Addition and correction

Monitoring organic contaminants in small French coastal lagoons: comparison of levels in mussel, passive sampler and sediment

Arthur David, Elena Gomez, Selim Aït-Aïssa, Morgane Bachelot, David Rosain, Claude Casellas and Hélène Fenet

J. Environ. Monit., 2010, 12, 1471–1481 (DOI: 10.1039/b925641e) Amendment published 12th May 2011

The authors regret that when the above article was published, the following errors occurred:

• page 1475, Materials and methods section, Sediment sampling and analysis sub-section, for the estimation of sediment-based aqueous concentrations. The following equations:

Cwsed = Csed/Kow should be revised to Cwsed = Csed/Koc

Koc ~ 0.41 x Koc should be revised to Koc ~ 0.41 x Kow

• page 1481, References section, ref. 65 A. David, H. Fenet, A. Escande, D. Munaron, C. Casellas, E. Gomez, Environ. Toxicol., in print.

can be updated to:

65 A. David, H. Fenet, A. Escande, D. Munaron, D. Rosain, E. Maillot-Marechal, S. Aït-Aïssa, C. Casellas and E. Gomez. Environ. Toxicol., 26, doi: 10.1002/tox.20613.

The Royal Society of Chemistry apologises for these errors and any consequent inconvenience to authors and readers.

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