 . Mn2 . O15 . 105.43(8) yes Cl13 . Mn2 . O15 . 101.86(6) yes Cl14 . Mn2 . O15 . 104.56(6) yes Mn1 . N11 . C11 . 106.91(16) yes Mn1 . N11 . C31 . 103.58(16) yes C11 . N11 . C31 . 110.3(2) yes Mn1 . N11 . C51 . 119.46(16) yes C11 . N11 . C51 . 107.5(2) yes C31 . N11 . C51 . 109.0(2) yes N11 . C11 . C21 . 109.4(2) yes N11 . C11 . H111 . 109.5 no C21 . C11 . H111 . 109.5 no N11 . C11 . H112 . 109.5 no C21 . C11 . H112 . 109.5 no H111 . C11 . H112 . 109.5 no C11 . C21 . N21 . 105.8(2) yes C11 . C21 . H211 . 110.4 no N21 . C21 . H211 . 110.4 no C11 . C21 . H212 . 110.4 no N21 . C21 . H212 . 110.4 no H211 . C21 . H212 . 109.5 no C21 . N21 . Mn1 . 108.52(17) yes C21 . N21 . H21 . 109.7 no Mn1 . N21 . H21 . 109.7 no C21 . N21 . H22 . 109.7 no Mn1 . N21 . H22 . 109.7 no H21 . N21 . H22 . 109.5 no N11 . C31 . C41 . 108.7(2) yes N11 . C31 . H311 . 109.7 no C41 . C31 . H311 . 109.7 no N11 . C31 . H312 . 109.7 no C41 . C31 . H312 . 109.7 no H311 . C31 . H312 . 109.5 no C31 . C41 . O41 . 109.1(2) yes C31 . C41 . H411 . 109.6 no O41 . C41 . H411 . 109.6 no C31 . C41 . H412 . 109.6 no O41 . C41 . H412 . 109.6 no H411 . C41 . H412 . 109.5 no Mn2 . O41 . C41 . 136.67(16) yes Mn2 . O41 . Mn1 . 104.04(8) yes C41 . O41 . Mn1 . 117.94(15) yes C61 2_666 C51 . N11 . 118.7(2) yes C61 2_666 C51 . H511 . 107.1 no N11 . C51 . H511 . 107.1 no C61 2_666 C51 . H512 . 107.1 no N11 . C51 . H512 . 107.1 no H511 . C51 . H512 . 109.5 no C51 2_666 C61 . O61 . 114.2(2) yes C51 2_666 C61 . H611 . 108.3 no O61 . C61 . H611 . 108.3 no C51 2_666 C61 . H612 . 108.3 no O61 . C61 . H612 . 108.3 no H611 . C61 . H612 . 109.5 no Mn2 . O61 . C61 . 129.69(15) yes Mn2 . O61 . Mn1 . 103.96(8) yes C61 . O61 . Mn1 . 122.40(15) yes Mn1 2_666 O12 . Mn1 . 96.89(8) yes Mn2 . O15 . H15 . 121.5 no Mn2 . O15 . H16 . 118.8 no H15 . O15 . H16 . 110.4 no loop_ _geom_hbond_atom_site_label_D _geom_hbond_site_symmetry_D _geom_hbond_atom_site_label_H _geom_hbond_site_symmetry_H _geom_hbond_atom_site_label_A _geom_hbond_site_symmetry_A _geom_hbond_angle_DHA _geom_hbond_distance_DH _geom_hbond_distance_HA _geom_hbond_distance_DA _geom_hbond_publ_flag O15 . H15 . O12 16_545 180 0.84 1.76 2.601(2) yes # Attachment 'eb7062-(3).cif' data_EB7062 _database_code_depnum_ccdc_archive 'CCDC 682650' _audit_creation_date 07-06-20 _audit_creation_method CRYSTALS_ver_12.84 _oxford_structure_analysis_title EB7062 _chemical_name_systematic ? _chemical_melting_point ? _cell_length_a 11.1558(10) _cell_length_b 10.9531(10) _cell_length_c 18.8477(10) _cell_angle_alpha 90 _cell_angle_beta 100.282(10) _cell_angle_gamma 90 _cell_volume 2266.0(3) _symmetry_cell_setting Monoclinic _symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'P 1 21/c 1 ' _symmetry_space_group_name_Hall '-P 2ybc' loop_ _symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz x,y,z -x,-y,-z -x,y+1/2,-z+1/2 x,-y+1/2,z+1/2 loop_ _atom_type_symbol _atom_type_scat_dispersion_real _atom_type_scat_dispersion_imag _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_a1 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_b1 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_a2 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_b2 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_a3 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_b3 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_a4 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_b4 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_c _atom_type_scat_source C 0.0033 0.0016 2.3100 20.8439 1.0200 10.2075 1.5886 0.5687 0.8650 51.6512 0.2156 'International Tables Vol C and' H 0.0000 0.0000 0.4930 10.5109 0.3229 26.1257 0.1402 3.1424 0.0408 57.7998 0.0030 'International Tables Vol C and' N 0.0061 0.0033 12.2126 0.0057 3.1322 9.8933 2.0125 28.9975 1.1663 0.5826 -11.5290 'International Tables Vol C and' O 0.0106 0.0060 3.0485 13.2771 2.2868 5.7011 1.5463 0.3239 0.8670 32.9089 0.2508 'International Tables Vol C and' Cl 0.1484 0.1585 11.4604 0.0104 7.1964 1.1662 6.2556 18.5194 1.6455 47.7784 -9.5574 'International Tables Vol C and' Mn 0.3368 0.7283 11.2819 5.3409 7.3573 0.3432 3.0193 17.8674 2.2441 83.7543 1.0896 'International Tables Vol C and' _cell_formula_units_Z 2 # Given Formula = C24 H10 Cl4 Mn4 N8 O26 # Dc = 1.74 Fooo = 1272.00 Mu = 14.19 M = 593.95 # Found Formula = C24 H60 Cl4 Mn4 N8 O26 # Dc = 1.81 FOOO = 1272.00 Mu = 14.22 M = 619.15 _chemical_formula_sum 'C24 H60 Cl4 Mn4 N8 O26' _chemical_formula_moiety '[Mn4O2(C6H16N2O2)2(C6H14N2O2)2] 4[ClO4]' _chemical_compound_source 'G Karotsis reaction GK15' _chemical_formula_weight 1238.30 _cell_measurement_reflns_used 9311 _cell_measurement_theta_min 2 _cell_measurement_theta_max 30 _cell_measurement_temperature 150 _exptl_crystal_description block _exptl_crystal_colour black _exptl_crystal_size_min 0.23 _exptl_crystal_size_mid 0.39 _exptl_crystal_size_max 0.43 _exptl_crystal_density_diffrn 1.815 _exptl_crystal_density_meas ? # Non-dispersive F(000): _exptl_crystal_F_000 1272 _exptl_absorpt_coefficient_mu 1.422 # Sheldrick geometric approximatio 0.57 0.72 _exptl_absorpt_correction_type multi-scan _exptl_absorpt_process_details 'SADABS (Siemens, 1996)' _exptl_absorpt_correction_T_min 0.60 _exptl_absorpt_correction_T_max 0.72 _diffrn_measurement_device_type 'Bruker SMART' _diffrn_radiation_monochromator graphite _diffrn_radiation_type 'Mo K\a' _diffrn_radiation_wavelength 0.71073 _diffrn_measurement_method '\f & \w scans' # If a reference occurs more than once, delete the author # and date from subsequent references. _computing_data_collection 'SMART (Siemens, 1993)' _computing_cell_refinement 'SAINT (Siemens ,1995)' _computing_data_reduction 'SAINT (Siemens ,1995)' _computing_structure_solution 'SIR92 (Altomare et al., 1994)' _computing_structure_refinement 'CRYSTALS (Betteridge et al., 2003)' _computing_publication_material 'CRYSTALS (Betteridge et al., 2003)' _computing_molecular_graphics 'CAMERON (Watkin et al., 1996)' _diffrn_standards_interval_time ? _diffrn_standards_interval_count ? _diffrn_standards_number 0 _diffrn_standards_decay_% ? _diffrn_ambient_temperature 150 _diffrn_reflns_number 55249 _reflns_number_total 13087 _diffrn_reflns_av_R_equivalents 0.039 # Number of reflections with Friedels Law is 13087 # Number of reflections without Friedels Law is 0 # Theoretical number of reflections is about 6889 _diffrn_reflns_theta_min 1.098 _diffrn_reflns_theta_max 30.461 _diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_max 0.966 _diffrn_reflns_theta_full 28.634 _diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_full 0.996 _diffrn_reflns_limit_h_min -15 _diffrn_reflns_limit_h_max 15 _diffrn_reflns_limit_k_min 0 _diffrn_reflns_limit_k_max 15 _diffrn_reflns_limit_l_min 0 _diffrn_reflns_limit_l_max 26 _reflns_limit_h_min -15 _reflns_limit_h_max 15 _reflns_limit_k_min 0 _reflns_limit_k_max 15 _reflns_limit_l_min 0 _reflns_limit_l_max 26 _oxford_diffrn_Wilson_B_factor 1.50 _oxford_diffrn_Wilson_scale 5.42 _atom_sites_solution_primary direct #heavy,direct,difmap,geom # _atom_sites_solution_secondary difmap _atom_sites_solution_hydrogens geom _refine_diff_density_min -1.54 _refine_diff_density_max 1.46 _refine_ls_number_reflns 13087 _refine_ls_number_restraints 0 _refine_ls_number_parameters 299 #_refine_ls_R_factor_ref 0.0561 _refine_ls_wR_factor_ref 0.1000 _refine_ls_goodness_of_fit_ref 0.9051 #_reflns_number_all 13087 _refine_ls_R_factor_all 0.0561 _refine_ls_wR_factor_all 0.1000 # No actual I/u(I) cutoff was used for refinement. The # threshold below is used for "_gt" information ONLY: _reflns_threshold_expression I>2.0\s(I) _reflns_number_gt 11011 _refine_ls_R_factor_gt 0.0460 _refine_ls_wR_factor_gt 0.0974 _refine_ls_shift/su_max 0.001594 # choose from: rm (reference molecule of known chirality), # ad (anomolous dispersion - Flack), rmad (rm and ad), # syn (from synthesis), unk (unknown) or . (not applicable). _chemical_absolute_configuration . _refine_ls_structure_factor_coef Fsqd _refine_ls_matrix_type full _refine_ls_hydrogen_treatment constr # none, undef, noref, refall, # refxyz, refU, constr or mixed _refine_ls_weighting_scheme calc _refine_ls_weighting_details ; Method= Modified Sheldrick w=1/[\s^2^(F^2^) + ( 0.04P)^2^ +32.59P] ,where P=(max(Fo^2^,0) + 2Fc^2^)/3 ; _exptl_crystal_recrystallization_method ; Et2O diffusion in MeCN solution ; _refine_special_details ; The data were integrated as a twin with 2 domains. Structure solution and initial refinement were carried out using data from only domain 1. Refinement was then carried out using all data from both domains. Hydrogens attached to carbon were placed geometrically. Hydrogens on nitrogen were located in a difference map and refined subject to geometric restraints. The hydroxy H's were placed along H-bonding interations as the difference map indicated they were disordered due to 2 possible H-bonds. Hydrogens were placed along both interations with an occupancy of 0.5. The occupancy was not refined. All hydrogens were contrained to ride on their host atoms. Checkcif output; 021_ALERT_1_B Ratio Unique / Expected Reflections too High ... 1.90 The crystal was twinned and so treated appropriately in data processing. The data contains unique reflections from both domains. 912_ALERT_3_B # Missing FCF Reflections Above STH/L=0.6 ...... 235 919_ALERT_3_B # Reflections Likely Effected by the Beamstop .. 3 911_ALERT_3_C # Missing FCF Refl Between THmin & STh/l= 0.600 1 The data collection strategy used aimed to achieve a complete data set to 2\q = 54 deg for domain 1. Some higher angle data were collected in the process and these have been included in the refinement. see compelteness statistics below. 042_ALERT_1_C Calc. and Rep. MoietyFormula Strings Differ .... ? The moiety formula given is intended to be more chemically significant. 244_ALERT_4_C Low 'Solvent' Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for Cl13 The oxygens of the per chlorate ion have more freedom of movement than the central Cl atom resulting in larger thermal ellipsoids. Attempts to model the motion of the oxygens were unsuccessful. 720_ALERT_4_C Number of Unusual/Non-Standard Label(s) ........ 32 795_ALERT_4_C C-Atom in CIF Coordinate List out of Sequence .. C211 796_ALERT_4_C O-Atom in CIF Coordinate List out of Sequence .. O411 797_ALERT_4_C N-Atom in CIF Coordinate List out of Sequence .. N11 Noted, not action taken. Resolution & Completeness Statistics (Cumulative and Friedel Pairs Averaged) #============================================================================== Theta sin(th)/Lambda Complete Expected Measured Missing #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20.82 0.500 1.000 2371 2370 1 23.01 0.550 1.000 3155 3154 1 25.24 0.600 1.000 4104 4103 1 #----------------------------------------------------------- ACTA Min. Res. --- 27.51 0.650 1.000 5222 5220 2 29.84 0.700 0.981 6520 6397 123 30.46 0.713 0.966 6886 6650 236 ; # Insert your own references if required - in alphabetical order _publ_section_references ; Altomare, A., Cascarano, G., Giacovazzo, G., Guagliardi, A., Burla, M.C., Polidori, G. & Camalli, M. (1994). J. Appl. Cryst. 27, 435. Betteridge, P.W., Carruthers, J.R., Cooper, R.I., Prout, K. & Watkin, D.J. (2003). J. Appl. Cryst. 36, 1487. Larson, A.C. (1970) Crystallographic Computing, Ed Ahmed, F.R., Munksgaard, Copenhagen, 291-294. Siemens Industrial Automation, Inc (1993). SMART: Area-Detector Software Package; Madison, WI. Siemens Industrial Automation, Inc (1995). SAINT: Area-Detector Integration Software.; Madison, WI. Siemens Industrial Automation, Inc (1996). SADABS: Area-Detector Absorption Correction;: Madison, WI. Watkin, D.J., Prout, C.K. & Pearce, L.J. (1996). CAMERON, Chemical Crystallography Laboratory, Oxford, UK. ; # Uequiv = arithmetic mean of Ui i.e. Ueqiv = (U1+U2+U3)/3 # Replace last . with number of unfound hydrogen atomsattached to an atom. # ..._refinement_flags_... # . no refinement constraints S special position constraint on site # G rigid group refinement of site R riding atom # D distance or angle restraint on site T thermal displacement constraints # U Uiso or Uij restraint (rigid bond) P partial occupancy constraint loop_ _atom_site_label _atom_site_type_symbol _atom_site_fract_x _atom_site_fract_y _atom_site_fract_z _atom_site_U_iso_or_equiv _atom_site_occupancy _atom_site_adp_type _atom_site_refinement_flags_posn _atom_site_refinement_flags_adp _atom_site_refinement_flags_occupancy _atom_site_disorder_assembly _atom_site_disorder_group _atom_site_attached_hydrogens Mn2 Mn 0.54977(3) 0.59106(3) 0.466619(16) 0.0152 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . O1 O 0.39898(12) 0.53208(13) 0.47034(7) 0.0172 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . Mn1 Mn 0.75043(3) 0.76639(3) 0.554299(17) 0.0195 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . N12 N 0.58627(15) 0.49155(16) 0.37773(9) 0.0200 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . C212 C 0.52413(19) 0.37081(19) 0.35969(11) 0.0224 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . C222 C 0.72161(18) 0.4731(2) 0.39436(12) 0.0241 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . C232 C 0.5526(2) 0.5734(2) 0.31324(11) 0.0258 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . C312 C 0.53437(19) 0.27584(19) 0.41886(12) 0.0216 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . C322 C 0.78311(19) 0.5934(2) 0.42066(12) 0.0241 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . C332 C 0.4388(2) 0.6434(2) 0.31962(12) 0.0255 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . O412 O 0.44574(12) 0.28620(13) 0.46414(8) 0.0189 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . O422 O 0.70862(12) 0.65404(13) 0.46329(8) 0.0198 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . N432 N 0.46357(16) 0.70876(16) 0.38898(10) 0.0217 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . N11 N 0.88905(18) 0.81867(19) 0.66252(10) 0.0268 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . C211 C 1.0147(2) 0.8138(3) 0.64706(14) 0.0361 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . C221 C 0.8718(2) 0.7285(2) 0.71819(12) 0.0346 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . C231 C 0.8578(3) 0.9427(2) 0.68354(13) 0.0345 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . C311 C 1.0182(2) 0.8612(3) 0.57297(13) 0.0336 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . C321 C 0.8615(2) 0.6005(2) 0.68843(14) 0.0337 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . C331 C 0.7238(3) 0.9689(2) 0.65983(15) 0.0380 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . O411 O 0.92947(16) 0.79205(19) 0.52524(9) 0.0375 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . O421 O 0.77094(15) 0.60459(15) 0.62463(9) 0.0275 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . N431 N 0.68985(18) 0.95029(18) 0.58109(12) 0.0296 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . Cl13 Cl 0.32474(5) 0.03968(5) 0.63388(3) 0.0245 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . O23 O 0.2222(3) 0.0718(3) 0.5843(2) 0.1245 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . O33 O 0.4241(3) 0.0350(2) 0.59633(19) 0.0923 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . O43 O 0.3542(3) 0.1299(2) 0.68731(13) 0.0784 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . O53 O 0.30872(19) -0.07788(18) 0.66362(11) 0.0432 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . Cl14 Cl 0.12949(5) 0.72546(5) 0.40355(3) 0.0261 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . O24 O 0.10934(17) 0.61099(17) 0.43607(13) 0.0460 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . O34 O 0.16214(18) 0.7066(2) 0.33413(11) 0.0508 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . O44 O 0.01948(15) 0.79857(17) 0.39510(9) 0.0316 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . O54 O 0.22688(15) 0.79006(16) 0.44879(10) 0.0360 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . H2121 H 0.5577 0.3354 0.3202 0.0289 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . H2122 H 0.4384 0.3881 0.3437 0.0285 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . H2221 H 0.7407 0.4122 0.4320 0.0288 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . H2222 H 0.7513 0.4450 0.3518 0.0288 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . H2321 H 0.6192 0.6301 0.3113 0.0307 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . H2322 H 0.5374 0.5238 0.2699 0.0310 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . H3121 H 0.6148 0.2809 0.4489 0.0271 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . H3122 H 0.5242 0.1966 0.3952 0.0269 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . H3221 H 0.8631 0.5773 0.4491 0.0312 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . H3222 H 0.7921 0.6440 0.3802 0.0309 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . H3321 H 0.4197 0.7010 0.2801 0.0299 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . H3322 H 0.3715 0.5869 0.3189 0.0299 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . H2111 H 1.0674 0.8636 0.6824 0.0438 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . H2112 H 1.0428 0.7294 0.6509 0.0439 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . H2211 H 0.9406 0.7323 0.7574 0.0370 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . H2212 H 0.7978 0.7488 0.7360 0.0369 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . H2311 H 0.8784 0.9510 0.7354 0.0402 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . H2312 H 0.9050 1.0005 0.6609 0.0400 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . H3111 H 0.9981 0.9473 0.5703 0.0400 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . H3112 H 1.0982 0.8487 0.5608 0.0399 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . H3311 H 0.7078 1.0531 0.6707 0.0482 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . H3312 H 0.6753 0.9152 0.6845 0.0480 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . H4312 H 0.6100 0.9565 0.5669 0.0450 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . H4311 H 0.7278 1.0058 0.5588 0.0449 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . H4321 H 0.3927 0.7314 0.4001 0.0327 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . H4322 H 0.5129 0.7713 0.3857 0.0332 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . H3211 H 0.9399 0.5734 0.6774 0.0392 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . H3212 H 0.8358 0.5446 0.7235 0.0392 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . H4211 H 0.7199 0.5634 0.5962 0.0329 0.5000 Uiso R . . . . . H4212 H 0.8041 0.5447 0.6081 0.0329 0.5000 Uiso R . . . . . H4111 H 0.9563 0.7940 0.4864 0.0457 0.5000 Uiso R . . . . . H4112 H 0.8848 0.8321 0.4928 0.0457 0.5000 Uiso R . . . . . loop_ _atom_site_aniso_label _atom_site_aniso_U_11 _atom_site_aniso_U_22 _atom_site_aniso_U_33 _atom_site_aniso_U_23 _atom_site_aniso_U_13 _atom_site_aniso_U_12 Mn2 0.01332(12) 0.01680(13) 0.01586(13) -0.00042(11) 0.00326(10) -0.00260(10) O1 0.0138(6) 0.0187(7) 0.0191(7) 0.0014(5) 0.0030(5) -0.0019(5) Mn1 0.01746(13) 0.02126(15) 0.01902(15) -0.00280(12) 0.00129(11) -0.00460(11) N12 0.0182(8) 0.0238(8) 0.0186(8) -0.0026(7) 0.0048(6) -0.0042(6) C212 0.0228(9) 0.0259(10) 0.0198(9) -0.0068(8) 0.0066(8) -0.0062(8) C222 0.0156(8) 0.0294(11) 0.0291(11) -0.0061(9) 0.0088(8) -0.0019(8) C232 0.0300(11) 0.0311(11) 0.0175(9) 0.0014(8) 0.0075(8) -0.0049(9) C312 0.0207(9) 0.0194(9) 0.0264(10) -0.0053(8) 0.0084(8) -0.0016(7) C322 0.0188(9) 0.0314(11) 0.0239(10) -0.0058(9) 0.0085(8) -0.0050(8) C332 0.0260(10) 0.0294(11) 0.0207(10) 0.0056(8) 0.0032(8) -0.0039(9) O412 0.0172(6) 0.0194(7) 0.0208(7) -0.0032(5) 0.0047(5) -0.0035(5) O422 0.0164(6) 0.0240(7) 0.0200(7) -0.0033(6) 0.0053(5) -0.0055(5) N432 0.0176(8) 0.0222(8) 0.0252(9) 0.0036(7) 0.0035(7) -0.0029(6) N11 0.0277(9) 0.0338(10) 0.0181(9) -0.0006(7) 0.0017(7) -0.0102(8) C211 0.0224(11) 0.0506(16) 0.0330(13) -0.0006(11) -0.0014(10) -0.0113(10) C221 0.0410(13) 0.0417(14) 0.0177(10) 0.0032(10) -0.0038(10) -0.0127(11) C231 0.0484(15) 0.0329(12) 0.0228(11) -0.0100(9) 0.0083(10) -0.0170(11) C311 0.0253(11) 0.0422(14) 0.0337(13) -0.0080(11) 0.0069(10) -0.0164(10) C321 0.0319(12) 0.0368(13) 0.0294(12) 0.0093(10) -0.0028(10) 0.0003(10) C331 0.0476(15) 0.0302(12) 0.0418(14) -0.0114(11) 0.0233(12) -0.0057(11) O411 0.0291(8) 0.0604(12) 0.0244(9) -0.0105(8) 0.0091(7) -0.0216(8) O421 0.0304(8) 0.0240(8) 0.0257(8) -0.0016(6) -0.0018(6) -0.0040(6) N431 0.0282(9) 0.0216(9) 0.0392(11) 0.0003(8) 0.0072(9) -0.0042(7) Cl13 0.0198(2) 0.0232(2) 0.0298(3) 0.0024(2) 0.00263(19) -0.00121(18) O23 0.0659(18) 0.0492(16) 0.220(4) 0.046(2) -0.080(2) -0.0173(13) O33 0.125(3) 0.0364(13) 0.146(3) -0.0110(15) 0.108(2) -0.0184(14) O43 0.150(3) 0.0501(14) 0.0412(13) -0.0169(11) 0.0343(16) -0.0385(16) O53 0.0524(12) 0.0331(10) 0.0451(11) 0.0111(8) 0.0115(9) -0.0093(9) Cl14 0.0185(2) 0.0280(3) 0.0317(3) -0.0024(2) 0.00450(19) 0.00029(19) O24 0.0308(9) 0.0305(9) 0.0761(15) 0.0100(10) 0.0075(10) -0.0021(7) O34 0.0354(10) 0.0794(16) 0.0404(11) -0.0165(11) 0.0145(9) 0.0051(10) O44 0.0237(8) 0.0417(10) 0.0296(9) 0.0046(7) 0.0055(7) 0.0093(7) O54 0.0268(8) 0.0332(9) 0.0436(11) -0.0025(8) -0.0060(8) -0.0037(7) _refine_ls_extinction_method None _oxford_refine_ls_scale 0.5462(5) loop_ _oxford_twin_element_scale_factors 0.5495(5) 0.4505(5) loop_ _geom_bond_atom_site_label_1 _geom_bond_site_symmetry_1 _geom_bond_atom_site_label_2 _geom_bond_site_symmetry_2 _geom_bond_distance _geom_bond_publ_flag Mn2 . Mn2 2_666 2.7008(6) yes Mn2 . O412 2_666 1.8681(14) yes Mn2 . O1 2_666 1.8209(14) yes Mn2 . O1 . 1.8149(13) yes Mn2 . Mn1 . 3.1795(5) yes Mn2 . N12 . 2.0987(17) yes Mn2 . O422 . 1.9131(14) yes Mn2 . N432 . 2.0556(18) yes Mn1 . O412 2_666 2.2294(14) yes Mn1 . O422 . 2.0949(14) yes Mn1 . N11 . 2.3987(19) yes Mn1 . O411 . 2.1815(17) yes Mn1 . O421 . 2.2005(16) yes Mn1 . N431 . 2.212(2) yes N12 . C212 . 1.504(3) yes N12 . C222 . 1.500(3) yes N12 . C232 . 1.503(3) yes C212 . C312 . 1.514(3) yes C212 . H2121 . 0.973 no C212 . H2122 . 0.969 no C222 . C322 . 1.527(3) yes C222 . H2221 . 0.969 no C222 . H2222 . 0.972 no C232 . C332 . 1.506(3) yes C232 . H2321 . 0.975 no C232 . H2322 . 0.970 no C312 . O412 . 1.421(2) yes C312 . H3121 . 0.973 no C312 . H3122 . 0.973 no C322 . O422 . 1.420(2) yes C322 . H3221 . 0.972 no C322 . H3222 . 0.963 no C332 . N432 . 1.473(3) yes C332 . H3321 . 0.970 no C332 . H3322 . 0.971 no N432 . H4321 . 0.889 no N432 . H4322 . 0.888 no N11 . C211 . 1.483(3) yes N11 . C221 . 1.478(3) yes N11 . C231 . 1.474(3) yes C211 . C311 . 1.497(4) yes C211 . H2111 . 0.973 no C211 . H2112 . 0.975 no C221 . C321 . 1.507(4) yes C221 . H2211 . 0.966 no C221 . H2212 . 0.971 no C231 . C331 . 1.510(4) yes C231 . H2311 . 0.968 no C231 . H2312 . 0.970 no C311 . O411 . 1.430(3) yes C311 . H3111 . 0.968 no C311 . H3112 . 0.971 no C321 . O421 . 1.427(3) yes C321 . H3211 . 0.980 no C321 . H3212 . 0.980 no C331 . N431 . 1.479(3) yes C331 . H3311 . 0.968 no C331 . H3312 . 0.972 no O411 . H4111 . 0.840 no O411 . H4112 . 0.840 no O421 . H4211 . 0.840 no O421 . H4212 . 0.840 no N431 . H4312 . 0.886 no N431 . H4311 . 0.889 no Cl13 . O23 . 1.387(3) yes Cl13 . O33 . 1.419(3) yes Cl13 . O43 . 1.407(2) yes Cl13 . O53 . 1.4283(19) yes Cl14 . O24 . 1.431(2) yes Cl14 . O34 . 1.434(2) yes Cl14 . O44 . 1.4502(17) yes Cl14 . O54 . 1.4414(17) yes loop_ _geom_angle_atom_site_label_1 _geom_angle_site_symmetry_1 _geom_angle_atom_site_label_2 _geom_angle_site_symmetry_2 _geom_angle_atom_site_label_3 _geom_angle_site_symmetry_3 _geom_angle _geom_angle_publ_flag Mn2 2_666 Mn2 . O412 2_666 99.67(5) yes Mn2 2_666 Mn2 . O1 2_666 41.94(4) yes O412 2_666 Mn2 . O1 2_666 96.38(6) yes Mn2 2_666 Mn2 . O1 . 42.11(4) yes O412 2_666 Mn2 . O1 . 97.97(6) yes O1 2_666 Mn2 . O1 . 84.05(6) yes Mn2 2_666 Mn2 . Mn1 . 120.918(17) yes O412 2_666 Mn2 . Mn1 . 43.42(4) yes O1 2_666 Mn2 . Mn1 . 89.90(5) yes O1 . Mn2 . Mn1 . 140.02(5) yes Mn2 2_666 Mn2 . N12 . 98.21(5) yes O412 2_666 Mn2 . N12 . 161.20(6) yes O1 2_666 Mn2 . N12 . 93.04(7) yes O1 . Mn2 . N12 . 99.16(7) yes Mn1 . Mn2 . N12 . 120.64(5) yes Mn2 2_666 Mn2 . O422 . 137.89(5) yes O412 2_666 Mn2 . O422 . 81.60(6) yes O1 2_666 Mn2 . O422 . 95.95(6) yes O1 . Mn2 . O422 . 179.57(6) yes Mn1 . Mn2 . O422 . 39.55(4) yes Mn2 2_666 Mn2 . N432 . 128.02(5) yes O412 2_666 Mn2 . N432 . 89.82(7) yes O1 2_666 Mn2 . N432 . 168.99(7) yes O1 . Mn2 . N432 . 86.08(7) yes Mn1 . Mn2 . N432 . 100.82(5) yes N12 . Mn2 . O422 . 81.27(6) yes N12 . Mn2 . N432 . 83.70(7) yes O422 . Mn2 . N432 . 93.95(7) yes Mn2 2_666 O1 . Mn2 . 95.95(6) yes O412 2_666 Mn1 . Mn2 . 35.16(4) yes O412 2_666 Mn1 . O422 . 69.62(5) yes Mn2 . Mn1 . O422 . 35.56(4) yes O412 2_666 Mn1 . N11 . 131.31(6) yes Mn2 . Mn1 . N11 . 150.86(5) yes O422 . Mn1 . N11 . 148.43(7) yes O412 2_666 Mn1 . O411 . 155.71(6) yes Mn2 . Mn1 . O411 . 122.59(5) yes O422 . Mn1 . O411 . 87.14(6) yes N11 . Mn1 . O411 . 72.69(7) yes O412 2_666 Mn1 . O421 . 83.08(6) yes Mn2 . Mn1 . O421 . 79.31(4) yes O422 . Mn1 . O421 . 90.24(6) yes N11 . Mn1 . O421 . 72.43(6) yes O411 . Mn1 . O421 . 104.69(7) yes O412 2_666 Mn1 . N431 . 86.53(6) yes Mn2 . Mn1 . N431 . 116.96(5) yes O422 . Mn1 . N431 . 133.59(7) yes N11 . Mn1 . N431 . 76.43(8) yes O411 . Mn1 . N431 . 105.71(7) yes O421 . Mn1 . N431 . 126.81(7) yes Mn2 . N12 . C212 . 119.33(12) yes Mn2 . N12 . C222 . 103.58(12) yes C212 . N12 . C222 . 109.56(16) yes Mn2 . N12 . C232 . 106.25(13) yes C212 . N12 . C232 . 107.64(16) yes C222 . N12 . C232 . 110.28(17) yes N12 . C212 . C312 . 117.81(17) yes N12 . C212 . H2121 . 107.4 no C312 . C212 . H2121 . 107.5 no N12 . C212 . H2122 . 106.7 no C312 . C212 . H2122 . 107.7 no H2121 . C212 . H2122 . 109.6 no N12 . C222 . C322 . 109.18(17) yes N12 . C222 . H2221 . 109.1 no C322 . C222 . H2221 . 109.2 no N12 . C222 . H2222 . 110.4 no C322 . C222 . H2222 . 110.0 no H2221 . C222 . H2222 . 108.9 no N12 . C232 . C332 . 109.36(17) yes N12 . C232 . H2321 . 109.2 no C332 . C232 . H2321 . 109.8 no N12 . C232 . H2322 . 109.1 no C332 . C232 . H2322 . 109.3 no H2321 . C232 . H2322 . 110.1 no C212 . C312 . O412 . 114.72(17) yes C212 . C312 . H3121 . 109.3 no O412 . C312 . H3121 . 108.3 no C212 . C312 . H3122 . 106.7 no O412 . C312 . H3122 . 108.0 no H3121 . C312 . H3122 . 109.7 no C222 . C322 . O422 . 108.25(16) yes C222 . C322 . H3221 . 109.8 no O422 . C322 . H3221 . 110.2 no C222 . C322 . H3222 . 110.1 no O422 . C322 . H3222 . 109.5 no H3221 . C322 . H3222 . 109.1 no C232 . C332 . N432 . 106.92(18) yes C232 . C332 . H3321 . 110.0 no N432 . C332 . H3321 . 110.2 no C232 . C332 . H3322 . 109.6 no N432 . C332 . H3322 . 110.2 no H3321 . C332 . H3322 . 109.9 no Mn1 2_666 O412 . C312 . 130.89(12) yes Mn1 2_666 O412 . Mn2 2_666 101.42(6) yes C312 . O412 . Mn2 2_666 122.83(12) yes Mn1 . O422 . C322 . 132.14(12) yes Mn1 . O422 . Mn2 . 104.90(6) yes C322 . O422 . Mn2 . 119.28(12) yes C332 . N432 . Mn2 . 108.46(13) yes C332 . N432 . H4321 . 108.2 no Mn2 . N432 . H4321 . 109.3 no C332 . N432 . H4322 . 109.5 no Mn2 . N432 . H4322 . 108.5 no H4321 . N432 . H4322 . 113.0 no Mn1 . N11 . C211 . 108.24(14) yes Mn1 . N11 . C221 . 107.34(13) yes C211 . N11 . C221 . 111.3(2) yes Mn1 . N11 . C231 . 107.53(15) yes C211 . N11 . C231 . 111.3(2) yes C221 . N11 . C231 . 110.97(19) yes N11 . C211 . C311 . 110.7(2) yes N11 . C211 . H2111 . 108.8 no C311 . C211 . H2111 . 109.4 no N11 . C211 . H2112 . 108.8 no C311 . C211 . H2112 . 109.7 no H2111 . C211 . H2112 . 109.4 no N11 . C221 . C321 . 111.6(2) yes N11 . C221 . H2211 . 109.1 no C321 . C221 . H2211 . 108.7 no N11 . C221 . H2212 . 108.6 no C321 . C221 . H2212 . 109.3 no H2211 . C221 . H2212 . 109.5 no N11 . C231 . C331 . 111.38(19) yes N11 . C231 . H2311 . 109.5 no C331 . C231 . H2311 . 108.9 no N11 . C231 . H2312 . 108.1 no C331 . C231 . H2312 . 109.4 no H2311 . C231 . H2312 . 109.5 no C211 . C311 . O411 . 105.82(19) yes C211 . C311 . H3111 . 110.0 no O411 . C311 . H3111 . 110.8 no C211 . C311 . H3112 . 110.5 no O411 . C311 . H3112 . 109.8 no H3111 . C311 . H3112 . 109.8 no C221 . C321 . O421 . 106.24(19) yes C221 . C321 . H3211 . 110.4 no O421 . C321 . H3211 . 110.8 no C221 . C321 . H3212 . 110.0 no O421 . C321 . H3212 . 109.8 no H3211 . C321 . H3212 . 109.5 no C231 . C331 . N431 . 109.5(2) yes C231 . C331 . H3311 . 109.2 no N431 . C331 . H3311 . 108.6 no C231 . C331 . H3312 . 110.5 no N431 . C331 . H3312 . 109.4 no H3311 . C331 . H3312 . 109.6 no Mn1 . O411 . C311 . 118.18(14) yes Mn1 . O411 . H4111 . 135.0 no C311 . O411 . H4111 . 102.7 no Mn1 . O411 . H4112 . 78.4 no C311 . O411 . H4112 . 115.8 no H4111 . O411 . H4112 . 67.0 no Mn1 . O421 . C321 . 120.99(14) yes Mn1 . O421 . H4211 . 93.6 no C321 . O421 . H4211 . 144.9 no Mn1 . O421 . H4212 . 114.2 no C321 . O421 . H4212 . 89.8 no H4211 . O421 . H4212 . 68.7 no Mn1 . N431 . C331 . 108.70(15) yes Mn1 . N431 . H4312 . 109.4 no C331 . N431 . H4312 . 110.9 no Mn1 . N431 . H4311 . 108.9 no C331 . N431 . H4311 . 108.8 no H4312 . N431 . H4311 . 110.1 no O23 . Cl13 . O33 . 107.3(3) yes O23 . Cl13 . O43 . 111.3(2) yes O33 . Cl13 . O43 . 106.20(18) yes O23 . Cl13 . O53 . 110.29(15) yes O33 . Cl13 . O53 . 109.07(14) yes O43 . Cl13 . O53 . 112.45(14) yes O24 . Cl14 . O34 . 110.47(14) yes O24 . Cl14 . O44 . 109.65(11) yes O34 . Cl14 . O44 . 109.09(12) yes O24 . Cl14 . O54 . 109.65(12) yes O34 . Cl14 . O54 . 108.83(12) yes O44 . Cl14 . O54 . 109.13(11) yes # Attachment 'eb7160 (6)_Anna' data_EB7160 _database_code_depnum_ccdc_archive 'CCDC 682651' _audit_creation_date 08-06-23 _audit_creation_method CRYSTALS_ver_12.85 _oxford_structure_analysis_title 'eb7160 in P2(1)/c' _chemical_name_systematic ? _chemical_melting_point ? # SQUEEZE RESULTS (APPEND TO CIF) loop_ _platon_squeeze_void_nr _platon_squeeze_void_average_x _platon_squeeze_void_average_y _platon_squeeze_void_average_z _platon_squeeze_void_volume _platon_squeeze_void_count_electrons 1 0.500 0.264 1.187 646.7 95.0 _platon_squeeze_details ; ; _cell_length_a 14.6719(4) _cell_length_b 10.8780(3) _cell_length_c 14.9952(4) _cell_angle_alpha 90 _cell_angle_beta 113.4910(10) _cell_angle_gamma 90 _cell_volume 2194.90(10) _symmetry_cell_setting Monoclinic _symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'P 1 21/c 1 ' _symmetry_space_group_name_Hall '-P 2ybc' loop_ _symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz x,y,z -x,-y,-z -x,y+1/2,-z+1/2 x,-y+1/2,z+1/2 loop_ _atom_type_symbol _atom_type_scat_dispersion_real _atom_type_scat_dispersion_imag _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_a1 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_b1 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_a2 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_b2 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_a3 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_b3 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_a4 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_b4 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_c _atom_type_scat_source C 0.0033 0.0016 2.3100 20.8439 1.0200 10.2075 1.5886 0.5687 0.8650 51.6512 0.2156 'International Tables Vol C and' H 0.0000 0.0000 0.4930 10.5109 0.3229 26.1257 0.1402 3.1424 0.0408 57.7998 0.0030 'International Tables Vol C and' N 0.0061 0.0033 12.2126 0.0057 3.1322 9.8933 2.0125 28.9975 1.1663 0.5826 -11.5290 'International Tables Vol C and' O 0.0106 0.0060 3.0485 13.2771 2.2868 5.7011 1.5463 0.3239 0.8670 32.9089 0.2508 'International Tables Vol C and' Mn 0.3368 0.7283 11.2819 5.3409 7.3573 0.3432 3.0193 17.8674 2.2441 83.7543 1.0896 'International Tables Vol C and' Br -0.2901 2.4595 17.1789 2.1723 5.2358 16.5796 5.6377 0.2609 3.9851 41.4328 2.9557 'International Tables Vol C and' _cell_formula_units_Z 4 # Given Formula = C10 H24 Br1 Mn2 N5 O6 # Dc = 1.51 Fooo = 936.00 Mu = 30.00 M = 500.09 # Found Formula = C9 H20 Br1 Mn2 N5 O5 # Dc = 1.42 FOOO = 936.00 Mu = 29.92 M = 468.05 _chemical_formula_sum 'C10 H24 Br1 Mn2 N5 O6' _chemical_formula_weight 500.09 _cell_measurement_reflns_used 9978 _cell_measurement_theta_min 2 _cell_measurement_theta_max 30 _cell_measurement_temperature 150 _exptl_crystal_description block _exptl_crystal_colour brown _exptl_crystal_size_min 0.10 _exptl_crystal_size_mid 0.19 _exptl_crystal_size_max 0.36 _exptl_crystal_density_diffrn 1.51 _exptl_crystal_density_meas ? _exptl_crystal_density_method 'not measured' # Non-dispersive F(000): _exptl_crystal_F_000 936 _exptl_absorpt_coefficient_mu 2.992 # Sheldrick geometric approximatio 0.57 0.74 _exptl_absorpt_correction_type multi-scan _exptl_absorpt_process_details 'SADABS (Siemens, 1996)' _exptl_absorpt_correction_T_min 0.54 _exptl_absorpt_correction_T_max 0.74 _diffrn_measurement_device 'Bruker SMART' _diffrn_measurement_device_type Area _diffrn_radiation_monochromator graphite _diffrn_radiation_type 'Mo K\a' _diffrn_radiation_wavelength 0.71073 _diffrn_measurement_method '\f & \w scans' # If a reference occurs more than once, delete the author # and date from subsequent references. _computing_data_collection 'SMART (Siemens, 1993)' _computing_cell_refinement 'SAINT (Siemens ,1995)' _computing_data_reduction 'SAINT (Siemens ,1995)' _computing_structure_solution 'SIR92 (Altomare et al., 1994)' _computing_structure_refinement 'CRYSTALS (Betteridge et al., 2003)' _computing_publication_material 'CRYSTALS (Betteridge et al., 2003)' _computing_molecular_graphics 'CAMERON (Watkin et al., 1996)' _diffrn_standards_interval_time . _diffrn_standards_interval_count . _diffrn_standards_number 0 _diffrn_standards_decay_% ? _diffrn_ambient_temperature 150 _diffrn_reflns_number 5814 _reflns_number_total 5814 _diffrn_reflns_av_R_equivalents 0.033 # Number of reflections with Friedels Law is 5814 # Number of reflections without Friedels Law is 0 # Theoretical number of reflections is about 6236 _diffrn_reflns_theta_min 2.387 _diffrn_reflns_theta_max 29.712 _diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_max 0.931 _diffrn_reflns_theta_full 28.226 _diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_full 0.996 _diffrn_reflns_limit_h_min -20 _diffrn_reflns_limit_h_max 18 _diffrn_reflns_limit_k_min 0 _diffrn_reflns_limit_k_max 15 _diffrn_reflns_limit_l_min 0 _diffrn_reflns_limit_l_max 20 _reflns_limit_h_min -20 _reflns_limit_h_max 18 _reflns_limit_k_min 0 _reflns_limit_k_max 15 _reflns_limit_l_min 0 _reflns_limit_l_max 20 _oxford_diffrn_Wilson_B_factor 0.00 _oxford_diffrn_Wilson_scale 0.00 _atom_sites_solution_primary direct #heavy,direct,difmap,geom # _atom_sites_solution_secondary difmap _atom_sites_solution_hydrogens geom _refine_diff_density_min -0.89 _refine_diff_density_max 1.57 # The current dictionary definitions do not cover the # situation where the reflections used for refinement were # selected by a user-defined sigma threshold # The values actually used during refinement _oxford_reflns_threshold_expression_ref I>-10.0\s(I) _refine_ls_number_reflns 5814 _refine_ls_number_restraints 12 _refine_ls_number_parameters 208 _oxford_refine_ls_R_factor_ref 0.0545 _refine_ls_wR_factor_ref 0.1057 _refine_ls_goodness_of_fit_ref 0.9744 _refine_ls_shift/su_max 0.000801 # The values computed from all data _oxford_reflns_number_all 5814 _refine_ls_R_factor_all 0.0545 _refine_ls_wR_factor_all 0.1057 # The values computed with a 2 sigma cutoff - a la SHELX _reflns_threshold_expression I>2.0\s(I) _reflns_number_gt 4369 _refine_ls_R_factor_gt 0.0399 _refine_ls_wR_factor_gt 0.1025 # choose from: rm (reference molecule of known chirality), # ad (anomolous dispersion - Flack), rmad (rm and ad), # syn (from synthesis), unk (unknown) or . (not applicable). _chemical_absolute_configuration . _refine_ls_structure_factor_coef Fsqd _refine_ls_matrix_type full _refine_ls_hydrogen_treatment constr # none, undef, noref, refall, # refxyz, refU, constr or mixed _refine_ls_weighting_scheme calc _refine_ls_weighting_details ; Method= Modified Sheldrick w=1/[\s^2^(F^2^) + ( 0.04P)^2^ + 0.95P] ,where P=(max(Fo^2^,0) + 2Fc^2^)/3 ; # Insert your own references if required - in alphabetical order _publ_section_references ; Altomare, A., Cascarano, G., Giacovazzo, G., Guagliardi, A., Burla, M.C., Polidori, G. & Camalli, M. (1994). J. Appl. Cryst. 27, 435. Betteridge, P.W., Carruthers, J.R., Cooper, R.I., Prout, K. & Watkin, D.J. (2003). J. Appl. Cryst. 36, 1487. Siemens Industrial Automation, Inc (1993). SMART: Area-Detector Software Package; Madison, WI. Siemens Industrial Automation, Inc (1995). SAINT: Area-Detector Integration Software.; Madison, WI. Siemens Industrial Automation, Inc (1996). SADABS: Area-Detector Absorption Correction;: Madison, WI. Watkin, D.J., Prout, C.K. & Pearce, L.J. (1996). CAMERON, Chemical Crystallography Laboratory, Oxford, UK. ; # Uequiv = arithmetic mean of Ui i.e. Ueqiv = (U1+U2+U3)/3 # Replace last . with number of unfound hydrogen atomsattached to an atom. # ..._refinement_flags_... # . no refinement constraints S special position constraint on site # G rigid group refinement of site R riding atom # D distance or angle restraint on site T thermal displacement constraints # U Uiso or Uij restraint (rigid bond) P partial occupancy constraint loop_ _atom_site_label _atom_site_type_symbol _atom_site_fract_x _atom_site_fract_y _atom_site_fract_z _atom_site_U_iso_or_equiv _atom_site_occupancy _atom_site_adp_type _atom_site_refinement_flags_posn _atom_site_refinement_flags_adp _atom_site_refinement_flags_occupancy _atom_site_disorder_assembly _atom_site_disorder_group _oxford_atom_site_special_shape _atom_site_attached_hydrogens Mn1 Mn -0.03723(3) 1.10135(4) 0.44462(3) 0.0189 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . Mn2 Mn -0.27113(4) 1.11801(5) 0.32241(4) 0.0316 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . N3 N 0.03859(19) 1.2335(2) 0.54933(19) 0.0247 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . C4 C -0.0401(3) 1.2820(3) 0.5797(3) 0.0312 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . C5 C -0.1336(3) 1.3079(3) 0.4888(3) 0.0367 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . O6 O -0.14368(16) 1.2142(2) 0.41937(17) 0.0274 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . C7 C 0.1292(2) 1.1975(3) 0.6375(2) 0.0258 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . C8 C 0.1201(2) 1.0910(3) 0.6988(2) 0.0249 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . O9 O -0.13171(16) 1.02652(19) 0.33485(16) 0.0238 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . C10 C 0.0705(3) 1.3316(3) 0.4972(3) 0.0313 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . C11 C 0.1032(3) 1.2723(3) 0.4233(3) 0.0324 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . N12 N 0.0188(2) 1.1973(2) 0.3590(2) 0.0261 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . O13 O 0.06294(15) 0.99182(18) 0.46709(15) 0.0202 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . O14 O -0.2683(2) 1.2306(3) 0.2012(2) 0.0526 1.0000 Uani . U . . . . . C15 C -0.3382(5) 1.2442(7) 0.1080(4) 0.1022 1.0000 Uani . U . . . . . O16 O -0.2662(2) 1.0164(3) 0.4527(2) 0.0484 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . N17 N -0.3807(3) 1.2382(4) 0.3390(3) 0.0599 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . C18 C -0.4378(4) 1.2965(5) 0.3539(4) 0.0661 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . N19 N -0.4819(14) 1.3842(14) 0.3858(15) 0.0729 0.5000 Uani . U . 1 1 . . C20 C -0.5699(4) 1.4235(5) 0.3214(3) 0.0562 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . N21 N -0.6350(2) 1.4835(3) 0.2763(3) 0.0475 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . N22 N -0.5119(12) 1.3344(13) 0.3776(15) 0.0625 0.5000 Uani . U . 1 2 . . Br24 Br 0.12053(3) 0.96670(3) 0.25018(3) 0.0319 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . H41 H -0.0179 1.3569 0.6155 0.0340 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H42 H -0.0521 1.2210 0.6208 0.0338 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H51 H -0.1309 1.3900 0.4647 0.0382 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H52 H -0.1915 1.3051 0.5059 0.0380 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H71 H 0.1486 1.2687 0.6791 0.0271 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H72 H 0.1805 1.1758 0.6170 0.0263 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H81 H 0.1721 1.1008 0.7634 0.0267 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H82 H 0.0554 1.0970 0.6997 0.0267 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H101 H 0.1225 1.3789 0.5435 0.0320 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H102 H 0.0154 1.3846 0.4649 0.0318 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H111 H 0.1224 1.3332 0.3851 0.0358 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H112 H 0.1615 1.2187 0.4550 0.0361 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H121 H 0.0439 1.1441 0.3268 0.0357 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H122 H -0.0265 1.2457 0.3177 0.0360 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H142 H -0.2072 1.0019 0.4902 0.0500 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H151 H -0.3900 1.1860 0.0962 0.1020 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H152 H -0.3648 1.3250 0.1011 0.1020 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H153 H -0.3088 1.2322 0.0625 0.1020 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H161 H -0.3037 1.0736 0.4702 0.0500 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H162 H -0.2242 1.2876 0.2052 0.0500 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . loop_ _atom_site_aniso_label _atom_site_aniso_U_11 _atom_site_aniso_U_22 _atom_site_aniso_U_33 _atom_site_aniso_U_23 _atom_site_aniso_U_13 _atom_site_aniso_U_12 Mn1 0.0188(2) 0.0137(2) 0.0207(2) 0.00014(16) 0.00417(17) -0.00034(16) Mn2 0.0204(2) 0.0243(3) 0.0396(3) 0.0010(2) 0.0009(2) 0.0012(2) N3 0.0222(13) 0.0216(12) 0.0254(13) 0.0003(10) 0.0043(10) -0.0014(10) C4 0.0311(18) 0.0227(15) 0.0343(18) -0.0080(13) 0.0072(15) 0.0027(13) C5 0.0327(18) 0.0224(16) 0.044(2) -0.0090(15) 0.0036(16) 0.0056(14) O6 0.0253(11) 0.0178(10) 0.0323(12) -0.0020(9) 0.0043(10) 0.0035(9) C7 0.0251(15) 0.0209(14) 0.0238(15) -0.0036(12) 0.0017(13) -0.0017(12) C8 0.0285(15) 0.0220(15) 0.0209(14) -0.0019(11) 0.0062(12) -0.0014(12) O9 0.0230(11) 0.0176(10) 0.0243(11) -0.0017(9) 0.0027(9) -0.0012(8) C10 0.0318(17) 0.0195(15) 0.0355(18) 0.0044(13) 0.0059(15) -0.0065(13) C11 0.0292(17) 0.0291(17) 0.0351(18) 0.0052(14) 0.0087(14) -0.0081(14) N12 0.0269(14) 0.0234(13) 0.0261(14) 0.0033(11) 0.0087(11) 0.0014(11) O13 0.0201(10) 0.0167(10) 0.0225(10) 0.0010(8) 0.0070(8) 0.0015(8) O14 0.0469(17) 0.0355(15) 0.0474(17) 0.0138(13) -0.0106(13) -0.0135(13) C15 0.117(5) 0.107(5) 0.055(3) 0.013(3) 0.006(3) -0.051(4) O16 0.0269(13) 0.062(2) 0.0537(18) 0.0134(15) 0.0134(13) 0.0104(13) N17 0.038(2) 0.055(2) 0.075(3) 0.005(2) 0.0097(19) 0.0242(18) C18 0.052(3) 0.077(4) 0.050(3) 0.013(3) 0.000(2) 0.038(3) N19 0.068(10) 0.084(11) 0.050(5) 0.001(8) 0.006(7) 0.045(8) C20 0.050(3) 0.069(3) 0.046(2) 0.004(2) 0.015(2) 0.029(2) N21 0.0332(17) 0.044(2) 0.055(2) 0.0025(17) 0.0068(16) 0.0145(15) N22 0.057(9) 0.069(10) 0.052(6) 0.012(7) 0.010(6) 0.042(7) Br24 0.03627(19) 0.02273(16) 0.03548(19) -0.00079(13) 0.01316(15) 0.00294(14) _refine_ls_extinction_method None _oxford_refine_ls_scale 0.11061(3) loop_ _geom_bond_atom_site_label_1 _geom_bond_site_symmetry_1 _geom_bond_atom_site_label_2 _geom_bond_site_symmetry_2 _geom_bond_distance _geom_bond_publ_flag Mn1 . Mn1 2_576 2.7142(9) yes Mn1 . O13 2_576 1.822(2) yes Mn1 . N3 . 2.092(3) yes Mn1 . O6 . 1.903(2) yes Mn1 . O9 . 1.864(2) yes Mn1 . N12 . 2.063(3) yes Mn1 . O13 . 1.816(2) yes Mn2 . N21 3_445 2.146(3) yes Mn2 . O6 . 2.130(2) yes Mn2 . O9 . 2.215(2) yes Mn2 . O14 . 2.205(3) yes Mn2 . O16 . 2.221(3) yes Mn2 . N17 . 2.162(4) yes N3 . C4 . 1.496(4) yes N3 . C7 . 1.506(4) yes N3 . C10 . 1.503(4) yes C4 . C5 . 1.525(5) yes C4 . H41 . 0.959 no C4 . H42 . 0.969 no C5 . O6 . 1.422(4) yes C5 . H51 . 0.971 no C5 . H52 . 0.980 no C7 . C8 . 1.518(4) yes C7 . H71 . 0.964 no C7 . H72 . 0.950 no C8 . O9 2_576 1.410(4) yes C8 . H81 . 0.971 no C8 . H82 . 0.956 no C10 . C11 . 1.515(5) yes C10 . H101 . 0.952 no C10 . H102 . 0.954 no C11 . N12 . 1.475(4) yes C11 . H111 . 0.988 no C11 . H112 . 0.987 no N12 . H121 . 0.920 no N12 . H122 . 0.880 no O14 . C15 . 1.373(6) yes O14 . H162 . 0.881 no C15 . H151 . 0.950 no C15 . H152 . 0.950 no C15 . H153 . 0.950 no O16 . H142 . 0.838 no O16 . H161 . 0.934 no N17 . C18 . 1.143(6) yes C18 . N19 . 1.34(2) yes C18 . N22 . 1.34(2) yes N19 . C20 . 1.337(19) yes C20 . N21 . 1.131(5) yes C20 . N21 . 1.131(5) yes C20 . N22 . 1.342(17) yes loop_ _geom_angle_atom_site_label_1 _geom_angle_site_symmetry_1 _geom_angle_atom_site_label_2 _geom_angle_site_symmetry_2 _geom_angle_atom_site_label_3 _geom_angle_site_symmetry_3 _geom_angle _geom_angle_publ_flag Mn1 2_576 Mn1 . O13 2_576 41.67(7) yes Mn1 2_576 Mn1 . N3 . 97.77(7) yes O13 2_576 Mn1 . N3 . 92.25(10) yes Mn1 2_576 Mn1 . O6 . 138.11(8) yes O13 2_576 Mn1 . O6 . 96.45(10) yes N3 . Mn1 . O6 . 81.63(10) yes Mn1 2_576 Mn1 . O9 . 99.32(7) yes O13 2_576 Mn1 . O9 . 95.87(10) yes N3 . Mn1 . O9 . 161.54(10) yes O6 . Mn1 . O9 . 81.00(10) yes Mn1 2_576 Mn1 . N12 . 128.98(8) yes O13 2_576 Mn1 . N12 . 169.40(10) yes N3 . Mn1 . N12 . 83.94(11) yes O6 . Mn1 . N12 . 92.78(11) yes O9 . Mn1 . N12 . 90.69(10) yes Mn1 2_576 Mn1 . O13 . 41.84(7) yes O13 2_576 Mn1 . O13 . 83.51(10) yes N3 . Mn1 . O13 . 99.37(10) yes O6 . Mn1 . O13 . 179.00(10) yes O9 . Mn1 . O13 . 98.01(10) yes N12 . Mn1 . O13 . 87.35(10) yes N21 3_445 Mn2 . O6 . 162.41(12) yes N21 3_445 Mn2 . O9 . 93.95(12) yes O6 . Mn2 . O9 . 68.49(8) yes N21 3_445 Mn2 . O14 . 91.59(13) yes O6 . Mn2 . O14 . 89.43(10) yes O9 . Mn2 . O14 . 89.93(11) yes N21 3_445 Mn2 . O16 . 93.12(13) yes O6 . Mn2 . O16 . 86.12(10) yes O9 . Mn2 . O16 . 89.85(9) yes O14 . Mn2 . O16 . 175.29(12) yes N21 3_445 Mn2 . N17 . 100.91(15) yes O6 . Mn2 . N17 . 96.62(13) yes O9 . Mn2 . N17 . 165.08(13) yes O14 . Mn2 . N17 . 91.03(15) yes O16 . Mn2 . N17 . 87.97(14) yes Mn1 . N3 . C4 . 103.09(19) yes Mn1 . N3 . C7 . 119.9(2) yes C4 . N3 . C7 . 110.1(3) yes Mn1 . N3 . C10 . 106.24(19) yes C4 . N3 . C10 . 110.3(3) yes C7 . N3 . C10 . 107.0(2) yes N3 . C4 . C5 . 108.8(3) yes N3 . C4 . H41 . 109.8 no C5 . C4 . H41 . 109.2 no N3 . C4 . H42 . 108.1 no C5 . C4 . H42 . 111.5 no H41 . C4 . H42 . 109.5 no C4 . C5 . O6 . 108.4(3) yes C4 . C5 . H51 . 110.3 no O6 . C5 . H51 . 113.2 no C4 . C5 . H52 . 109.0 no O6 . C5 . H52 . 108.8 no H51 . C5 . H52 . 107.1 no Mn2 . O6 . C5 . 131.2(2) yes Mn2 . O6 . Mn1 . 104.25(10) yes C5 . O6 . Mn1 . 118.6(2) yes N3 . C7 . C8 . 118.1(3) yes N3 . C7 . H71 . 106.8 no C8 . C7 . H71 . 107.2 no N3 . C7 . H72 . 108.4 no C8 . C7 . H72 . 106.2 no H71 . C7 . H72 . 110.0 no C7 . C8 . O9 2_576 115.0(3) yes C7 . C8 . H81 . 107.2 no O9 2_576 C8 . H81 . 107.3 no C7 . C8 . H82 . 106.5 no O9 2_576 C8 . H82 . 109.2 no H81 . C8 . H82 . 111.7 no Mn2 . O9 . C8 2_576 128.11(19) yes Mn2 . O9 . Mn1 . 102.41(10) yes C8 2_576 O9 . Mn1 . 123.96(19) yes N3 . C10 . C11 . 109.5(3) yes N3 . C10 . H101 . 109.2 no C11 . C10 . H101 . 111.6 no N3 . C10 . H102 . 108.4 no C11 . C10 . H102 . 109.8 no H101 . C10 . H102 . 108.3 no C10 . C11 . N12 . 106.6(3) yes C10 . C11 . H111 . 112.7 no N12 . C11 . H111 . 110.5 no C10 . C11 . H112 . 111.5 no N12 . C11 . H112 . 109.2 no H111 . C11 . H112 . 106.4 no C11 . N12 . Mn1 . 108.2(2) yes C11 . N12 . H121 . 106.5 no Mn1 . N12 . H121 . 110.5 no C11 . N12 . H122 . 109.4 no Mn1 . N12 . H122 . 111.4 no H121 . N12 . H122 . 110.8 no Mn1 2_576 O13 . Mn1 . 96.49(10) yes Mn2 . O14 . C15 . 130.3(3) yes Mn2 . O14 . H162 . 126.1 no C15 . O14 . H162 . 102.9 no O14 . C15 . H151 . 109.5 no O14 . C15 . H152 . 108.6 no H151 . C15 . H152 . 109.5 no O14 . C15 . H153 . 110.3 no H151 . C15 . H153 . 109.5 no H152 . C15 . H153 . 109.5 no Mn2 . O16 . H142 . 110.2 no Mn2 . O16 . H161 . 95.7 no H142 . O16 . H161 . 120.2 no Mn2 . N17 . C18 . 174.7(4) yes N17 . C18 . N19 . 163.7(9) yes N17 . C18 . N22 . 164.1(9) yes C18 . N19 . C20 . 115.6(14) yes N19 . C20 . N21 . 163.4(9) yes N21 . C20 . N22 . 164.6(9) yes Mn2 3_455 N21 . C20 . 164.2(4) yes C20 . N22 . C18 . 115.8(16) yes # Attachment 'eb7167-_5_.cif' data_EB7167 _database_code_depnum_ccdc_archive 'CCDC 682652' _audit_creation_date 07-11-16 _audit_creation_method CRYSTALS_ver_12.85 #_oxford_structure_analysis_title 'eb7167 in P-1' _chemical_name_systematic ? _chemical_melting_point ? _chemical_formula_moiety 'C32 H44 Br4 Mn4 N8 O6, 2(C H4 O)' _chemical_compound_source 'G Karotsis, GK480' _exptl_crystal_recrystallization_method ; Slow evaporation of MeOH solution. ; _publ_section_abstract # Text of the abstract # (a) The Abstract must be self-contained and comprehensible # without the rest of the paper. This means no references # to atom names or to compound numbers; compounds must be # identified as the title compound, or by name or by some other # means such as derivatives of each other (e.g. "the # corresponding ketone"). # (b) The chemical formula of "the title compound" must be given. # (c) Any crystallographic molecular symmetry should be # mentioned, and also the presence of more than one molecule # in the asymmetric unit (i.e. anything other than Z'=1). ; ? ; _publ_section_related_literature # Not in version 2.3.1 ############################################################### # Essential references (e.g. to the origin of the material studied, related # structural studies, and to information supporting the reported structure) # should be cited in this section, with appropriate very brief explanatory # text, for example `The synthesis of the complex is described by Jones # (2001). The anhydrous complex has essentially the same coordination # geometry (Smith, 2003).' In addition, all references included in the # supplementary materials, but not elsewhere in the published article, # should be given here. The simple text `For related literature, see:...' # may be used, but further details should be provided in the Comment # section, which forms part of the supplementary material. ############################################################### ; ? ; _publ_section_comment # Text of the paper # Note that atoms are referenced as N2, not N(2) or N~2~ # If text containing () occur within (), the outer ones should be [] # Figures should be referenced as Fig. ; ? ; _publ_section_acknowledgements # Acknowledgments ; ? ; _publ_section_figure_captions # Captions to figures - Start each caption on a new line after a blank line ; Fig. 1. The title compound with displacement ellipsoids drawn at the 50% probability level. H atoms are shown as spheres of arbitary radius. ; _publ_section_exptl_refinement # Some potentially useful phrases are donated by Bill Clegg: ; In the absence of significant anomalous scattering, Friedel pairs were merged. The H atoms were all located in a difference map, but those attached to carbon atoms were repositioned geometrically. The H atoms were initially refined with soft restraints on the bond lengths and angles to regularise their geometry (C---H in the range 0.93--0.98, O---H = 0.82 \%A) and U~iso~(H) (in the range 1.2-1.5 times U~eq~ of the parent atom), after which the positions were refined with riding constraints. 060_ALERT_3_B Ratio Tmax/Tmin (Exp-to-Rep) (too) Large ....... 1.93 Sadabs corrects for all systematic errors that lead to disparities in the intensities of symmetry-equivalent data. These may include absorption by the mount, crystal decay, changes in the volume of the crystal illuminated, etc. 912_ALERT_3_B # Missing FCF Reflections Above STh/L= 0.600 316 919_ALERT_3_B # Reflections Likely Affected by the Beamstop .. 1 910_ALERT_3_C # Missing FCF Reflections Below Th(Min) ........ 1 The data collection strategy used aimed to achieve a complete data set to 2\q = 54 deg. Some higher angle data were collected in the process and these have been included in the refinement. #============================================================================== Resolution & Completeness Statistics (Cumulative and Friedel Pairs Averaged) #============================================================================== Theta sin(th)/Lambda Complete Expected Measured Missing #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20.82 0.500 1.000 2317 2316 1 23.01 0.550 1.000 3082 3081 1 25.24 0.600 1.000 3989 3988 1 #----------------------------------------------------------- ACTA Min. Res. --- 27.51 0.650 0.998 5070 5060 10 29.84 0.700 0.976 6335 6181 154 30.60 0.716 0.953 6782 6465 317 154_ALERT_1_C The su's on the Cell Angles are Equal (x 10000) 200 Deg. No action. 232_ALERT_2_C Hirshfeld Test Diff (M-X) Mn1 - N26 .. 5.78 su No action. Ton Spek says this often happens with bonds between heavy & light atoms with good data sets. The reason is probably inadequate modelling of bonding density. 790_ALERT_4_C Centre of Gravity not Within Unit Cell: Resd. # 2 C H4 O No action. ; _publ_section_exptl_prep # Brief details or a reference. Include solvent if known ; ? ; # Hand-made tables can be put in the cif. The number of columns # is set in the loop header. # The contants of each column can either be a piece of text # without any spaces (eg a number) or other text enclosed in " " # Remove the leading # in the following example #geom_extra_table_head_A #; #Table 2. #Molecular parameters deviating most from MOGUL averages #; # #loop_ #_geom_extra_tableA_col_1 #_geom_extra_tableA_col_2 #_geom_extra_tableA_col_3 #_geom_extra_tableA_col_4 # #Parameter "Observed Value" "MOGUL Value" "MOGUL e.s.d" #N5-C6-C4 129 124 "7 (\%)" #C3-O10-C2 105 109 "2 (\%)" #C6-O7 1.25 1.22 ".02 (\%A)" # # End of 'script/refcif-b.dat' #end of refcif _cell_length_a 9.1916(3) _cell_length_b 9.4296(3) _cell_length_c 14.1811(5) _cell_angle_alpha 103.468(2) _cell_angle_beta 90.430(2) _cell_angle_gamma 111.896(2) _cell_volume 1103.01(7) _symmetry_cell_setting Triclinic _symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'P -1 ' _symmetry_space_group_name_Hall ? loop_ _symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz x,y,z -x,-y,-z loop_ _atom_type_symbol _atom_type_scat_dispersion_real _atom_type_scat_dispersion_imag _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_a1 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_b1 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_a2 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_b2 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_a3 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_b3 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_a4 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_b4 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_c _atom_type_scat_source C 0.0033 0.0016 2.3100 20.8439 1.0200 10.2075 1.5886 0.5687 0.8650 51.6512 0.2156 'International Tables Vol C and' H 0.0000 0.0000 0.4930 10.5109 0.3229 26.1257 0.1402 3.1424 0.0408 57.7998 0.0030 'International Tables Vol C and' N 0.0061 0.0033 12.2126 0.0057 3.1322 9.8933 2.0125 28.9975 1.1663 0.5826 -11.5290 'International Tables Vol C and' O 0.0106 0.0060 3.0485 13.2771 2.2868 5.7011 1.5463 0.3239 0.8670 32.9089 0.2508 'International Tables Vol C and' Mn 0.3368 0.7283 11.2819 5.3409 7.3573 0.3432 3.0193 17.8674 2.2441 83.7543 1.0896 'International Tables Vol C and' Br -0.2901 2.4595 17.1789 2.1723 5.2358 16.5796 5.6377 0.2609 3.9851 41.4328 2.9557 'International Tables Vol C and' _cell_formula_units_Z 1 # Given Formula = C34 H52 Br4 Mn4 N8 O8 # Dc = 1.87 Fooo = 616.00 Mu = 47.98 M = 620.08 # Found Formula = C34 H52 Br4 Mn4 N8 O8 # Dc = 1.87 FOOO = 616.00 Mu = 47.98 M = 620.08 _chemical_formula_sum 'C34 H52 Br4 Mn4 N8 O8' _chemical_formula_weight 1240.16 _cell_measurement_reflns_used 9893 _cell_measurement_theta_min 2 _cell_measurement_theta_max 31 _cell_measurement_temperature 150 _exptl_crystal_description plate _exptl_crystal_colour black _exptl_crystal_size_min 0.09 _exptl_crystal_size_mid 0.28 _exptl_crystal_size_max 0.44 _exptl_crystal_density_diffrn 1.867 _exptl_crystal_density_meas ? _exptl_crystal_density_method 'not measured' # Non-dispersive F(000): _exptl_crystal_F_000 616 _exptl_absorpt_coefficient_mu 4.798 # Sheldrick geometric approximatio 0.26 0.65 _exptl_absorpt_correction_type multi-scan _exptl_absorpt_process_details 'SADABS (Siemens, 1996)' _exptl_absorpt_correction_T_min 0.42 _exptl_absorpt_correction_T_max 0.65 _diffrn_measurement_device 'Bruker SMART' _diffrn_measurement_device_type Area _diffrn_radiation_monochromator graphite _diffrn_radiation_type 'Mo K\a' _diffrn_radiation_wavelength 0.71073 _diffrn_measurement_method '\f & \w scans' # If a reference occurs more than once, delete the author # and date from subsequent references. _computing_data_collection 'SMART (Siemens, 1993)' _computing_cell_refinement 'SAINT (Siemens ,1995)' _computing_data_reduction 'SAINT (Siemens ,1995)' _computing_structure_solution 'SIR92 (Altomare et al., 1994)' _computing_structure_refinement 'CRYSTALS (Betteridge et al., 2003)' _computing_publication_material 'CRYSTALS (Betteridge et al., 2003)' _computing_molecular_graphics 'CAMERON (Watkin et al., 1996)' _diffrn_standards_interval_time . _diffrn_standards_interval_count . _diffrn_standards_number 0 _diffrn_standards_decay_% ? _diffrn_ambient_temperature 150 _diffrn_reflns_number 24353 _reflns_number_total 6465 _diffrn_reflns_av_R_equivalents 0.036 # Number of reflections with Friedels Law is 6465 # Number of reflections without Friedels Law is 0 # Theoretical number of reflections is about 6792 _diffrn_reflns_theta_min 2.401 _diffrn_reflns_theta_max 30.603 _diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_max 0.953 _diffrn_reflns_theta_full 28.155 _diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_full 0.996 _diffrn_reflns_limit_h_min -12 _diffrn_reflns_limit_h_max 13 _diffrn_reflns_limit_k_min -13 _diffrn_reflns_limit_k_max 13 _diffrn_reflns_limit_l_min -20 _diffrn_reflns_limit_l_max 19 _reflns_limit_h_min -13 _reflns_limit_h_max 12 _reflns_limit_k_min -13 _reflns_limit_k_max 13 _reflns_limit_l_min 0 _reflns_limit_l_max 20 #_oxford_diffrn_Wilson_B_factor 1.78 #_oxford_diffrn_Wilson_scale 5.18 _atom_sites_solution_primary direct #heavy,direct,difmap,geom # _atom_sites_solution_secondary difmap _atom_sites_solution_hydrogens geom _refine_diff_density_min -0.93 _refine_diff_density_max 1.05 # The current dictionary definitions do not cover the # situation where the reflections used for refinement were # selected by a user-defined sigma threshold # The values actually used during refinement #_oxford_reflns_threshold_expression_ref I>-10.0\s(I) _refine_ls_number_reflns 6465 _refine_ls_number_restraints 0 _refine_ls_number_parameters 262 #_oxford_refine_ls_R_factor_ref 0.0430 _refine_ls_wR_factor_ref 0.0800 _refine_ls_goodness_of_fit_ref 0.9266 _refine_ls_shift/su_max 0.001854 # The values computed from all data #_oxford_reflns_number_all 6465 _refine_ls_R_factor_all 0.0430 _refine_ls_wR_factor_all 0.0800 # The values computed with a 2 sigma cutoff - a la SHELX _reflns_threshold_expression I>2.0\s(I) _reflns_number_gt 5134 _refine_ls_R_factor_gt 0.0317 _refine_ls_wR_factor_gt 0.0764 # choose from: rm (reference molecule of known chirality), # ad (anomolous dispersion - Flack), rmad (rm and ad), # syn (from synthesis), unk (unknown) or . (not applicable). _chemical_absolute_configuration . _refine_ls_structure_factor_coef Fsqd _refine_ls_matrix_type full _refine_ls_hydrogen_treatment constr # none, undef, noref, refall, # refxyz, refU, constr or mixed _refine_ls_weighting_scheme calc _refine_ls_weighting_details ; Method= Modified Sheldrick w=1/[\s^2^(F^2^) + ( 0.02P)^2^ + 0.00P] ,where P=(max(Fo^2^,0) + 2Fc^2^)/3 ; # Insert your own references if required - in alphabetical order _publ_section_references ; Altomare, A., Cascarano, G., Giacovazzo, G., Guagliardi, A., Burla, M.C., Polidori, G. & Camalli, M. (1994). J. Appl. Cryst. 27, 435. Betteridge, P.W., Carruthers, J.R., Cooper, R.I., Prout, K. & Watkin, D.J. (2003). J. Appl. Cryst. 36, 1487. Siemens Industrial Automation, Inc (1993). SMART: Area-Detector Software Package; Madison, WI. Siemens Industrial Automation, Inc (1995). SAINT: Area-Detector Integration Software.; Madison, WI. Siemens Industrial Automation, Inc (1996). SADABS: Area-Detector Absorption Correction;: Madison, WI. Watkin, D.J., Prout, C.K. & Pearce, L.J. (1996). CAMERON, Chemical Crystallography Laboratory, Oxford, UK. ; # Uequiv = arithmetic mean of Ui i.e. Ueqiv = (U1+U2+U3)/3 # Replace last . with number of unfound hydrogen atomsattached to an atom. # ..._refinement_flags_... # . no refinement constraints S special position constraint on site # G rigid group refinement of site R riding atom # D distance or angle restraint on site T thermal displacement constraints # U Uiso or Uij restraint (rigid bond) P partial occupancy constraint loop_ _atom_site_label _atom_site_type_symbol _atom_site_fract_x _atom_site_fract_y _atom_site_fract_z _atom_site_U_iso_or_equiv _atom_site_occupancy _atom_site_adp_type _atom_site_refinement_flags_posn _atom_site_refinement_flags_adp _atom_site_refinement_flags_occupancy _atom_site_disorder_assembly _atom_site_disorder_group _oxford_atom_site_special_shape _atom_site_attached_hydrogens Mn1 Mn 0.09806(4) 0.63922(4) 0.48566(2) 0.0184 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . Mn2 Mn 0.14424(4) 0.75018(4) 0.28660(3) 0.0212 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . Br3 Br 0.19487(3) 1.05242(3) 0.367970(19) 0.0265 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . Br4 Br 0.38934(3) 0.80409(3) 0.184787(18) 0.0293 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . C5 C -0.1190(3) 0.5666(3) 0.11179(17) 0.0242 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . C6 C -0.2408(3) 0.5332(3) 0.04109(19) 0.0316 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . C7 C -0.2971(3) 0.6488(3) 0.0370(2) 0.0367 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . C8 C -0.2319(3) 0.7946(3) 0.1028(2) 0.0328 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . C9 C -0.1095(3) 0.8199(3) 0.16946(19) 0.0281 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . N10 N -0.0528(2) 0.7102(2) 0.17547(14) 0.0235 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . C11 C -0.0544(3) 0.4474(3) 0.12265(17) 0.0237 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . N12 N 0.0565(3) 0.4939(2) 0.19789(15) 0.0254 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . C13 C 0.1177(3) 0.3918(3) 0.2128(2) 0.0304 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . C14 C 0.0719(4) 0.2400(3) 0.1539(2) 0.0344 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . C15 C -0.0421(4) 0.1927(3) 0.0766(2) 0.0350 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . C16 C -0.1072(3) 0.2959(3) 0.06040(19) 0.0304 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . N17 N 0.2949(2) 0.6686(2) 0.57574(14) 0.0215 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . C18 C 0.4043(3) 0.6347(3) 0.50415(18) 0.0248 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . C19 C 0.4109(3) 0.7203(3) 0.42484(18) 0.0258 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . O20 O 0.25779(19) 0.7112(2) 0.40177(12) 0.0235 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . C21 C 0.2742(3) 0.5714(3) 0.64825(18) 0.0257 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . C22 C 0.1925(3) 0.3923(3) 0.61230(18) 0.0244 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . O23 O 0.02733(19) 0.33605(19) 0.60842(12) 0.0222 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . C24 C 0.3649(3) 0.8402(3) 0.63170(18) 0.0260 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . C25 C 0.2356(3) 0.8994(3) 0.65660(18) 0.0274 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . N26 N 0.1397(2) 0.8670(2) 0.56466(15) 0.0247 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . O27 O 0.05234(19) 0.42935(18) 0.43570(11) 0.0207 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . C28 C 0.4824(5) 1.1600(5) 0.0940(3) 0.0731 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . O29 O 0.3272(3) 1.0695(4) 0.0954(2) 0.0694 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . H61 H -0.2817 0.4367 -0.0025 0.0354 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H71 H -0.3796 0.6281 -0.0092 0.0420 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H81 H -0.2716 0.8710 0.1029 0.0407 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H91 H -0.0617 0.9205 0.2130 0.0333 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H131 H 0.1940 0.4257 0.2654 0.0376 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H141 H 0.1161 0.1740 0.1671 0.0429 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H151 H -0.0738 0.0941 0.0359 0.0389 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H161 H -0.1815 0.2663 0.0109 0.0340 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H181 H 0.5076 0.6656 0.5362 0.0300 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H182 H 0.3642 0.5227 0.4751 0.0292 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H192 H 0.4839 0.8291 0.4477 0.0314 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H191 H 0.4466 0.6670 0.3653 0.0313 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H211 H 0.2163 0.6097 0.7000 0.0300 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H212 H 0.3811 0.5947 0.6772 0.0303 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H222 H 0.2279 0.3459 0.6576 0.0293 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H221 H 0.2219 0.3577 0.5501 0.0297 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H241 H 0.4264 0.8547 0.6915 0.0289 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H242 H 0.4321 0.9018 0.5919 0.0279 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H251 H 0.2805 1.0111 0.6914 0.0311 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H252 H 0.1676 0.8412 0.6992 0.0314 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H262 H 0.0524 0.8774 0.5769 0.0368 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H261 H 0.1903 0.9335 0.5321 0.0359 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H291 H 0.3600 1.0601 0.1496 0.1190 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H283 H 0.5467 1.1025 0.1066 0.1058 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H282 H 0.4943 1.1864 0.0330 0.1055 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H281 H 0.5021 1.2563 0.1493 0.1066 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . loop_ _atom_site_aniso_label _atom_site_aniso_U_11 _atom_site_aniso_U_22 _atom_site_aniso_U_33 _atom_site_aniso_U_23 _atom_site_aniso_U_13 _atom_site_aniso_U_12 Mn1 0.01627(16) 0.01739(16) 0.02054(16) 0.00323(12) 0.00129(12) 0.00621(13) Mn2 0.02142(18) 0.01928(17) 0.02119(17) 0.00352(13) 0.00158(13) 0.00705(13) Br3 0.02272(12) 0.01957(11) 0.03345(14) 0.00128(9) 0.00144(9) 0.00722(9) Br4 0.02533(13) 0.03003(13) 0.02559(13) 0.00207(10) 0.00543(9) 0.00595(10) C5 0.0218(11) 0.0210(11) 0.0254(11) 0.0046(9) 0.0038(9) 0.0042(9) C6 0.0299(13) 0.0275(13) 0.0299(13) 0.0019(10) -0.0028(10) 0.0059(10) C7 0.0276(14) 0.0360(15) 0.0420(16) 0.0106(12) -0.0058(12) 0.0071(11) C8 0.0288(13) 0.0331(14) 0.0401(15) 0.0113(12) 0.0040(11) 0.0146(11) C9 0.0293(13) 0.0244(12) 0.0302(13) 0.0047(10) 0.0022(10) 0.0112(10) N10 0.0240(10) 0.0206(9) 0.0237(10) 0.0037(8) 0.0023(8) 0.0071(8) C11 0.0226(11) 0.0209(11) 0.0247(11) 0.0046(9) 0.0076(9) 0.0058(9) N12 0.0283(11) 0.0228(10) 0.0243(10) 0.0044(8) 0.0062(8) 0.0101(8) C13 0.0339(14) 0.0288(13) 0.0320(13) 0.0082(10) 0.0056(11) 0.0156(11) C14 0.0418(16) 0.0244(12) 0.0418(15) 0.0110(11) 0.0135(12) 0.0164(11) C15 0.0398(15) 0.0202(12) 0.0388(15) 0.0015(10) 0.0108(12) 0.0080(11) C16 0.0284(13) 0.0236(12) 0.0320(13) 0.0007(10) 0.0028(10) 0.0056(10) N17 0.0202(9) 0.0191(9) 0.0233(10) 0.0034(7) 0.0011(7) 0.0066(7) C18 0.0175(10) 0.0241(11) 0.0323(13) 0.0058(10) 0.0025(9) 0.0082(9) C19 0.0190(11) 0.0292(12) 0.0308(12) 0.0099(10) 0.0059(9) 0.0096(9) O20 0.0181(8) 0.0269(8) 0.0267(8) 0.0091(7) 0.0035(6) 0.0087(7) C21 0.0214(11) 0.0283(12) 0.0248(12) 0.0073(9) -0.0022(9) 0.0064(9) C22 0.0196(11) 0.0257(12) 0.0299(12) 0.0091(9) 0.0008(9) 0.0097(9) O23 0.0175(8) 0.0242(8) 0.0250(8) 0.0073(6) 0.0013(6) 0.0077(6) C24 0.0213(11) 0.0185(11) 0.0316(13) 0.0000(9) -0.0034(9) 0.0043(9) C25 0.0262(12) 0.0244(12) 0.0263(12) -0.0025(9) -0.0007(9) 0.0092(10) N26 0.0214(10) 0.0232(10) 0.0286(10) 0.0049(8) 0.0035(8) 0.0087(8) O27 0.0198(8) 0.0192(8) 0.0221(8) 0.0033(6) 0.0028(6) 0.0078(6) C28 0.060(3) 0.078(3) 0.071(3) 0.037(2) -0.014(2) 0.005(2) O29 0.0573(17) 0.079(2) 0.094(2) 0.0425(17) 0.0165(15) 0.0379(16) _refine_ls_extinction_method None #_oxford_refine_ls_scale 0.4110(4) loop_ _geom_bond_atom_site_label_1 _geom_bond_site_symmetry_1 _geom_bond_atom_site_label_2 _geom_bond_site_symmetry_2 _geom_bond_distance _geom_bond_publ_flag Mn1 . Mn1 2_566 2.6995(7) yes Mn1 . O23 2_566 1.8667(16) yes Mn1 . O27 2_566 1.8070(16) yes Mn1 . Mn2 . 3.2103(5) yes Mn1 . N17 . 2.100(2) yes Mn1 . O20 . 1.9211(17) yes Mn1 . N26 . 2.068(2) yes Mn1 . O27 . 1.8212(16) yes Mn2 . O23 2_566 2.2377(16) yes Mn2 . Br3 . 2.6723(4) yes Mn2 . Br4 . 2.6372(4) yes Mn2 . N10 . 2.254(2) yes Mn2 . N12 . 2.278(2) yes Mn2 . O20 . 2.1052(16) yes C5 . C6 . 1.390(4) yes C5 . N10 . 1.352(3) yes C5 . C11 . 1.489(3) yes C6 . C7 . 1.382(4) yes C6 . H61 . 0.911 no C7 . C8 . 1.378(4) yes C7 . H71 . 0.930 no C8 . C9 . 1.376(4) yes C8 . H81 . 0.922 no C9 . N10 . 1.338(3) yes C9 . H91 . 0.942 no C11 . N12 . 1.343(3) yes C11 . C16 . 1.394(3) yes N12 . C13 . 1.336(3) yes C13 . C14 . 1.383(4) yes C13 . H131 . 0.929 no C14 . C15 . 1.380(4) yes C14 . H141 . 0.910 no C15 . C16 . 1.377(4) yes C15 . H151 . 0.910 no C16 . H161 . 0.893 no N17 . C18 . 1.499(3) yes N17 . C21 . 1.498(3) yes N17 . C24 . 1.510(3) yes C18 . C19 . 1.519(3) yes C18 . H181 . 0.959 no C18 . H182 . 0.962 no C19 . O20 . 1.409(3) yes C19 . H192 . 0.967 no C19 . H191 . 1.001 no C21 . C22 . 1.524(3) yes C21 . H211 . 0.989 no C21 . H212 . 0.987 no C22 . O23 . 1.405(3) yes C22 . H222 . 0.971 no C22 . H221 . 0.944 no C24 . C25 . 1.503(3) yes C24 . H241 . 0.968 no C24 . H242 . 0.962 no C25 . N26 . 1.472(3) yes C25 . H251 . 0.977 no C25 . H252 . 0.980 no N26 . H262 . 0.859 no N26 . H261 . 0.862 no C28 . O29 . 1.366(5) yes C28 . H283 . 0.979 no C28 . H282 . 0.950 no C28 . H281 . 1.008 no O29 . H291 . 0.859 no loop_ _geom_angle_atom_site_label_1 _geom_angle_site_symmetry_1 _geom_angle_atom_site_label_2 _geom_angle_site_symmetry_2 _geom_angle_atom_site_label_3 _geom_angle_site_symmetry_3 _geom_angle _geom_angle_publ_flag Mn1 2_566 Mn1 . O23 2_566 100.30(5) yes Mn1 2_566 Mn1 . O27 2_566 42.13(5) yes O23 2_566 Mn1 . O27 2_566 97.98(7) yes Mn1 2_566 Mn1 . Mn2 . 128.600(19) yes O23 2_566 Mn1 . Mn2 . 42.88(5) yes O27 2_566 Mn1 . Mn2 . 140.86(5) yes Mn1 2_566 Mn1 . N17 . 97.56(6) yes O23 2_566 Mn1 . N17 . 161.50(7) yes O27 2_566 Mn1 . N17 . 98.47(7) yes Mn2 . Mn1 . N17 . 120.21(6) yes Mn1 2_566 Mn1 . O20 . 137.63(5) yes O23 2_566 Mn1 . O20 . 82.03(7) yes O27 2_566 Mn1 . O20 . 179.76(7) yes Mn2 . Mn1 . O20 . 39.15(5) yes N17 . Mn1 . O20 . 81.56(7) yes Mn1 2_566 Mn1 . N26 . 129.62(6) yes O23 2_566 Mn1 . N26 . 88.89(8) yes O27 2_566 Mn1 . N26 . 87.69(8) yes Mn2 . Mn1 . N26 . 90.85(6) yes N17 . Mn1 . N26 . 83.38(8) yes Mn1 2_566 Mn1 . O27 . 41.72(5) yes O23 2_566 Mn1 . O27 . 97.31(7) yes O27 2_566 Mn1 . O27 . 83.85(7) yes Mn2 . Mn1 . O27 . 98.93(5) yes N17 . Mn1 . O27 . 92.81(7) yes O20 . Mn1 . N26 . 92.55(8) yes O20 . Mn1 . O27 . 95.91(7) yes N26 . Mn1 . O27 . 170.12(8) yes O23 2_566 Mn2 . Mn1 . 34.58(4) yes O23 2_566 Mn2 . Br3 . 92.66(4) yes Mn1 . Mn2 . Br3 . 95.943(13) yes O23 2_566 Mn2 . Br4 . 162.41(4) yes Mn1 . Mn2 . Br4 . 129.127(16) yes Br3 . Mn2 . Br4 . 96.881(14) yes O23 2_566 Mn2 . N10 . 91.37(7) yes Mn1 . Mn2 . N10 . 125.05(5) yes Br3 . Mn2 . N10 . 95.49(5) yes Br4 . Mn2 . N10 . 102.34(5) yes O23 2_566 Mn2 . N12 . 86.72(7) yes Mn1 . Mn2 . N12 . 90.64(5) yes Br3 . Mn2 . N12 . 167.47(6) yes Br4 . Mn2 . N12 . 87.10(5) yes N10 . Mn2 . N12 . 72.03(7) yes O23 2_566 Mn2 . O20 . 69.77(6) yes Mn1 . Mn2 . O20 . 35.18(5) yes Br3 . Mn2 . O20 . 97.38(5) yes Br4 . Mn2 . O20 . 94.30(5) yes N10 . Mn2 . O20 . 157.55(7) yes N12 . Mn2 . O20 . 94.15(7) yes C6 . C5 . N10 . 121.5(2) yes C6 . C5 . C11 . 122.4(2) yes N10 . C5 . C11 . 116.1(2) yes C5 . C6 . C7 . 119.1(2) yes C5 . C6 . H61 . 120.2 no C7 . C6 . H61 . 120.7 no C6 . C7 . C8 . 119.6(3) yes C6 . C7 . H71 . 120.3 no C8 . C7 . H71 . 120.1 no C7 . C8 . C9 . 117.9(3) yes C7 . C8 . H81 . 120.5 no C9 . C8 . H81 . 121.6 no C8 . C9 . N10 . 123.8(2) yes C8 . C9 . H91 . 118.3 no N10 . C9 . H91 . 117.8 no Mn2 . N10 . C5 . 118.18(16) yes Mn2 . N10 . C9 . 123.83(16) yes C5 . N10 . C9 . 118.0(2) yes C5 . C11 . N12 . 115.6(2) yes C5 . C11 . C16 . 122.6(2) yes N12 . C11 . C16 . 121.7(2) yes Mn2 . N12 . C11 . 117.86(16) yes Mn2 . N12 . C13 . 123.23(18) yes C11 . N12 . C13 . 118.7(2) yes N12 . C13 . C14 . 122.8(3) yes N12 . C13 . H131 . 117.7 no C14 . C13 . H131 . 119.5 no C13 . C14 . C15 . 118.3(3) yes C13 . C14 . H141 . 119.9 no C15 . C14 . H141 . 121.8 no C14 . C15 . C16 . 119.8(2) yes C14 . C15 . H151 . 120.5 no C16 . C15 . H151 . 119.7 no C11 . C16 . C15 . 118.7(3) yes C11 . C16 . H161 . 120.8 no C15 . C16 . H161 . 120.5 no Mn1 . N17 . C18 . 103.04(13) yes Mn1 . N17 . C21 . 119.44(15) yes C18 . N17 . C21 . 110.07(19) yes Mn1 . N17 . C24 . 106.85(14) yes C18 . N17 . C24 . 109.78(18) yes C21 . N17 . C24 . 107.40(18) yes N17 . C18 . C19 . 109.64(19) yes N17 . C18 . H181 . 110.8 no C19 . C18 . H181 . 110.6 no N17 . C18 . H182 . 108.5 no C19 . C18 . H182 . 109.1 no H181 . C18 . H182 . 108.1 no C18 . C19 . O20 . 108.13(19) yes C18 . C19 . H192 . 109.6 no O20 . C19 . H192 . 111.0 no C18 . C19 . H191 . 109.4 no O20 . C19 . H191 . 109.0 no H192 . C19 . H191 . 109.7 no Mn2 . O20 . C19 . 135.26(14) yes Mn2 . O20 . Mn1 . 105.66(7) yes C19 . O20 . Mn1 . 119.01(14) yes N17 . C21 . C22 . 118.53(19) yes N17 . C21 . H211 . 107.5 no C22 . C21 . H211 . 108.8 no N17 . C21 . H212 . 106.3 no C22 . C21 . H212 . 107.1 no H211 . C21 . H212 . 108.3 no C21 . C22 . O23 . 113.9(2) yes C21 . C22 . H222 . 107.9 no O23 . C22 . H222 . 107.0 no C21 . C22 . H221 . 109.8 no O23 . C22 . H221 . 109.5 no H222 . C22 . H221 . 108.6 no Mn2 2_566 O23 . C22 . 133.42(14) yes Mn2 2_566 O23 . Mn1 2_566 102.54(7) yes C22 . O23 . Mn1 2_566 122.94(14) yes N17 . C24 . C25 . 109.85(19) yes N17 . C24 . H241 . 111.3 no C25 . C24 . H241 . 108.8 no N17 . C24 . H242 . 109.3 no C25 . C24 . H242 . 108.6 no H241 . C24 . H242 . 108.9 no C24 . C25 . N26 . 107.10(19) yes C24 . C25 . H251 . 110.1 no N26 . C25 . H251 . 113.5 no C24 . C25 . H252 . 110.3 no N26 . C25 . H252 . 108.0 no H251 . C25 . H252 . 107.9 no C25 . N26 . Mn1 . 108.41(15) yes C25 . N26 . H262 . 109.8 no Mn1 . N26 . H262 . 110.5 no C25 . N26 . H261 . 109.3 no Mn1 . N26 . H261 . 110.0 no H262 . N26 . H261 . 108.9 no Mn1 . O27 . Mn1 2_566 96.15(7) yes O29 . C28 . H283 . 109.1 no O29 . C28 . H282 . 108.0 no H283 . C28 . H282 . 113.7 no O29 . C28 . H281 . 103.3 no H283 . C28 . H281 . 110.9 no H282 . C28 . H281 . 111.3 no C28 . O29 . H291 . 83.7 no # Attachment 'eb7208-_4_.cif' data_EB7208 _database_code_depnum_ccdc_archive 'CCDC 682653' _audit_creation_date 07-12-04 _audit_creation_method CRYSTALS_ver_12.85 _oxford_structure_analysis_title 'eb7208 in P-1' _chemical_name_systematic ? _chemical_melting_point ? _exptl_crystal_recrystallization_method ; Diffusion of Et~2~O into MeCN solution. ; _publ_section_abstract # Text of the abstract # (a) The Abstract must be self-contained and comprehensible # without the rest of the paper. This means no references # to atom names or to compound numbers; compounds must be # identified as the title compound, or by name or by some other # means such as derivatives of each other (e.g. "the # corresponding ketone"). # (b) The chemical formula of "the title compound" must be given. # (c) Any crystallographic molecular symmetry should be # mentioned, and also the presence of more than one molecule # in the asymmetric unit (i.e. anything other than Z'=1). ; ? ; _publ_section_related_literature # Not in version 2.3.1 ############################################################### # Essential references (e.g. to the origin of the material studied, related # structural studies, and to information supporting the reported structure) # should be cited in this section, with appropriate very brief explanatory # text, for example `The synthesis of the complex is described by Jones # (2001). The anhydrous complex has essentially the same coordination # geometry (Smith, 2003).' In addition, all references included in the # supplementary materials, but not elsewhere in the published article, # should be given here. The simple text `For related literature, see:...' # may be used, but further details should be provided in the Comment # section, which forms part of the supplementary material. ############################################################### ; ? ; _publ_section_comment # Text of the paper # Note that atoms are referenced as N2, not N(2) or N~2~ # If text containing () occur within (), the outer ones should be [] # Figures should be referenced as Fig. ; ? ; _publ_section_acknowledgements # Acknowledgments ; ? ; _publ_section_figure_captions # Captions to figures - Start each caption on a new line after a blank line ; Fig. 1. The title compound with displacement ellipsoids drawn at the 50% probability level. H atoms are shown as spheres of arbitary radius. ; _publ_section_exptl_refinement # Some potentially useful phrases are donated by Bill Clegg: ; In the absence of significant anomalous scattering, Friedel pairs were merged. The H atoms were all located in a difference map, but those attached to carbon atoms were repositioned geometrically. The H atoms were initially refined with soft restraints on the bond lengths and angles to regularise their geometry (C---H in the range 0.93--0.98, O---H = 0.82 \%A) and U~iso~(H) (in the range 1.2-1.5 times U~eq~ of the parent atom), after which the positions were refined with riding constraints. 912_ALERT_3_B # Missing FCF Reflections Above STh/L= 0.600 944 910_ALERT_3_C # Missing FCF Reflections Below Th(Min) ........ 3 911_ALERT_3_C # Missing FCF Refl Between THmin & STh/L= 0.600 5 913_ALERT_3_C # Missing Very Strong Reflections in FCF ....... 2 #============================================================================== Resolution & Completeness Statistics (Cumulative and Friedel Pairs Averaged) #============================================================================== Theta sin(th)/Lambda Complete Expected Measured Missing #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20.82 0.500 0.998 3502 3495 7 23.01 0.550 0.998 4659 4652 7 25.24 0.600 0.999 6070 6062 8 #----------------------------------------------------------- ACTA Min. Res. --- 27.51 0.650 0.997 7704 7680 24 29.84 0.700 0.937 9618 9016 602 30.52 0.715 0.907 10183 9231 952 602_ALERT_4_C VERY LARGE Solvent Accessible VOID(S) in Structure ! 602_ALERT_4_C VERY LARGE Solvent Accessible VOID(S) in Structure ! The solvent region was treated by the van der Sluis and Spek method, accounting for 34 e/cell. This corresponds to 1 molecule of water and 1 molecule of MeCN per formula unit and F(000), M, mu, D and the formulae have been calculated on this assumption. 154_ALERT_1_C The su's on the Cell Angles are Equal (x 10000) 200 Deg. 220_ALERT_2_C Large Non-Solvent C Ueq(max)/Ueq(min) ... 2.60 Ratio 221_ALERT_4_C Large Solvent/Anion O Ueq(max)/Ueq(min) ... 3.48 Ratio 341_ALERT_3_C Low Bond Precision on C-C Bonds (x 1000) Ang ... 7 432_ALERT_2_C Short Inter X...Y Contact O36 .. C27 .. 2.99 Ang. 790_ALERT_4_C Centre of Gravity not Within Unit Cell: Resd. # 2 Cl O4 No action taken. ; # SQUEEZE RESULTS (APPEND TO CIF) #loop_ #_platon_squeeze_void_nr #_platon_squeeze_void_average_x #_platon_squeeze_void_average_y #_platon_squeeze_void_average_z #_platon_squeeze_void_volume #_platon_squeeze_void_count_electrons #1 -0.029 0.000 0.500 455.1 34.3 #_platon_squeeze_details #; #; _publ_section_exptl_prep # Brief details or a reference. Include solvent if known ; ? ; # Hand-made tables can be put in the cif. The number of columns # is set in the loop header. # The contants of each column can either be a piece of text # without any spaces (eg a number) or other text enclosed in " " # Remove the leading # in the following example #geom_extra_table_head_A #; #Table 2. #Molecular parameters deviating most from MOGUL averages #; # #loop_ #_geom_extra_tableA_col_1 #_geom_extra_tableA_col_2 #_geom_extra_tableA_col_3 #_geom_extra_tableA_col_4 # #Parameter "Observed Value" "MOGUL Value" "MOGUL e.s.d" #N5-C6-C4 129 124 "7 (\%)" #C3-O10-C2 105 109 "2 (\%)" #C6-O7 1.25 1.22 ".02 (\%A)" # # End of 'script/refcif-b.dat' #end of refcif _cell_length_a 9.8751(3) _cell_length_b 13.9986(4) _cell_length_c 14.1558(4) _cell_angle_alpha 63.722(2) _cell_angle_beta 73.229(2) _cell_angle_gamma 78.714(2) _cell_volume 1674.73(9) _symmetry_cell_setting Triclinic _symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'P -1 ' _symmetry_space_group_name_Hall '-P 1' loop_ _symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz x,y,z -x,-y,-z loop_ _atom_type_symbol _atom_type_scat_dispersion_real _atom_type_scat_dispersion_imag _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_a1 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_b1 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_a2 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_b2 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_a3 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_b3 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_a4 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_b4 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_c _atom_type_scat_source C 0.0033 0.0016 2.3100 20.8439 1.0200 10.2075 1.5886 0.5687 0.8650 51.6512 0.2156 'International Tables Vol C and' H 0.0000 0.0000 0.4930 10.5109 0.3229 26.1257 0.1402 3.1424 0.0408 57.7998 0.0030 'International Tables Vol C and' N 0.0061 0.0033 12.2126 0.0057 3.1322 9.8933 2.0125 28.9975 1.1663 0.5826 -11.5290 'International Tables Vol C and' O 0.0106 0.0060 3.0485 13.2771 2.2868 5.7011 1.5463 0.3239 0.8670 32.9089 0.2508 'International Tables Vol C and' Cl 0.1484 0.1585 11.4604 0.0104 7.1964 1.1662 6.2556 18.5194 1.6455 47.7784 -9.5574 'International Tables Vol C and' Mn 0.3368 0.7283 11.2819 5.3409 7.3573 0.3432 3.0193 17.8674 2.2441 83.7543 1.0896 'International Tables Vol C and' _cell_formula_units_Z 1 # Given Formula = C38 H59 Cl4 Mn4 N11 O25 # Dc = 1.42 Fooo = 700.00 Mu = 9.73 M = 715.73 # Found Formula = C36 H54 Cl4 Mn4 N10 O24 # Dc = 1.36 FOOO = 700.00 Mu = 9.68 M = 686.20 _chemical_formula_sum 'C36 H54 Cl4 Mn4 N10 O24' _chemical_formula_moiety 'C36 H54 Mn4 N10 O8, 2(Cl O4), (C2 H3 N), (H2 O)' _chemical_compound_source 'Giorgos Karotsis, GK510' _chemical_formula_weight 1431.46 _cell_measurement_reflns_used 8137 _cell_measurement_theta_min 5 _cell_measurement_theta_max 61 _cell_measurement_temperature 150 _exptl_crystal_description plate _exptl_crystal_colour 'dark red' _exptl_crystal_size_min 0.08 _exptl_crystal_size_mid 0.17 _exptl_crystal_size_max 0.26 _exptl_crystal_density_diffrn 1.361 _exptl_crystal_density_meas ? _exptl_crystal_density_method 'not measured' # Non-dispersive F(000): _exptl_crystal_F_000 700 _exptl_absorpt_coefficient_mu 0.973 # Sheldrick geometric approximatio 0.85 0.93 _exptl_absorpt_correction_type multi-scan _exptl_absorpt_process_details 'SADABS (Siemens, 1996)' _exptl_absorpt_correction_T_min 0.74 _exptl_absorpt_correction_T_max 0.93 _diffrn_measurement_device 'Bruker SMART' _diffrn_measurement_device_type Area _diffrn_radiation_monochromator graphite _diffrn_radiation_type 'Mo K\a' _diffrn_radiation_wavelength 0.71073 _diffrn_measurement_method \w # If a reference occurs more than once, delete the author # and date from subsequent references. _computing_data_collection 'SMART (Siemens, 1993)' _computing_cell_refinement 'SAINT (Siemens ,1995)' _computing_data_reduction 'SAINT (Siemens ,1995)' _computing_structure_solution 'SIR92 (Altomare et al., 1994)' _computing_structure_refinement 'CRYSTALS (Betteridge et al., 2003)' _computing_publication_material 'CRYSTALS (Betteridge et al., 2003)' _computing_molecular_graphics 'CAMERON (Watkin et al., 1996)' _diffrn_standards_interval_time . _diffrn_standards_interval_count . _diffrn_standards_number 0 _diffrn_standards_decay_% ? _diffrn_ambient_temperature 150 _diffrn_reflns_number 21077 _reflns_number_total 9231 _diffrn_reflns_av_R_equivalents 0.043 # Number of reflections with Friedels Law is 9231 # Number of reflections without Friedels Law is 0 # Theoretical number of reflections is about 10239 _diffrn_reflns_theta_min 2.161 _diffrn_reflns_theta_max 30.523 _diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_max 0.903 _diffrn_reflns_theta_full 27.776 _diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_full 0.996 _diffrn_reflns_limit_h_min -13 _diffrn_reflns_limit_h_max 13 _diffrn_reflns_limit_k_min -17 _diffrn_reflns_limit_k_max 19 _diffrn_reflns_limit_l_min 0 _diffrn_reflns_limit_l_max 19 _reflns_limit_h_min -13 _reflns_limit_h_max 13 _reflns_limit_k_min -17 _reflns_limit_k_max 19 _reflns_limit_l_min 0 _reflns_limit_l_max 19 #_oxford_diffrn_Wilson_B_factor 1.69 #_oxford_diffrn_Wilson_scale 8.79 _atom_sites_solution_primary direct #heavy,direct,difmap,geom # _atom_sites_solution_secondary difmap _atom_sites_solution_hydrogens geom _refine_diff_density_min -0.94 _refine_diff_density_max 1.22 # The current dictionary definitions do not cover the # situation where the reflections used for refinement were # selected by a user-defined sigma threshold # The values actually used during refinement _oxford_reflns_threshold_expression_ref I>-10.0\s(I) _refine_ls_number_reflns 9231 _refine_ls_number_restraints 0 _refine_ls_number_parameters 352 #_oxford_refine_ls_R_factor_ref 0.0937 _refine_ls_wR_factor_ref 0.1755 _refine_ls_goodness_of_fit_ref 0.9925 _refine_ls_shift/su_max 0.000318 # The values computed from all data #_oxford_reflns_number_all 9231 _refine_ls_R_factor_all 0.0937 _refine_ls_wR_factor_all 0.1755 # The values computed with a 2 sigma cutoff - a la SHELX _reflns_threshold_expression I>2.0\s(I) _reflns_number_gt 6997 _refine_ls_R_factor_gt 0.0701 _refine_ls_wR_factor_gt 0.1609 # choose from: rm (reference molecule of known chirality), # ad (anomolous dispersion - Flack), rmad (rm and ad), # syn (from synthesis), unk (unknown) or . (not applicable). _chemical_absolute_configuration . _refine_ls_structure_factor_coef Fsqd _refine_ls_matrix_type full _refine_ls_hydrogen_treatment constr # none, undef, noref, refall, # refxyz, refU, constr or mixed _refine_ls_weighting_scheme calc _refine_ls_weighting_details ; Method= Modified Sheldrick w=1/[\s^2^(F^2^) + ( 0.06P)^2^ + 2.69P] ,where P=(max(Fo^2^,0) + 2Fc^2^)/3 ; # Insert your own references if required - in alphabetical order _publ_section_references ; Altomare, A., Cascarano, G., Giacovazzo, G., Guagliardi, A., Burla, M.C., Polidori, G. & Camalli, M. (1994). J. Appl. Cryst. 27, 435. Betteridge, P.W., Carruthers, J.R., Cooper, R.I., Prout, K. & Watkin, D.J. (2003). J. Appl. Cryst. 36, 1487. Siemens Industrial Automation, Inc (1993). SMART: Area-Detector Software Package; Madison, WI. Siemens Industrial Automation, Inc (1995). SAINT: Area-Detector Integration Software.; Madison, WI. Siemens Industrial Automation, Inc (1996). SADABS: Area-Detector Absorption Correction;: Madison, WI. Watkin, D.J., Prout, C.K. & Pearce, L.J. (1996). CAMERON, Chemical Crystallography Laboratory, Oxford, UK. ; # Uequiv = arithmetic mean of Ui i.e. Ueqiv = (U1+U2+U3)/3 # Replace last . with number of unfound hydrogen atomsattached to an atom. # ..._refinement_flags_... # . no refinement constraints S special position constraint on site # G rigid group refinement of site R riding atom # D distance or angle restraint on site T thermal displacement constraints # U Uiso or Uij restraint (rigid bond) P partial occupancy constraint loop_ _atom_site_label _atom_site_type_symbol _atom_site_fract_x _atom_site_fract_y _atom_site_fract_z _atom_site_U_iso_or_equiv _atom_site_occupancy _atom_site_adp_type _atom_site_refinement_flags_posn _atom_site_refinement_flags_adp _atom_site_refinement_flags_occupancy _atom_site_disorder_assembly _atom_site_disorder_group _oxford_atom_site_special_shape _atom_site_attached_hydrogens Mn1 Mn 0.55776(6) 0.09528(4) 0.93969(5) 0.0197 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . Mn2 Mn 0.34566(6) 0.30175(5) 0.87562(5) 0.0255 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . N3 N 0.7049(3) 0.0534(3) 0.8221(3) 0.0244 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . C4 C 0.6383(5) 0.1047(3) 0.7273(3) 0.0312 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . C5 C 0.5849(5) 0.2192(3) 0.7122(3) 0.0310 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . O6 O 0.5322(3) 0.2223(2) 0.8146(2) 0.0252 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . C7 C 0.7462(4) -0.0624(3) 0.8455(3) 0.0267 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . C8 C 0.6291(4) -0.1350(3) 0.8787(3) 0.0258 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . O9 O 0.5666(3) -0.1773(2) 0.9909(2) 0.0239 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . C10 C 0.8385(4) 0.1048(3) 0.7994(3) 0.0302 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . C11 C 0.8592(4) 0.0962(3) 0.9044(4) 0.0294 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . N12 N 0.7291(3) 0.1481(3) 0.9511(3) 0.0271 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . C13 C 0.3175(4) 0.4834(3) 0.9485(3) 0.0273 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . N14 N 0.4094(4) 0.4426(3) 0.8829(3) 0.0297 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . C15 C 0.5251(5) 0.4945(3) 0.8169(4) 0.0352 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . C16 C 0.5504(6) 0.5905(4) 0.8127(4) 0.0426 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . C17 C 0.4551(5) 0.6330(4) 0.8796(4) 0.0429 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . C18 C 0.3376(5) 0.5782(3) 0.9499(4) 0.0385 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . C19 C 0.1923(4) 0.4219(3) 1.0185(4) 0.0291 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . C20 C 0.1083(5) 0.4378(4) 1.1069(4) 0.0367 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . C21 C -0.0056(5) 0.3765(4) 1.1701(4) 0.0396 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . C22 C -0.0345(5) 0.3023(4) 1.1402(4) 0.0362 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . C23 C 0.0522(4) 0.2918(3) 1.0492(4) 0.0317 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . N24 N 0.1658(4) 0.3485(3) 0.9893(3) 0.0277 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . N25 N 0.3255(4) 0.4098(3) 0.7090(3) 0.0374 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . C26 C 0.3061(5) 0.4579(4) 0.6254(4) 0.0391 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . C27 C 0.2758(8) 0.5204(5) 0.5180(4) 0.0671 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . O28 O 0.2151(3) 0.1901(2) 0.8773(2) 0.0313 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . O29 O 0.5805(3) -0.02471(19) 1.0596(2) 0.0202 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . Cl30 Cl 0.76542(12) 0.02252(9) 1.24565(9) 0.0366 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . O31 O 0.6745(7) 0.1136(5) 1.2093(6) 0.1327 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . O32 O 0.8455(5) 0.0271(3) 1.3125(3) 0.0618 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . O33 O 0.6922(11) -0.0643(7) 1.2989(7) 0.2152 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . O34 O 0.8526(6) 0.0145(8) 1.1536(5) 0.1561 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . Cl35 Cl -0.06888(10) 0.38587(8) 0.73214(8) 0.0282 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . O36 O -0.1786(5) 0.3813(4) 0.6891(5) 0.0788 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . O37 O -0.0292(5) 0.4922(3) 0.6865(3) 0.0596 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . O38 O -0.1185(5) 0.3506(3) 0.8471(3) 0.0580 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . O39 O 0.0495(4) 0.3148(3) 0.7098(3) 0.0476 1.0000 Uani . . . . . . . H81 H 0.6722 -0.1956 0.8621 0.0328 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H82 H 0.5550 -0.0981 0.8393 0.0324 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H42 H 0.7065 0.1041 0.6637 0.0371 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H41 H 0.5587 0.0660 0.7404 0.0368 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H71 H 0.7951 -0.0901 0.9045 0.0307 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H72 H 0.8109 -0.0660 0.7809 0.0307 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H231 H 0.0312 0.2433 1.0273 0.0388 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H102 H 0.9185 0.0699 0.7655 0.0322 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H101 H 0.8296 0.1793 0.7524 0.0318 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H111 H 0.9401 0.1326 0.8924 0.0358 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H112 H 0.8708 0.0227 0.9551 0.0352 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H181 H 0.2735 0.6043 0.9965 0.0500 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H201 H 0.1273 0.4893 1.1239 0.0474 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H221 H -0.1095 0.2615 1.1788 0.0421 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H151 H 0.5890 0.4648 0.7720 0.0420 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H51 H 0.6598 0.2669 0.6703 0.0340 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H52 H 0.5098 0.2422 0.6755 0.0341 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H211 H -0.0592 0.3846 1.2317 0.0474 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H161 H 0.6287 0.6253 0.7661 0.0511 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H171 H 0.4692 0.6977 0.8776 0.0539 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H272 H 0.3587 0.5142 0.4645 0.0872 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H273 H 0.2547 0.5941 0.5067 0.0873 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H282 H 0.1949 0.2165 0.8176 0.0492 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H281 H 0.2619 0.1320 0.8926 0.0493 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H271 H 0.1955 0.4949 0.5126 0.0872 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H121 H 0.7249 0.1308 1.0208 0.0411 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . H122 H 0.7307 0.2184 0.9145 0.0412 1.0000 Uiso R . . . . . . loop_ _atom_site_aniso_label _atom_site_aniso_U_11 _atom_site_aniso_U_22 _atom_site_aniso_U_33 _atom_site_aniso_U_23 _atom_site_aniso_U_13 _atom_site_aniso_U_12 Mn1 0.0177(3) 0.0162(2) 0.0257(3) -0.0084(2) -0.0059(2) -0.00136(19) Mn2 0.0245(3) 0.0189(3) 0.0353(3) -0.0123(2) -0.0106(2) 0.0019(2) N3 0.0199(15) 0.0230(15) 0.0297(16) -0.0115(13) -0.0040(12) -0.0016(12) C4 0.034(2) 0.029(2) 0.030(2) -0.0137(16) -0.0084(17) 0.0049(17) C5 0.029(2) 0.028(2) 0.0280(19) -0.0067(16) -0.0082(16) 0.0048(16) O6 0.0256(13) 0.0190(12) 0.0285(13) -0.0079(10) -0.0076(11) 0.0009(10) C7 0.0237(18) 0.0202(17) 0.034(2) -0.0109(15) -0.0057(15) 0.0021(14) C8 0.0270(19) 0.0260(18) 0.0291(19) -0.0165(15) -0.0064(15) 0.0004(15) O9 0.0263(13) 0.0198(12) 0.0285(13) -0.0123(11) -0.0076(11) -0.0002(10) C10 0.0215(18) 0.0240(18) 0.035(2) -0.0046(16) -0.0029(15) -0.0035(15) C11 0.0213(18) 0.0222(18) 0.045(2) -0.0118(17) -0.0092(16) -0.0057(14) N12 0.0238(16) 0.0204(15) 0.0359(18) -0.0101(13) -0.0059(13) -0.0041(12) C13 0.0252(19) 0.0198(17) 0.043(2) -0.0135(16) -0.0187(17) 0.0031(14) N14 0.0308(18) 0.0257(16) 0.0356(18) -0.0128(14) -0.0124(15) -0.0010(14) C15 0.030(2) 0.031(2) 0.044(2) -0.0123(19) -0.0107(18) -0.0049(17) C16 0.046(3) 0.030(2) 0.051(3) -0.007(2) -0.022(2) -0.011(2) C17 0.045(3) 0.022(2) 0.067(3) -0.015(2) -0.029(3) -0.0008(19) C18 0.034(2) 0.029(2) 0.064(3) -0.024(2) -0.024(2) 0.0042(18) C19 0.029(2) 0.0204(17) 0.044(2) -0.0156(17) -0.0174(18) 0.0055(15) C20 0.037(2) 0.037(2) 0.047(3) -0.028(2) -0.013(2) 0.0025(19) C21 0.036(2) 0.043(3) 0.041(2) -0.022(2) -0.0071(19) 0.003(2) C22 0.025(2) 0.030(2) 0.051(3) -0.016(2) -0.0077(18) 0.0005(16) C23 0.026(2) 0.0255(19) 0.047(2) -0.0164(18) -0.0133(18) 0.0034(15) N24 0.0269(17) 0.0189(15) 0.0413(19) -0.0151(14) -0.0141(14) 0.0055(12) N25 0.037(2) 0.034(2) 0.039(2) -0.0102(17) -0.0115(17) -0.0064(16) C26 0.037(2) 0.035(2) 0.039(2) -0.0105(19) -0.0006(19) -0.0118(19) C27 0.092(5) 0.058(4) 0.027(2) 0.002(2) -0.004(3) -0.017(3) O28 0.0273(14) 0.0278(14) 0.0442(17) -0.0179(13) -0.0122(13) -0.0006(12) O29 0.0186(12) 0.0175(11) 0.0262(12) -0.0080(10) -0.0091(10) -0.0020(9) Cl30 0.0360(6) 0.0415(6) 0.0420(6) -0.0231(5) -0.0196(5) 0.0066(5) O31 0.149(6) 0.149(5) 0.195(7) -0.145(5) -0.142(5) 0.119(5) O32 0.068(3) 0.074(3) 0.074(3) -0.047(2) -0.048(2) 0.016(2) O33 0.293(11) 0.177(8) 0.154(7) 0.076(6) -0.159(8) -0.169(8) O34 0.072(4) 0.331(11) 0.117(5) -0.159(7) -0.058(4) 0.089(5) Cl35 0.0292(5) 0.0259(4) 0.0292(5) -0.0103(4) -0.0064(4) -0.0042(4) O36 0.060(3) 0.093(3) 0.130(4) -0.075(3) -0.064(3) 0.029(2) O37 0.079(3) 0.0256(17) 0.050(2) -0.0084(15) 0.017(2) -0.0161(18) O38 0.103(3) 0.0348(18) 0.0308(17) -0.0143(15) 0.0061(19) -0.023(2) O39 0.0350(18) 0.0413(19) 0.066(2) -0.0266(18) -0.0082(17) 0.0043(15) _refine_ls_extinction_method None #_oxford_refine_ls_scale 0.3824(5) loop_ _geom_bond_atom_site_label_1 _geom_bond_site_symmetry_1 _geom_bond_atom_site_label_2 _geom_bond_site_symmetry_2 _geom_bond_distance _geom_bond_publ_flag Mn1 . Mn1 2_657 2.7143(11) yes Mn1 . O9 2_657 1.882(3) yes Mn1 . O29 2_657 1.831(2) yes Mn1 . Mn2 . 3.1573(8) yes Mn1 . N3 . 2.089(3) yes Mn1 . O6 . 1.912(3) yes Mn1 . N12 . 2.047(3) yes Mn1 . O29 . 1.817(2) yes Mn2 . O9 2_657 2.190(3) yes Mn2 . O6 . 2.123(3) yes Mn2 . N14 . 2.236(3) yes Mn2 . N24 . 2.236(3) yes Mn2 . N25 . 2.211(4) yes Mn2 . O28 . 2.201(3) yes N3 . C4 . 1.491(5) yes N3 . C7 . 1.500(5) yes N3 . C10 . 1.512(5) yes C4 . C5 . 1.524(6) yes C4 . H42 . 0.959 no C4 . H41 . 0.969 no C5 . O6 . 1.410(5) yes C5 . H51 . 0.966 no C5 . H52 . 0.951 no C7 . C8 . 1.522(5) yes C7 . H71 . 0.977 no C7 . H72 . 0.968 no C8 . O9 . 1.414(5) yes C8 . H81 . 0.965 no C8 . H82 . 0.971 no C10 . C11 . 1.507(6) yes C10 . H102 . 0.965 no C10 . H101 . 0.961 no C11 . N12 . 1.478(5) yes C11 . H111 . 0.965 no C11 . H112 . 0.967 no N12 . H121 . 0.896 no N12 . H122 . 0.888 no C13 . N14 . 1.338(5) yes C13 . C18 . 1.390(5) yes C13 . C19 . 1.485(6) yes N14 . C15 . 1.347(5) yes C15 . C16 . 1.388(6) yes C15 . H151 . 0.935 no C16 . C17 . 1.378(7) yes C16 . H161 . 0.917 no C17 . C18 . 1.390(7) yes C17 . H171 . 0.930 no C18 . H181 . 0.922 no C19 . C20 . 1.372(6) yes C19 . N24 . 1.357(5) yes C20 . C21 . 1.385(7) yes C20 . H201 . 0.919 no C21 . C22 . 1.384(7) yes C21 . H211 . 0.923 no C22 . C23 . 1.377(6) yes C22 . H221 . 0.911 no C23 . N24 . 1.346(5) yes C23 . H231 . 0.938 no N25 . C26 . 1.124(6) yes C26 . C27 . 1.467(7) yes C27 . H272 . 0.962 no C27 . H273 . 0.960 no C27 . H271 . 0.965 no O28 . H282 . 0.826 no O28 . H281 . 0.822 no Cl30 . O31 . 1.391(5) yes Cl30 . O32 . 1.425(3) yes Cl30 . O33 . 1.336(7) yes Cl30 . O34 . 1.377(5) yes Cl35 . O36 . 1.411(4) yes Cl35 . O37 . 1.420(3) yes Cl35 . O38 . 1.434(3) yes Cl35 . O39 . 1.437(3) yes loop_ _geom_angle_atom_site_label_1 _geom_angle_site_symmetry_1 _geom_angle_atom_site_label_2 _geom_angle_site_symmetry_2 _geom_angle_atom_site_label_3 _geom_angle_site_symmetry_3 _geom_angle _geom_angle_publ_flag Mn1 2_657 Mn1 . O9 2_657 99.25(9) yes Mn1 2_657 Mn1 . O29 2_657 41.73(8) yes O9 2_657 Mn1 . O29 2_657 95.55(12) yes Mn1 2_657 Mn1 . Mn2 . 117.06(3) yes O9 2_657 Mn1 . Mn2 . 42.83(8) yes O29 2_657 Mn1 . Mn2 . 86.14(8) yes Mn1 2_657 Mn1 . N3 . 97.87(9) yes O9 2_657 Mn1 . N3 . 161.40(12) yes O29 2_657 Mn1 . N3 . 92.39(12) yes Mn2 . Mn1 . N3 . 121.40(9) yes Mn1 2_657 Mn1 . O6 . 137.91(9) yes O9 2_657 Mn1 . O6 . 81.09(11) yes O29 2_657 Mn1 . O6 . 96.18(11) yes Mn2 . Mn1 . O6 . 40.96(8) yes N3 . Mn1 . O6 . 81.35(12) yes Mn1 2_657 Mn1 . N12 . 129.39(10) yes O9 2_657 Mn1 . N12 . 90.62(13) yes O29 2_657 Mn1 . N12 . 169.98(12) yes Mn2 . Mn1 . N12 . 103.72(9) yes N3 . Mn1 . N12 . 84.08(13) yes Mn1 2_657 Mn1 . O29 . 42.12(8) yes O9 2_657 Mn1 . O29 . 98.20(12) yes O29 2_657 Mn1 . O29 . 83.85(11) yes Mn2 . Mn1 . O29 . 138.36(9) yes N3 . Mn1 . O29 . 99.35(12) yes O6 . Mn1 . N12 . 92.56(13) yes O6 . Mn1 . O29 . 179.29(12) yes N12 . Mn1 . O29 . 87.46(12) yes O9 2_657 Mn2 . Mn1 . 35.75(7) yes O9 2_657 Mn2 . O6 . 69.73(10) yes Mn1 . Mn2 . O6 . 36.18(7) yes O9 2_657 Mn2 . N14 . 97.46(11) yes Mn1 . Mn2 . N14 . 114.69(9) yes O6 . Mn2 . N14 . 107.85(12) yes O9 2_657 Mn2 . N24 . 92.15(11) yes Mn1 . Mn2 . N24 . 126.19(9) yes O6 . Mn2 . N24 . 161.88(11) yes N14 . Mn2 . N24 . 73.64(13) yes O9 2_657 Mn2 . N25 . 160.19(13) yes Mn1 . Mn2 . N25 . 125.45(11) yes O6 . Mn2 . N25 . 90.55(13) yes N14 . Mn2 . N25 . 86.52(14) yes N24 . Mn2 . N25 . 107.56(14) yes O9 2_657 Mn2 . O28 . 92.36(11) yes Mn1 . Mn2 . O28 . 82.17(8) yes O6 . Mn2 . O28 . 90.24(11) yes N14 . Mn2 . O28 . 161.49(12) yes N24 . Mn2 . O28 . 90.41(12) yes N25 . Mn2 . O28 . 89.53(13) yes Mn1 . N3 . C4 . 103.1(2) yes Mn1 . N3 . C7 . 119.4(2) yes C4 . N3 . C7 . 110.0(3) yes Mn1 . N3 . C10 . 105.9(2) yes C4 . N3 . C10 . 111.0(3) yes C7 . N3 . C10 . 107.3(3) yes N3 . C4 . C5 . 108.7(3) yes N3 . C4 . H42 . 109.8 no C5 . C4 . H42 . 110.3 no N3 . C4 . H41 . 109.7 no C5 . C4 . H41 . 109.1 no H42 . C4 . H41 . 109.2 no C4 . C5 . O6 . 109.1(3) yes C4 . C5 . H51 . 111.1 no O6 . C5 . H51 . 109.8 no C4 . C5 . H52 . 109.2 no O6 . C5 . H52 . 108.6 no H51 . C5 . H52 . 108.9 no Mn2 . O6 . C5 . 130.9(2) yes Mn2 . O6 . Mn1 . 102.86(12) yes C5 . O6 . Mn1 . 118.2(2) yes N3 . C7 . C8 . 118.1(3) yes N3 . C7 . H71 . 106.1 no C8 . C7 . H71 . 107.6 no N3 . C7 . H72 . 107.4 no C8 . C7 . H72 . 107.5 no H71 . C7 . H72 . 110.1 no C7 . C8 . O9 . 113.7(3) yes C7 . C8 . H81 . 107.1 no O9 . C8 . H81 . 106.1 no C7 . C8 . H82 . 111.1 no O9 . C8 . H82 . 108.8 no H81 . C8 . H82 . 109.8 no Mn2 2_657 O9 . C8 . 129.0(2) yes Mn2 2_657 O9 . Mn1 2_657 101.42(12) yes C8 . O9 . Mn1 2_657 123.2(2) yes N3 . C10 . C11 . 109.0(3) yes N3 . C10 . H102 . 109.6 no C11 . C10 . H102 . 110.8 no N3 . C10 . H101 . 110.1 no C11 . C10 . H101 . 107.9 no H102 . C10 . H101 . 109.4 no C10 . C11 . N12 . 106.3(3) yes C10 . C11 . H111 . 111.3 no N12 . C11 . H111 . 109.4 no C10 . C11 . H112 . 112.0 no N12 . C11 . H112 . 108.8 no H111 . C11 . H112 . 109.1 no C11 . N12 . Mn1 . 108.2(2) yes C11 . N12 . H121 . 110.3 no Mn1 . N12 . H121 . 109.4 no C11 . N12 . H122 . 108.8 no Mn1 . N12 . H122 . 110.9 no H121 . N12 . H122 . 109.3 no N14 . C13 . C18 . 121.8(4) yes N14 . C13 . C19 . 116.0(3) yes C18 . C13 . C19 . 122.1(4) yes Mn2 . N14 . C13 . 116.8(3) yes Mn2 . N14 . C15 . 123.6(3) yes C13 . N14 . C15 . 119.2(4) yes N14 . C15 . C16 . 122.0(5) yes N14 . C15 . H151 . 118.4 no C16 . C15 . H151 . 119.7 no C15 . C16 . C17 . 118.8(5) yes C15 . C16 . H161 . 120.6 no C17 . C16 . H161 . 120.6 no C16 . C17 . C18 . 119.3(4) yes C16 . C17 . H171 . 120.4 no C18 . C17 . H171 . 120.3 no C13 . C18 . C17 . 118.8(5) yes C13 . C18 . H181 . 120.3 no C17 . C18 . H181 . 120.9 no C13 . C19 . C20 . 122.6(4) yes C13 . C19 . N24 . 115.6(4) yes C20 . C19 . N24 . 121.8(4) yes C19 . C20 . C21 . 119.8(4) yes C19 . C20 . H201 . 120.0 no C21 . C20 . H201 . 120.2 no C20 . C21 . C22 . 118.9(4) yes C20 . C21 . H211 . 119.8 no C22 . C21 . H211 . 121.3 no C21 . C22 . C23 . 118.5(4) yes C21 . C22 . H221 . 121.5 no C23 . C22 . H221 . 120.1 no C22 . C23 . N24 . 123.2(4) yes C22 . C23 . H231 . 118.7 no N24 . C23 . H231 . 118.1 no Mn2 . N24 . C19 . 115.6(3) yes Mn2 . N24 . C23 . 124.3(3) yes C19 . N24 . C23 . 117.9(4) yes Mn2 . N25 . C26 . 173.0(4) yes N25 . C26 . C27 . 178.1(6) yes C26 . C27 . H272 . 108.5 no C26 . C27 . H273 . 109.1 no H272 . C27 . H273 . 109.1 no C26 . C27 . H271 . 110.4 no H272 . C27 . H271 . 110.5 no H273 . C27 . H271 . 109.2 no Mn2 . O28 . H282 . 106.9 no Mn2 . O28 . H281 . 106.3 no H282 . O28 . H281 . 115.9 no Mn1 2_657 O29 . Mn1 . 96.15(11) yes O31 . Cl30 . O32 . 112.9(3) yes O31 . Cl30 . O33 . 110.1(6) yes O32 . Cl30 . O33 . 109.9(4) yes O31 . Cl30 . O34 . 105.5(4) yes O32 . Cl30 . O34 . 111.3(3) yes O33 . Cl30 . O34 . 106.9(7) yes O36 . Cl35 . O37 . 110.3(3) yes O36 . Cl35 . O38 . 108.9(3) yes O37 . Cl35 . O38 . 109.2(2) yes O36 . Cl35 . O39 . 108.5(2) yes O37 . Cl35 . O39 . 111.0(2) yes O38 . Cl35 . O39 . 108.9(2) yes