% Please copy paste this file to a MATLAB file with extension *.m
% Delete the HTML publishing note (inserted by MATLAB) at the end of this
% document
% Supplement to: Huber, Connolly, Dussmann and Prehn
% Calculations of Figure 3-7 of manuscript and supplementary Figure 1-3
% (control parameter xFig)
% Includes the following Modules
%   - Bioenergetic subsystem "sub_energetic" following
%     - Beard DA. (2005) PLoS Comp Bio. 1(4), e36 (mitochondrial
%     respiration)
%     - Korzeniewski B. (1998) Biophys Chem 75(1), 73-80 (ATP/ADP transfer)
% Heinrich Huber, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, 2011
% call regulation(figurename) for calculation of particular figure
% figurename = 'Fig3' for Figure3
% figurename = 'Fig4' for Figure4
% figurename = 'Fig5' for Figure5
% figurename = 'Fig6' for Figure6
% figurename = 'Fig7' for Figure7
% figurename = 'Supl1' for Supplement 1
% figurename = 'Supl2' for Supplement 2
% figurename = 'Supl3' for Supplement 3
% S A M P L E  C A L L S
% regulation('Fig3')
% Email comments and suggestions to heinhuber@rcsi.ie

function regulation(xFig)
global pp_casp3 Qtot0 Ctot0 W_c cytosolic_ATP
global NADtot K_ADTP_dyn c_inc xpar lgpar varpar state_fact t_final txpar

% Control parameter for figure calculation
% The variable Out_par contains the following elements
% Out_par(1)    = Input function (?Dehydrogenase flux?)
% Out_par(2)    = Electron flux through complex I/II
% Out_par(3)    = Electron flux through complex III
% Out_par(4)    = Electron flux through complex IV
% Out_par(5)    = FoF1 ATP synthase flux
% Out_par(6)    = ATP transferase (inner membrane)
% Out_par(7)    = unused
% Out_par(8)    = unused
% Out_par(9)    = Matrix Hydrogen
% Out_par(10)   = Total IM cytochrom-c
% Out_par(11)   = Total ubiquinol
% Out_par(12)   = free active caspase3 in nM
% Out_par(13)   = Mitochondrial Membrane potential
% Out_par(14)   = Membrame Protomotive Force
% Out_par(15)   = Hydrogen leaks;
% Out_par(16)   = cytosolic (external medium) ADP/ATP ratio
% Out_par(17)   = pH difference mito and cytosol
% Time points for calculation
t_prior         = -80;                  % Time point for prior to steady state
t_start         =   0;                  % Time point for steady state
t_final         =  60;                  % Time point for prior to steady state
t_no_time       = t_final+10;           % Dummy time for neglected effects
F               = 0.096484;              % kJ mol^{-1} mV^{-1}
R               = 8314e-6;              % Universal gas constant (kJ * mol^{-1} * K^{-1})
T               = (273.15 + 37);        % Temperature (K), 37 degree
RT              = R*T;
cytosolic_ATP   = true;
% Bioenergetic constants
% Model parameters - Compare Figure 2 of main text
% Metabolites
xpar    = zeros(31,1);
xpar(1) = 0.000242;             % NADH calculated after Evans_77
xpar(2) = 2.70e-3;              % Cyt-c after Beard
xpar(3) = 1.35e-3;              % total IMS Ubiquinol, Q+QH2, molar
xpar(4) = 0.00486;              % ATP total Adenosine phosphates in cytosol
% calculated from Evans_77
% FIG. 2 FLUX 1: Parameter for input function
xpar(5) = 0.13413e-3;          % Dehydrogenase flux input
xpar(6) = 0.67668e-3;          % Dehydrogenase flux input
xpar(7) = 0.09183;             % Dehydrogenase activity
xpar(8) = 45.807;              % Input-flux: Initial disturbance of equilibrium
% FIG. 2 FLUX 2: Parameter for complex I
xpar(9) = 1.0200e+003;         % Complex I activity
% FIG. 2 FLUX 3: Parameter for complex III
xpar(10) = 0.2241;              % Complex III activity
xpar(11) = 0.19172e-3;          % Complex III / Pi parameter
xpar(12) = 25.31e-3;            % Complex III / Pi parameter
% FIG. 2 FLUX 4: Parameter for complex IV
xpar(13) = 3.2131e-004;         % Complex IV activity
xpar(14) = 1.2e-4;              % kinetic constant for complex IV (M)
% FIG. 2 FLUX 5: Parameter for ATP synthase and Mg-binding to ATP/ADP
xpar(15) = 6.8294e+003;         % F1F0 ATPase activity
% Parameter for cytosolic ATP production and consumption
xpar(16) = 0.1980;              % kinetic constant, Huber 2011, Materials and Methods
xpar(17) = 3;                   % equilibrium value, Huber 2011,
xpar(18) = 0.02;                % cytosolic Mg concentration
% FIG. 2 FLUX 6: Parameter for Adenosine Transferase
xpar(19) = 0.0020;              % ANT activity
xpar(20) = 3.50e-6;             % ANT Michaelis-Menten constant
% FIG. 2 FLUX 7: Proton leak activity
xpar(21) = 150.0;
% FIG. 2 FLUX 8: Parameter for OM transporters
xpar(22) = 2e1;                 % MOM permeability to protons (micron s^{-1})
xpar(23) = 5.99;                % MOM area per unit volume micron^{-1}
xpar(24) = 85.0;                % MOM permeability to phosphate
xpar(25) = 327;                 % MOM permeability to nucleotides
% FIG. 2 FLUX 9: Phosphate-Hydrogen-Cotransport
xpar(26) = 10^(-6.75);          % H/Pi co-transpor Molar (form factor 1)
xpar(27) = 0.45082e-3;          % H+/Pi co-transport activity (form factor 2)
xpar(28) = 3.3943e5;            % H+/Pi? co-transport activity
% FIG. 2 FLUX 10: Potassium-Hydrogen-Antiport
xpar(29) = 2.9802e7;            % K+ / H+ antiporter activity

xpar(30) = 100;                 % Inner Matrix hydrogen buffer capacity
xpar(31) = 6.7568e-6;           % Inner Membrane capacitance

npars    = 31;                  % Numbers of parameters for sensitivity analysis and PCA
%       Symbol definition
c_inc           = 1;                    % Cyt-c after release set to 0.1 %
NADtot          = xpar(1);              % calculated after Evans_77
Ctot0           = xpar(2);              % total IMS Cyt-C, Cred+Cox, molar
Qtot0           = xpar(3);              % total IMS Ubiquinol, Q+QH2, molar
ADTP_tot        = xpar(4);              % total Adenosine phosphates in cytosol, calcuulated from Evans_77

state_3_fact    = 100/101;              % ATP:ADP ratio = 100:1% (99 % ATP)
V_mito          = 0.05;                 % 5 % mitochondrial fraction
W_c             = 1/V_mito;             % cytosolic volume
varpar          = false;                % for default calculations bioenergetic parameter will be kept fixed
% (will be varied for sensitivity analysis and PCA)
lgpar           = false;                % for PCA we have to use variations of logarithmic parameters
% i.e. parameters will be transformed to log and then back

% ODE options

txpar = str2mat('Total NADH', 'Total cyt-c','Total ubiquinone','Total adenosine phos.','Input 1','Input 2','Input 3',...
    'Input 4','Cmplx I activity','Cmplx III activity','Cmplx III param. 1','Cmplx III param. 2','Cmplx IV activity','Cmplx IV param. 1',...
    'ATP Synthase act.','ATP cyt. kin','ATP cyt. equilibrium','Mg concentration ','ANT activity','ANT par. 1','Proton leak activity',...
    'MOM proton perm.','MOM area','MOM nucleotide perm.','MOM phosphate perm.','H+/Phos par. 1','H+/Phos par. 2','H+/Phos par. activity',...
    'K/H activity','Matrix H+ buffer','Mito capacitance');

% Calculated selected figure
switch xFig

     case {'Fig3','Fig4', 'Supl1', 'Supl2', 'Supl3'}
        'Figure 3,4 & Supplement: Single parameter variations'
        %     - Vary each parameter by a factor 0.1, 0.2, 5, 10
        %     - Calculate changes of model results by parameter variations
        %           - mitochondrial membrane potential in state_3 and state_4
        %           - pH in state_3 and state_4
        %           - Respiratory control ratio
        %           - ATP synthase direction and strength after full cyt_c release (0.1% remnant cyt-c)
        %           - ATP synthase direction and strength after partial
        %           cyt_c release (5% remnant cyt-c)
    case {'Fig5','Fig6','Fig7'}
        'Figure 5, 6 & 7: Parameter Cluster Analysis'
        %     - Simulate at different cyt-c levels to mimic intact cyt-c or its release
        %     - Analyse change of state variables as consequence of pairwise parameter changes
        %     - Calculate the Hessian matrix (second order approximation) of the error function


        'No valid Figure number. '
        'Call: regulation(figurename) '


%      Figure subroutines

    function calc_Fig_3_4
        %     - Vary each parameter by a factor 0.1, 0.2, 5, 10
        %     - Calculate changes of model results by parameter variations
        %           - mitochondrial membrane potential in state_3 and state_4
        %           - Respiratory control ratio
        %           - ATP synthase direction and strength after full cyt_c release (0.1% remnant cyt-c)
        %           - ATP synthase direction and strength after partial cyt_c release (5% remnant cyt-c)
        %           - Effect of complex I cleavage to mitochondrial membrane potential
        %           - Increase of mitochondrial membrane potential after increase of ATP (0.1% remnant cyt-c)
        %           - Increase of mitochondrial membrane potential after increase of ATP (5% remnant cyt-c)


        t_final     =  60;          % Time point for prior to steady state
        pp_casp3    = 0;            % Dummy in that case (no active caspase)
        Ctot0       = 2.70e-3;      % Remains unchanged except for parameter variation (no complex I cleavage)
        Qtot0       = 1.35e-3;      % Remains unchanged except for parameter variation (no cytc-c release)
        K_ADTP_dyn  = 0;            % Dummy in that case (no cytosolic ATP production)
        c_inc       = 0;            % Dummy in that case (no cytc-c release)

        varpar                  = true;         %Parameters will be varied for sensitivity analysis
        testmesh                = [0.1 0.2 1 5 10];
        [idummy,ntestmesh]      = size(testmesh);
        %   Initialise variables
        psi_3                   = zeros(ntestmesh, npars);      % Mitochondrial membrane potential in state 3 (no cytc release)
        psi_4                   = zeros(ntestmesh, npars);      % Mitochondrial membrane potential in state 4 (no cytc release)
        x_control               = zeros(ntestmesh, npars);      % Respiratory control ratio (no cytc release)
        psi_feed                = zeros(ntestmesh, npars);      % Effect of complex I inhibition after cytc release and caspase actvation
        f0f1_rel_all            = zeros(ntestmesh, npars);      % ATP Synthase after full cytc release (0.1 % remnant)
        f0f1_rel_func           = zeros(ntestmesh, npars);      % ATP Synthase after partial cytc release (5 % remnant)
        psi_rel_all             = zeros(ntestmesh, npars);      % Mitochondrial membrane potential after full cytc release (0.1 % remnant)
        psi_rel_func            = zeros(ntestmesh, npars);      % Mitochondrial membrane potential after partial cytc release (5 % remnant)
        %   Calculate first steady state as universal starting points for
        %   state-3 and state-4
        Ctot0       = 2.70e-3;
        Qtot0       = 1.35e-3;
        state_fact  = 3/4;
        xpar(16)    = 1.1;               % kinetic constant, (=log(2)/ 0.5 min)
        xpar(17)    = 2;                  % Modelled so that glycolysis + mitochondria render ATP:ADP = 3:1
        ADTP_tot    = xpar(4);              % total Adenosine phosphates in cytosol, calculated from Evans_77
        ATP_e       = state_fact*ADTP_tot;  % ATP level
        ADP_e       = ADTP_tot-ATP_e;       % ADP level
        x0_3        = get_first_steady_state(ADP_e, ATP_e, Ctot0, Qtot0); %calculate the initial steady state

        state_fact  = 100/101;               % ATP:ADP =100:1
        xpar(16)    = 0.0540;                % kinetic constant, Huber 2011, Materials and Methods (=log(2)/ 3.5 min)
        xpar(17)    = 30;                    % equilibrium value, Huber 2011,

        ADTP_tot    = xpar(4);              % total Adenosine phosphates in cytosol, calculated from Evans_77
        ATP_e       = state_fact*ADTP_tot;  % ATP level
        ADP_e       = ADTP_tot-ATP_e;       % ADP level
        x0_4        = get_first_steady_state(ADP_e, ATP_e, Ctot0, Qtot0); %calculate the initial steady state

        % Conditions for state-3
        state_fact  = 3/4;
        xpar(16)    = 1.1;               % kinetic constant, (=log(2)/ 0.5 min)
        xpar(17)    = 2;                  % Modelled so that glycolysis + mitochondria render ATP:ADP = 3:1

        state_3         = get_conc_and_fluxes(x0_3);

        % Conditions for state-4
        state_fact  = 100/101;               % ATP:ADP =100:1
        xpar(16)    = 0.0540;                % kinetic constant, Huber 2011, Materials and Methods (=log(2)/ 3.5 min)
        xpar(17)    = 30;                    % equilibrium value, Huber 2011,

        state_4         = get_conc_and_fluxes(x0_4);

        for igut= 1:npars


            kref  = xpar(igut);

            for jmesh = 1:ntestmesh
                %               Parameter variation
                xpar(igut)      = kref*testmesh(jmesh);
                ref_c = xpar(2);            % Storage for cyt-c
                ref_q = xpar(3);            % Storage for ubiquinone
                %       Test changes of result due to parameter variation

                %   Mito membrane potential and control ratio in state-3/4
                % Conditions for state-3

                state_fact  = 3/4;
                xpar(16)    = 1.1;                  % kinetic constant, (=log(2)/ 0.5 min)
                xpar(17)    = 2;                    % Modelled so that glycolysis + mitochondria render ATP:ADP = 3:1

                state_3         = get_conc_and_fluxes(x0_3);

                % Conditions for state-4
                state_fact  = 100/101;               % ATP:ADP =100:1
                xpar(16)    = 0.0540;                % kinetic constant, Huber 2011, Materials and Methods (=log(2)/ 3.5 min)
                xpar(17)    = 30;                    % equilibrium value, Huber 2011,
                                                     % Modelled such that glycolysis + mitochondria render ATP:ADP
                if igut ==16
                          xpar(16)      = 0.0540*testmesh(jmesh);
                if igut ==17
                          xpar(17)      = 30*testmesh(jmesh);
                state_4         = get_conc_and_fluxes(x0_4);

                psi_3(jmesh, igut)                  = state_3(13);      % Mitochondrial membrane potential in state_3
                psi_4(jmesh, igut)                  = state_4(13);      % Mitochondrial membrane potential in state_4
                resp_3(jmesh, igut)                 = state_3(1);       % Respiration in state_3
                resp_4(jmesh, igut)                 = state_4(1);       % Respiration in state_4
                pmf_3(jmesh, igut)                  = state_3(12);      % Protomotive Force in state_3
                pmf_4(jmesh, igut)                  = state_4(12);      % Protomotive Force in  state_4
                x_control(jmesh, igut)              = state_3(1)/state_4(1);
                f0f1_3(jmesh, igut)                 = state_3(5);       % Protomotive Force in state_3
                f0f1_4(jmesh, igut)                 = state_4(5);       % Protomotive Force in  state_4

                %   Test for complete cyt-c release
                xpar(2)                             = ref_c /200;

                % Conditions for state-3

                state_fact  = 3/4;
                xpar(16)    = 1.1;                % kinetic constant, (=log(2)/ 0.5 min)
                xpar(17)    = 2;                  % Modelled so that glycolysis + mitochondria render ATP:ADP = 3:1

                if igut ==16
                          xpar(16)      = 1.1*testmesh(jmesh);
                if igut ==17
                          xpar(17)      = 2*testmesh(jmesh);

                state_rel_all                       = get_conc_and_fluxes(x0_3);
                xpar(2)                             = ref_c;
                resp_rel_all(jmesh, igut)           = state_rel_all(1);
                f0f1_rel_all(jmesh, igut)           = state_rel_all(5);
                psi_rel_all(jmesh, igut)            = state_rel_all(13);
                pmf_rel_all(jmesh, igut)            = state_rel_all(12);

                %   Test for impaired cyt-c release
                xpar(2)                             = ref_c/20;         % 5% remnant cyt-c

                % Conditions for state-3

                state_fact  = 3/4;
                xpar(16)    = 1.1;                % kinetic constant, (=log(2)/ 0.5 min)
                xpar(17)    = 2;                  % Modelled so that glycolysis + mitochondria render ATP:ADP = 3:1
                if igut ==16
                          xpar(16)      = 1.1*testmesh(jmesh);
                if igut ==17
                          xpar(17)      = 2*testmesh(jmesh);

                state_rel_func                      = get_conc_and_fluxes(x0_3);
                xpar(2)                             = ref_c;
                resp_rel_func(jmesh, igut)          = state_rel_func(1);
                f0f1_rel_func(jmesh, igut)          = state_rel_func(5);
                psi_rel_func(jmesh, igut)           = state_rel_func(13);
                pmf_rel_func(jmesh, igut)           = state_rel_func(12);

                %   Test for complex I cleavage 1% (legacy, not used here)
                xpar(2)                             = ref_c /200;
                xpar(3)                             = ref_q /100;

                % Conditions for state-3

                state_fact  = 3/4;
                xpar(16)    = 1.1;               % kinetic constant, (=log(2)/ 0.5 min)
                xpar(17)    = 2;                 % Modelled so that glycolysis + mitochondria render ATP:ADP = 3:1
                if igut ==16
                          xpar(16)      = 1.1*testmesh(jmesh);
                if igut ==17
                          xpar(17)      = 2*testmesh(jmesh);

                state_rel_feed                      = get_conc_and_fluxes(x0_3);
                xpar(2)                             = ref_c;
                xpar(3)                             = ref_q;
                psi_feed(jmesh, igut)               = state_rel_all(13)-state_rel_feed(13);

                %       End of test calculation
            xpar(igut) = kref;
        %       Bar graph output

        ntestp = 20;
        for i=1:npars
            test(i) = abs(psi_4(1,i) - psi_4(end,i));
        [dummy, i_psi_4_down ]   = sort(test,2,'descend');

        for j = 1:ntestmesh
            for i = 1:ntestp
                psi_4_reg(i,j) = psi_4(j,i_psi_4_down(i));

        for i=1:npars
            test(i) = abs(psi_3(1,i) - psi_3(end,i));
        [dummy, i_psi_3_down]   = sort(test,2,'descend');
        for j = 1:ntestmesh
            for i = 1:ntestp
                psi_3_reg(i,j) = psi_3(j,i_psi_3_down(i));

        for i=1:npars
            test(i) = abs(resp_3(1,i) - resp_3(end,i));
        [dummy, i_resp_3_down]   = sort(test,2,'descend');
        for j = 1:ntestmesh
            for i = 1:ntestp
                resp_3_reg(i,j) = resp_3(j,i_resp_3_down(i));

        for i=1:npars
            test(i) = abs(resp_4(1,i) - resp_4(end,i));
        [dummy, i_resp_4_down]   = sort(test,2,'descend');
        for j = 1:ntestmesh
            for i = 1:ntestp
                resp_4_reg(i,j) = resp_4(j,i_resp_4_down(i));

        for i=1:npars
            test(i) = abs(pmf_3(1,i) - pmf_3(end,i));
        [dummy, i_pmf_3_down]   = sort(test,2,'descend');
        for j = 1:ntestmesh
            for i = 1:ntestp
                pmf_3_reg(i,j) = pmf_3(j,i_pmf_3_down(i));

        for i=1:npars
            test(i) = abs(pmf_4(1,i) - pmf_4(end,i));
        [dummy, i_pmf_4_down]   = sort(test,2,'descend');
        for j = 1:ntestmesh
            for i = 1:ntestp
                pmf_4_reg(i,j) = pmf_4(j,i_pmf_4_down(i));

        for i=1:npars
            test(i) = abs(f0f1_3(1,i) - f0f1_3(end,i));
        [dummy, i_f0f1_3_down]   = sort(test,2,'descend');
        for j = 1:ntestmesh
            for i = 1:ntestp
                f0f1_3_reg(i,j) = f0f1_3(j,i_f0f1_3_down(i));

        for i=1:npars
            test(i) = abs(f0f1_4(1,i) - f0f1_4(end,i));
        [dummy, i_f0f1_4_down]   = sort(test,2,'descend');
        for j = 1:ntestmesh
            for i = 1:ntestp
                f0f1_4_reg(i,j) = f0f1_4(j,i_f0f1_4_down(i));

        for i=1:npars
            test(i) = abs(x_control(1,i) - x_control(end,i));
        [dummy, i_x_control_down]     = sort(test,2,'descend');
        for j = 1:ntestmesh
            for i = 1:ntestp
                x_control_reg(i,j) = x_control(j,i_x_control_down(i));
        for i=1:npars
            test(i) = abs(psi_rel_func(1,i) - psi_rel_func(end,i));
        [dummy, i_psi_rel_func_down] = sort(test,2,'descend');
        for j = 1:ntestmesh
            for i = 1:ntestp
                psi_rel_func_reg(i,j) = psi_rel_func(j,i_psi_rel_func_down(i));
        for i=1:npars
            test(i) = abs(psi_rel_all(1,i) - psi_rel_all(end,i));
        [dummy, i_psi_rel_all_down] = sort(test,2,'descend');
        for j = 1:ntestmesh
            for i = 1:ntestp
                psi_rel_all_reg(i,j) = psi_rel_all(j,i_psi_rel_all_down(i));
        for i=1:npars
            test(i) = abs(resp_rel_func(1,i) - resp_rel_func(end,i));
        [dummy, i_resp_rel_func_down] = sort(test,2,'descend');
        for j = 1:ntestmesh
            for i = 1:ntestp
                resp_rel_func_reg(i,j) = resp_rel_func(j,i_resp_rel_func_down(i));
        for i=1:npars
            test(i) = abs(resp_rel_all(1,i) - resp_rel_all(end,i));
        [dummy, i_resp_rel_all_down] = sort(test,2,'descend');
        for j = 1:ntestmesh
            for i = 1:ntestp
                resp_rel_all_reg(i,j) = resp_rel_all(j,i_resp_rel_all_down(i));
        for i=1:npars
            test(i) = abs(pmf_rel_func(1,i) - pmf_rel_func(end,i));
        [dummy, i_pmf_rel_func_down] = sort(test,2,'descend');
        for j = 1:ntestmesh
            for i = 1:ntestp
                pmf_rel_func_reg(i,j) = pmf_rel_func(j,i_pmf_rel_func_down(i));
        for i=1:npars
            test(i) = abs(pmf_rel_all(1,i) - pmf_rel_all(end,i));
        [dummy, i_pmf_rel_all_down] = sort(test,2,'descend');
        for j = 1:ntestmesh
            for i = 1:ntestp
                pmf_rel_all_reg(i,j) = pmf_rel_all(j,i_pmf_rel_all_down(i));
        for i=1:npars
            test(i) = abs(f0f1_rel_func(1,i) - f0f1_rel_func(end,i));
        [dummy, i_f0f1_rel_func_down] = sort(test,2,'descend');
        for j = 1:ntestmesh
            for i = 1:ntestp
                f0f1_rel_func_reg(i,j) = f0f1_rel_func(j,i_f0f1_rel_func_down(i));
        for i=1:npars
            test(i) = abs(f0f1_rel_all(1,i) - f0f1_rel_all(end,i));
        [dummy, i_f0f1_rel_all_down] = sort(test,2,'descend');
        for j = 1:ntestmesh
            for i = 1:ntestp
                f0f1_rel_all_reg(i,j) = f0f1_rel_all(j,i_f0f1_rel_all_down(i));

        %       Figure 3: State-3 / state-4 mito potential

        if strcmp (xFig, 'Fig3')
        subplot(2,2,1), bar(psi_4_reg(1:ntestp,:),'group')
        axis([0 ntestp+1 100 200])
        title('Figure 3A: Mitochondrial Membrane Potential in state-4')
        subplot(2,2,2), bar(0,'group', 'FaceColor', 'b'); hold on
        axis([0 2 0 2])

        subplot(2,2,3), bar(psi_3_reg(1:ntestp,:),'group');
        axis([0 ntestp+1 100 180])
        title('Figure 3B: Mitochondrial Membrane Potential in state-3')
        subplot(2,2,4), bar(0,'group', 'FaceColor', 'b'); hold on
        axis([0 2 0 2])

        if strcmp (xFig, 'Supl1')
        %       Respiration in state-3 and state-4
        subplot(3,2,1), bar(resp_4_reg(1:ntestp,:),'group')
        title('Supplementary Figure 1A: Respiration in state-4')
        subplot(3,2,2), bar(0,'group', 'FaceColor', 'b'); hold on
        axis([0 2 0 2])

        subplot(3,2,3), bar(resp_3_reg(1:ntestp,:),'group');
        title('Supplementary Figure 1B: Respiration in state-3')
        subplot(3,2,4), bar(0,'group', 'FaceColor', 'b'); hold on
        axis([0 2 0 2])

        %       Protomotive Force in state-3 and state-4
        if strcmp (xFig, 'Supl2')
        subplot(3,2,1), bar(pmf_4_reg(1:ntestp,:),'group')
        title('Supplementary Figure 2A: Protomotive Force in state-4')
        subplot(3,2,2), bar(0,'group', 'FaceColor', 'b'); hold on
        axis([0 2 0 2])

        subplot(3,2,3), bar(pmf_3_reg(1:ntestp,:),'group');
        title('Supplementary Figure 2B: Protomotive Force in state-3')
        subplot(3,2,4), bar(0,'group', 'FaceColor', 'b'); hold on
        axis([0 2 0 2])
        %       ATP synthase in state-3 and state-4
        if strcmp (xFig, 'Supl3')
        subplot(3,2,1), bar(f0f1_4_reg(1:ntestp,:),'group')
        title('Supplementary Figure 3A: Protomotive Force in state-4')
        subplot(3,2,2), bar(0,'group', 'FaceColor', 'b'); hold on
        axis([0 2 0 2])

        subplot(3,2,3), bar(f0f1_3_reg(1:ntestp,:),'group');
        title('Supplementary Figure 3B: Protomotive Force in state-3')
        subplot(3,2,4), bar(0,'group', 'FaceColor', 'b'); hold on
        axis([0 2 0 2])

        %       Depolarisation after cyt-c release
        if strcmp (xFig, 'Fig4')
        subplot(2,2,1), bar(psi_rel_all_reg(1:ntestp,:),'group');
        axis([0 ntestp+1 20 150])
        title('Figure 4A: Mito depolarisation after release to 0.1% cyt-c and intact complex I/II')
        subplot(2,2,2), bar(0,'group', 'FaceColor', 'b'); hold on
        axis([0 2 0 2])

        subplot(2,2,3), bar(psi_rel_func_reg(1:ntestp,:),'group');
        axis([0 ntestp+1 20 150])
        title('Figure 4B: Mito depolarisation after release to 5% cyt-c and intact complex I/II')
        subplot(2,2,4), bar(0,'group', 'FaceColor', 'b'); hold on
        axis([0 2 0 2])
        %       Respiration after cyt-c release
        if strcmp (xFig, 'Supl1')
        subplot(2,2,1), bar(resp_rel_all_reg(1:ntestp,:),'group');
        title('Supplementary Figure 1C: Respiration after release to 0.1% cyt-c ')
        subplot(2,2,2), bar(0,'group', 'FaceColor', 'b'); hold on
        axis([0 2 0 2])

        subplot(2,2,3), bar(resp_rel_func_reg(1:ntestp,:),'group');
        title('Supplementary Figure 1D: Respiration after release to 5% cyt-c ')
        subplot(2,2,4), bar(0,'group', 'FaceColor', 'b'); hold on
        axis([0 2 0 2])
        %       Protomotive Force  after cyt-c release
        if strcmp (xFig, 'Supl2')
        subplot(2,2,1), bar(pmf_rel_all_reg(1:ntestp,:),'group');
        title('Supplementary Figure 2C: Protomotive Force after release to 0.1% cyt-c ')
        subplot(2,2,2), bar(0,'group', 'FaceColor', 'b'); hold on
        axis([0 2 0 2])

        subplot(2,2,3), bar(pmf_rel_func_reg(1:ntestp,:),'group');
        title('Supplementary Figure 2D: Protomotive Force  after release to 5% cyt-c ')
        subplot(2,2,4), bar(0,'group', 'FaceColor', 'b'); hold on
        axis([0 2 0 2])
        %       ATP synthase after cyt-c release
        if strcmp (xFig, 'Supl3')
        subplot(2,2,1), bar(f0f1_rel_all_reg(1:ntestp,:),'group');
        axis([0 ntestp+1 -3.e-4 2e-4])
        title('Supplementary Figure 4C:  ATP synthase after release to 0.1% cyt-c')
        subplot(2,2,2), bar(0,'group', 'FaceColor', 'b'); hold on
        axis([0 2 0 2])

        subplot(2,2,3), bar(f0f1_rel_func_reg(1:ntestp,:),'group');
        axis([0 ntestp+1 -1e-3 2e-3])
        title('Supplementary Figure 4D: ATP synthase after release to 5% cyt-c')
        subplot(2,2,4), bar(0,'group', 'FaceColor', 'b'); hold on
        axis([0 2 0 2])

    function calc_Fig_5_6_7
        %     'Figure 5, 6 and 7 Sloppy parameter analysis according Gutentkunst with PCA'
        %     - Analyse change of state variables as consequence of pairwise parameter changes
        %     - Calculate the Hessian matrix (second order approximation)
        %       of the error function (i.e. change of state varioiable according parameter variation)

        t_final     = 60;               % Time point for prior to steady state
        pp_casp3    = 0;                % Dummy in that case (no active caspase)
        Qtot0       = 0;                % Dummy in that case (no complex I cleavage)
        Ctot0       = 0;                % Dummy in that case (no cytc-c release)
        K_ADTP_dyn  = 0;                % Dummy in that case (no cytosolic ATP production)
        c_inc       = 0;                % Dummy in that case (no cytc-c release)

        varpar      = true; %Parameters will be varied for sloppyness analysis

        n_state = 1;
        n_cyt   = 1;

        switch xFig

            case 'Fig5'
                deg_cyct(1) = 1;

                % Conditions for state-3

                state_fact  = 0.74;                 % note 0.74 instead of 0.75 was used due to numeric instabilities
                state_3_fact(1) = 0.74;
                xpar(16)    = 1.2;                  % kinetic constant, (=log(2)/ 0.5 min)
                xpar(17)    = 2;                    % Modelled so that glycolysis + mitochondria render ATP:ADP = 3:1

            case 'Fig6'
                state_3_fact(1) = 100/101;
                deg_cyct(1) = 1;
                  % Conditions for state-4
                state_fact  = 100/101;               % ATP:ADP =100:1
                xpar(16)    = 0.0540;                % kinetic constant, Huber 2011, Materials and Methods (=log(2)/ 3.5 min)
                xpar(17)    = 30;                    % equilibrium value, Huber 2011,

            case 'Fig7'
                state_3_fact(1) = 0.74;
                deg_cyct(1) = 0.05;

                % Conditions for state-3
                state_fact  = 0.74;                 % note 0.74 instead of 0.75 was used due to numeric instabilities
                xpar(16)    = 1.2;                  % kinetic constant, (=log(2)/ 0.5 min)
                xpar(17)    = 2;                    % Modelled so that glycolysis + mitochondria render ATP:ADP = 3:1


        npars     = 31;                             % Numbers of varied parameters

        xpar     = log(xpar);
        lgpar    = true;
        dpar     = 0.002;                % best parameter over rage E-2-E-4 If too large:not accurate, too low: numeric noise)
        %   Legacy: The following two loops (n,i) are only calculated once
        for n = 1:n_cyt
            xpar(2) = log(2.70e-3*deg_cyct(n));  % total IMS Cyt-C, Cred+Cox, molar
            for k = 1:n_state               % sum over all energetic conditions
                Hessian  = zeros(npars,npars);
                state_fact = state_3_fact(k); % get actual ATP
                ADTP_tot    = exp(xpar(4));         % total Adenosine phosphates in cytosol, calculated from Evans_77
                ATP_e       = state_fact*ADTP_tot;  % ATP level
                ADP_e       = ADTP_tot-ATP_e;       % ADP level
                x0          = get_first_steady_state(ADP_e, ATP_e, Ctot0, Qtot0); %calculate the initial steady state
                x0mem       = x0;
                for i = 1:npars               % sum over all Gutenkunst variables in pairs
                    for j = 1:i

                        xmem1            = xpar(i);         % store variable
                        xmem2            = xpar(j);         % store variable

                        if i == 4            % If total ATP levels are changed the initial state has to be recalculated
                                             % The subsequent calculations getconc only shifts ATP and ADP, but not total levels
                        xpar(i)          = xmem1 + dpar;         % infinitesimal change of parameter for centre derivative
                        ADTP_tot         = exp(xpar(i));         % total Adenosine phosphates in cytosol, calculated from Evans_77
                        ATP_e            = state_fact*ADTP_tot;  % ATP level
                        ADP_e            = ADTP_tot-ATP_e;       % ADP level
                        x0               = get_first_steady_state(ADP_e, ATP_e, Ctot0, Qtot0);
                                                                 % calculate the initial steady state
                        Sub_p1           = get_conc(x0);

                        xpar(i)          = xmem1 - dpar;         % infinitesimal change of parameter for centre derivative
                        ADTP_tot         = exp(xpar(i));         % total Adenosine phosphates in cytosol, calculated from Evans_77
                        ATP_e            = state_fact*ADTP_tot;  % ATP level
                        ADP_e            = ADTP_tot-ATP_e;       % ADP level
                        x0               = get_first_steady_state(ADP_e, ATP_e, Ctot0, Qtot0);
                                                                 %calculate the initial steady state
                        Sub_m1           = get_conc(x0);

                        xpar(i)          = xmem1;                % retrieve variable
                        x0               = x0mem;
                        xpar(j)          = xmem2 + dpar;         % infinitesimal change of parameter for centre derivative
                        Sub_p2           = get_conc(x0);
                        xpar(j)          = xmem2 - dpar;         % infinitesimal change of parameter for centre derivative
                        Sub_m2           = get_conc(x0);

                        elseif j==4

                        xpar(i)          = xmem1 + dpar;         % infinitesimal change of parameter for centre derivative
                        Sub_p1           = get_conc(x0);
                        xpar(i)          = xmem1 - dpar;         % infinitesimal change of parameter for centre derivative
                        Sub_m1           = get_conc(x0);
                        xpar(i)          = xmem1;                % retrieve variable

                        xpar(j)          = xmem2 + dpar;         % infinitesimal change of parameter for centre derivative
                        ADTP_tot         = exp(xpar(j));         % total Adenosine phosphates in cytosol, calculated from Evans_77
                        ATP_e            = state_fact*ADTP_tot;  % ATP level
                        ADP_e            = ADTP_tot-ATP_e;       % ADP level
                        x0               = get_first_steady_state(ADP_e, ATP_e, Ctot0, Qtot0);
                                                                 % calculate the initial steady state
                        Sub_p2           = get_conc(x0);

                        xpar(j)          = xmem2 - dpar;         % infinitesimal change of parameter for centre derivative
                        ADTP_tot         = exp(xpar(j));         % total Adenosine phosphates in cytosol, calculated from Evans_77
                        ATP_e            = state_fact*ADTP_tot;  % ATP level
                        ADP_e            = ADTP_tot-ATP_e;       % ADP level
                        x0               = get_first_steady_state(ADP_e, ATP_e, Ctot0, Qtot0);
                                                                 %calculate the initial steady state
                        Sub_m2           = get_conc(x0);
                        x0               = x0mem;


                        xpar(i)          = xmem1 + dpar;         % infinitesimal change of parameter for centre derivative
                        Sub_p1           = get_conc(x0);
                        xpar(i)          = xmem1 - dpar;         % infinitesimal change of parameter for centre derivative
                        Sub_m1           = get_conc(x0);
                        xpar(i)          = xmem1;                % retrieve variable
                        xpar(j)          = xmem2 + dpar;         % infinitesimal change of parameter for centre derivative
                        Sub_p2           = get_conc(x0);
                        xpar(j)          = xmem2 - dpar;         % infinitesimal change of parameter for centre derivative
                        Sub_m2           = get_conc(x0);

                        for m = 1:20
                            if Sub_p1(m) ~=0
                                diff1(m) = (Sub_p1(m) - Sub_m1(m))/Sub_p1(m);   % Calculate derivative (logarithmic parameter)
                                diff1(m) = 0;
                            if Sub_p1(m) ~=0
                                diff2(m) = (Sub_p2(m) - Sub_m2(m))/Sub_p2(m);   % Calculate derivative (logarithmic parameter)
                                diff2(m) = 0;
                        Hessian(i,j)    = Hessian(i,j) +diff1*diff2'/(dpar*dpar*4);
                        xpar(i) = xmem1;            % set back to original value
                        xpar(j) = xmem2;            % set back to original value
                        x0      = x0mem;            % back to defauls initial state without change of ATP levels
                for i = 1:npars
                    for j = 1:i
                        Hessian(j,i)    = Hessian(i,j);         % Hessian is symmetric

                % Calculate Eigenvectors
                [coeff2, latent2, expl2]    = pcacov(Hessian);
                coeff2(:,npars+1) = coeff2(:,npars);
                coeff2(npars+1,:) = coeff2(npars,:);
                xlabel('4 major Principal Components')
                ylabel('Original Parameters, Suppl. Table VII')
                zlabel('Parameter Loading')
                set (gca, 'LineWidth',2)

                'Explanatory factors of principal components'

                latentmem(n+(k-1)*2,:,:)    = coeff2(:,:);
                expl2mem(n+(k-1)*2,:)       = expl2(:);
                var(n+(k-1)*2,1)            = state_3_fact(n);
                var(n+(k-1)*2,2)            = state_3_fact(k);
                if cytosolic_ATP
                ipargroup   = [1 2 3 9 10 11 12 13 14 0 0 0 0           % Complex Metabolite and Parameters
                    4 15 18 19 20 26 27 28 0 0 0 0 0         % ATP production
                    16 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0              % cytosolic ATP
                    5 6 7 8 21 22 23 24 25 29 30 31 0];      % Protein leaks & Rest

                np(1) = 9;
                np(2) = 8;
                np(3) = 2;
                np(4) = 12;

                for i = 1:3
                    for j = 1:4
                        sum = 0;
                        for k = 1:np(j)
                            sum = sum + coeff2(ipargroup(j,k),i)*coeff2(ipargroup(j,k),i);
                        pc(i,j) = sum;
                    title (strcat('Cluster contributions, Cluster: ',num2str(i)))

                subplot(2,2,4), pie([1/10 2/10 3/10 4/10 ])
                title('Dummy Figure for legend')
                legend('Complex Metabolite & Parameters','ATP production','cytosolic ATP','Protein leaks & Rest')
%         save ('latentmem')


function [Init]=initial(ADP_e, ATP_e, Ctot0, Qtot0)
%    Sets the initial conditions
Init(1)  = 10^(-8);   % Matrix hydrogen concentration pH=8                   H_x
Init(2)  = 0.050;     % Matrix potassium concentration [50 mM]               K_x
Init(3)  = 0.001;     % Matrix magnesium concentration [1 mM]                Mg_x
Init(4)  = 1.5e-3;    % Reduced NADH in matrix [1.5mM]                       NADH_x
Init(5)  = 0.0008;    % Reduced ubiquinol in matrix [0.8 mM]                 QH2
Init(6)  = 1.0e-3;    % Reduced cyt-c in IMS [1 mM]                          Cred
Init(7)  = 2.6e-5;    % O2 unsued as state variable, parameter only
Init(8)  = ATP_e;     % Matrix free ATP (set to external as initial)         ATP_x
Init(9)  = ADP_e;     % Matrix free ADP (set to external as initial)         ADP_x
Init(10) = 0;         % Matrix ATP bound to magnesium                        ATP_mx
Init(11) = 0;         % Matrix ADP bound to magnesium                        ADP_mx
Init(12) = 10e-3;     % Matrix inorganic phosphate [ 10 mM]                  Pi_x
Init(13) = 0;         % IMS free ATP                                         ATP_i
Init(14) = 0;         % IMS free ADP                                         ADP_i
Init(15) = 0;         % IMS free AMP                                         AMP_i
Init(16) = 0;         % IMS ATP bound to magnesium
Init(17) = 0;         % IMS ADP bound to magnesium
Init(18) = 10e-3;     % Matrix inorganic phosphate [ 10 mM]                  Pi_i
Init(19) = 150;       % Mitochondrial membrane potential [150 mV]            dPsi
Init(20) = Ctot0;     % total cyt-c in IMS                                   Ctot0
Init(21) = Qtot0;     % total ubiquinol                                      Qtot0
Init(22) = 10^(-8.0); % IMS hydrogen concentration pH=8                      H_i
Init(23) = ATP_e;     % cytosolic ATP (given according text)                 ATP_c
Init(24) = ADP_e;     % cytosolic ADP (given according text)                 ADP_c

% Subroutines for Sensitivity and PCA
function [initial_equilibrium] = get_first_steady_state(ADP_e, ATP_e, Ctot0, Qtot0)
% ODE options
options = odeset('RelTol',1e-5, 'AbsTol',1e-8, 'MaxStep',10e-1, ...
    'InitialStep',1e-1, 'MaxOrder',5, 'BDF','on');
t_prior     = -80;              % Time point for prior to steady state
t_start     =   0;              % Time point for steady state
xo          = initial(ADP_e, ATP_e, Ctot0, Qtot0);  % calculate initial conditions
%      calculate steady state
[t0_vec, x_steady]= ode15s(@sub_energetic,[t_prior t_start],xo,options);
%      calculate time series of state transition for isolated mitochondria
initial_equilibrium = x_steady(end,:)';

function [final_equilibrium] = get_conc(initial_equilibrium);
global t_final
% ODE options
options = odeset('RelTol',1e-5, 'AbsTol',1e-8, 'MaxStep',10e-1, ...
    'InitialStep',1e-1, 'MaxOrder',5, 'BDF','on');
t_start     =   0;              % Time point for steady state
[t_out,x1_mat] = ode15s(@sub_energetic,[t_start t_final],initial_equilibrium,options);
%      return vector of steady state
final_equilibrium = x1_mat(end,:)';

function [final_equilibrium] = get_conc_and_fluxes(initial_equilibrium);
global C t_final
% ODE options
options = odeset('RelTol',1e-5, 'AbsTol',1e-8, 'MaxStep',10e-1, ...
    'InitialStep',1e-1, 'MaxOrder',5, 'BDF','on');
t_start     =   0;              % Time point for steady state
[t_out,x1_mat] = ode15s(@sub_energetic,[t_start t_final],initial_equilibrium,options);
states_and_fluxes = [];
for i = 1:length(t_out);
    t = t_out(i); x = x1_mat(i,:)'; f = sub_energetic(t,x);
    states_and_fluxes = [states_and_fluxes;C];

states_and_fluxes(1,end) = states_and_fluxes(1,end)/states_and_fluxes(1,1);  % normalize 1st (respiration flux) component to 100% initial
%      return vector of steady state
final_equilibrium = states_and_fluxes(end,:)';

%      E N E R G E T I C   S U B - R O U T I N E
function [f] = sub_energetic(t,x);

% Code supplement to Huber, Duessmann, Rehm and Prehn
% Bioenergetic part of the model including cytosolic extensions
% Heinrich Huber, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, 2010
% Email comments and suggestions to heinhuber@rcsi.ie
% The bioenergetic model is derived from the great work of
% Daniel A. Beard, Department of Physiology, Medical College of Wisonsin,
% Milwaukee, WI.
% Beard DA. (2005) A Biophysical Model of the Mitochondrial Respiratory
% System and Oxidative Phosphorylation. PLoS Comp Bio. 1 (4) e36
% Including the ATP/ADP transfer modelling from:
% Korzeniewski B. (1998), Biophys Chem 75(1), 73-80
% We have included the following features
%     - Cyt-c release for the total and for one redox fraction
%     - Facultative feedback of Caspase-3 to Complex I/II
%     - Facultative blockage of ATP synthase
%     - Cytosolic ATP production and consumption
% Notes
%     - For consistency and comparability to Beard's original model
%       we kept the constants in seconds and then rescaled them to minutes
%     - To maintain redox equilibrium, always the total and one redox
%       fraction of cyt-c/ubiqinon is affected from release/cleavage
%     - Complex II is not explicitetly considered (similar to Beard).
%       Caspase-3 has been reported to cleave both, complex I and II.
%       Likewise, as they work in parallel, they are lumped together
%   t - time
%   x - vector of state variables
%   f - vector of time derivatives of concentrations
% Global INPUT
%   pp_casp3:       Spline parameter of temporal concentrations for free, active
%                   caspase-3 (in uM) starting from time of depolarization (i.e.
%                   shifted)
%   W_c:            Cytosolic volume fraction
%   Qtot0:          Initial ubiquinon (M)
%   Ctot0:          Initial cyt-c in intermembrane space (M)
% Global OUTPUT
%   C - Output vector for plotted concentration
global C cytosolic_ATP
global NADtot xpar varpar lgpar state_fact  ADTP_tot2 W_c

% Concentration state variables:
H_x    = x(1);                      % Matrix hydrogen concentration
K_x    = x(2);                      % Matrix potassium concentration
Mg_x   = x(3);                      % Matrix magnesium concentration
NADH_x = x(4);                      % Reduced NADH in matrix
QH2    = x(5);                      % Reduced ubiquinol in matrix
Cred   = x(6);                      % Reduced cyt-c in IMS
O2     = x(7);                      % O2 unsued as state variable, parameter only
ATP_x  = x(8);                      % Matrix free ATP (set to external as initial)
ADP_x  = x(9);                      % Matrix free ADP (set to external as initial)
ATP_mx = x(10);                     % Matrix ATP bound to magnesium
ADP_mx = x(11);                     % Matrix ADP bound to magnesium
Pi_x   = x(12);                     % Matrix inorganic phosphate
ATP_i  = x(13);                     % IMS free ATP
ADP_i  = x(14);                     % IMS free ADP
AMP_i  = x(15);                     % IMS free AMP
ATP_mi = x(16);                     % IMS ATP bound to magnesium
ADP_mi = x(17);                     % IMS ADP bound to magnesium
Pi_i   = x(18);                     % Matrix inorganic phosphate
dPsi   = x(19);                     % Mitochondrial membrane potential
Ctot   = x(20);                     % total cyt-c in IMS
Qtot   = x(21);                     % total ubiquinol
H_i    = x(22);                     % IMS hydrogen concentration
ATP_e  = x(23);                     % cytosolic ATP
ADP_e  = x(24);                     % cytosolic ADP
AMP_e  = 0;                         % cytosolic AMP concentration (Molar), Nicholls and others
%   Model parameter
%   Thermodynamic parameter
F       = 0.096484;                  % kJ mol^{-1} mV^{-1}
R       = 8314e-6;                   % Universal gas constant (kJ * mol^{-1} * K^{-1})
T       = (273.15 + 37);             % Temperature (K), 37 degree
RT      = R*T;
%   Parameters for literature sources, please refer to Beard PLoS Comp Bio. 1 (4) e36)
dG_C1o  = -69.37;                    % kJ mol^{-1}
dG_C3o  = -32.53;                    % kJ mol^{-1}
dG_C4o  = -122.94;                   % kJ mol^{-1}
dG_F1o  = 36.03;                     % kJ mol^{-1}
n_A     = 3.0;                       % numbers of proteins used by ATP synthase
%   Cytosolic Ion concentration and pH
pH_e    = 7.4;                       % External pH (cytosol)
H_e     = 10^(-pH_e);                % cytosolic hydrogen concentration (Molar)
K_ei    = 120.0e-3;                  % cytosolic and IM potassium-concentration (Nicholls, Bioenergetics 2)
Pi_e    = 0.02;                      % cytosolic and IM phosphate-concentration
% Constant for Mg-binding to ATP/ADP
K_DT    =  24e-6;               % Mg/ATP binding constant M
K_DD    =  347e-6;              % Mg/ADP binding constant M
x_MgA   =  1e6;                 % Mg2+ binding activity
if lgpar
    xpar1 = exp(xpar);               % for PCA logarithmic parameter have been used, needed to be back transformed
    xpar1 = xpar;                    % default case

if varpar                            % During the sensitivity analysis and PCA, below parameter will be changed in the main programme
    % Likewise, x(23) and x(24) do not change over time
    NADtot  = xpar1(1);              % calculated after Evans_77
    Ctot    = xpar1(2);              % total cyt-c in IMS
    Qtot    = xpar1(3);              % total ubiquinol
    ADTP_tot= xpar1(4);              % total Adenosine phosphates in cytosol, calculated from Evans_77
%     ATP_e   = state_fact*ADTP_tot;   % State 3 ATP level
%     ADP_e   = ADTP_tot-ATP_e;        % State 3 ADP level

    % defauilt case for all figures in the main text

if cytosolic_ATP
    ATP_e   = state_fact*ADTP_tot;   % fixed ATP for isolated mitochondria
    ADP_e   = ADTP_tot-ATP_e;        % fixed ATP for isolated mitochondria
% Parameter for input function
k_Pi1  =  xpar1(5);                 % Dehydrogenase flux input
k_Pi2  =  xpar1(6);                 % Dehydrogenase flux input
x_DH   =  xpar1(7);                 % Dehydrogenase activity
r_DH   =  xpar1(8);                 % Input-flux: Initial disturbance of equilibrium
% Parameter for complex I
x_C1   =  xpar1(9);                 % Complex I activity
% Parameter for complex III
x_C3   =  xpar1(10);                % Complex III activity
k_Pi3  =  xpar1(11);                % Complex III / Pi parameter
k_Pi4  =  xpar1(12);                % Complex III / Pi parameter
% Parameter for complex IV
x_C4   =  xpar1(13);                % Complex IV activity
k_O2    = xpar1(14);                % kinetic constant for complex IV (M)
% Parameter for ATP synthase
x_F1   =  xpar1(15);                % F1F0 ATPase activity
% Parameter for cytosolic ATP production and consumption
x_ATPK     =  xpar1(16);            % kinetic constant to establish equilibrium
K_ADTP_dyn =  xpar1(17);            % Equilibrium value

Mg_tot    =  xpar1(18);             % cytosolic and IM magnesium-concentration (Nicholls, Bioenergetics 2).

% Parameter for Adenosine Transferase
x_ANT  =  xpar1(19);                % ANT activity
k_mADP =  xpar1(20);                % ANT Michaelis-Menten constant
% Proton leaks
x_Hle  =  xpar1(21);                % Proton leak activity
% Parameter for OM transporters
x_Ht    = xpar1(22);                % mito outer membrane permeability to protons (micron s^{-1})
gamma   = xpar1(23);                % mito outer membrane area per unit volume micron^{-1}
x_A     = xpar1(24);                % mito outer membrane permeability to nucleotides
x_Pi2   = xpar1(25);                % mito outer membrane permeability to phosphate
% Phosphate-Hydrogen-Cotransport
k_dHPi  = xpar1(26);                % H/Pi binding constant Molar
k_PiH   = xpar1(27);                % H+ / Pi ? co-transport Michaelis constant
x_Pi1   = xpar1(28);                % H+ / Pi ? co-transport activity
% Potassium-Hydrogen-Antiport
x_KH   =  xpar1(29);                % K+ / H+ antiporter activity
% Matrix buffer and membrane capacitance
x_buff =  xpar1(30);                % Inner Matrix hydrogen buffer capacity
CIM     = xpar1(31);                % Inner Membrane capacitance
% Release and compartment parameter
W_m     = 0.143/0.20;               % mitochondrial water space (ml water / ml mito)
W_x     = 0.9*W_m;                  % Matrix water space (ml water / ml mito)
W_i     = 0.1*W_m;                  % IM water space (ml water / ml mito)
% IMS water space with the rest of the cell (0.1%)
% c_inc is used to modify OXPHOS-contributing cyt-c after release

% potassium uniporter and adenylate kinase neglected
x_K    = 0;                         % Passive potassium transporter activity
x_AK   = 0e6;                       % AK activity
K_AK    = 0;                        % Adenelyte Kinase switched off

% Balancing moeities
NAD_x  = NADtot - NADH_x;
Q      = Qtot   - QH2;
Cox    = Ctot   - Cred;
null = 0;
% Calculate
ATP_fx  = ATP_x - ATP_mx;
ADP_fx  = ADP_x - ADP_mx;
ATP_fi  = ATP_i - ATP_mi;
ADP_fi  = ADP_i - ADP_mi;
% Preventing numerical instabilities
Q       = Q*(Q>0);
QH2     = QH2*(QH2>0);
Qtot    = Qtot*(Qtot>0);
Cox     = Cox*(Cox>0);
Cred    = Cred*(Cred>0);
Ctot    = Ctot*(Ctot>0);
ATP_fx  = ATP_fx*(ATP_fx>0);
ATP_fi  = ATP_fi*(ATP_fi>0);
ADP_fx 	= ADP_fx*(ADP_fx>0);
ADP_fi  = ADP_fi*(ADP_fi>0);
% ADP/Mg/K binding in E space
ADP_me  = ( (K_DD+ADP_e+Mg_tot) - sqrt((K_DD+ADP_e+Mg_tot)^2-4*(Mg_tot*ADP_e)) )/2;
ADP_fe  = ADP_e - ADP_me;
Mg_e    = Mg_tot - ADP_me;
Mg_i    = Mg_e;                         % Mg in inner space same as external
K_i     = K_ei; %
% Calculating Membrane proton motive force and respiration fluxes
dG_H    = F*dPsi + 1*RT*log(H_i/H_x);   % Protomotive force
dG_C1op = dG_C1o - 1*RT*log(H_x/1e-7);
dG_C3op = dG_C3o + 2*RT*log(H_x/1e-7);
dG_C4op = dG_C4o - 2*RT*log(H_x/1e-7);
dG_F1op = dG_F1o - 1*RT*log(H_x/1e-7);
J_DH    = x_DH*(r_DH*NAD_x-NADH_x)*((1+Pi_x/k_Pi1)/(1+Pi_x/k_Pi2));
J_C1    = x_C1*(exp(-(dG_C1op+4*dG_H)/RT)*NADH_x*Q - NAD_x*QH2);
J_C3    = x_C3*((1+Pi_x/k_Pi3)/(1+Pi_x/k_Pi4))*...
    (exp(-(dG_C3op+4*dG_H-2*F*dPsi)/(2*RT))*Cox*QH2^0.5 - Cred*Q^0.5);
J_C4    = x_C4*(O2/(O2+k_O2))*(Cred/Ctot)*...
    (exp(-(dG_C4op+2*dG_H)/(2*RT))*Cred*(O2^0.25) - Cox*exp(F*dPsi/RT));
J_F1    = x_F1*(exp(-(dG_F1op-n_A*dG_H)/RT)*(K_DD/K_DT)*ADP_mx*Pi_x - ATP_mx);

% Modelling ATP transferase Korzeniewski 1998
Psi_x = -0.65*dPsi;
Psi_i = +0.35*dPsi;
if (ADP_fi > null) || (ATP_fi > null)
    J_ANT  = x_ANT*( ADP_fi/(ADP_fi+ATP_fi*exp(-F*Psi_i/RT)) - ADP_fx/(ADP_fx+ATP_fx*exp(-F*Psi_x/RT)) )*(ADP_fi/(ADP_fi+k_mADP));
    J_ANT  = 0;
% Calculating ionic fluxes
H2PIi       = Pi_i*H_i/(H_i+k_dHPi); H2PIx = Pi_x*H_x/(H_x+k_dHPi);
J_Pi1       = x_Pi1*(H_x*H2PIi - H_i*H2PIx)/(H2PIi+k_PiH);
J_Hle       = x_Hle*dPsi*(H_i*exp(F*dPsi/RT)-H_x)/(exp(F*dPsi/RT)-1);
J_KH        = x_KH*( K_i*H_x - K_x*H_i );
J_K         = x_K*dPsi*(K_i*exp(F*dPsi/RT)-K_x)/(exp(F*dPsi/RT)-1);
J_AKi       = x_AK*( K_AK*ADP_i*ADP_i - AMP_i*ATP_i );
J_AMP       = gamma*x_A*(AMP_e-AMP_i);
J_ADP       = gamma*x_A*(ADP_e-ADP_i);
J_ATP       = gamma*x_A*(ATP_e-ATP_i);
J_Pi2       = gamma*x_Pi2*(Pi_e-Pi_i);
J_Ht        = gamma*x_Ht*(H_e-H_i);
J_MgATPx    = x_MgA*(ATP_fx*Mg_x-K_DT*ATP_mx);
J_MgADPx    = x_MgA*(ADP_fx*Mg_x-K_DD*ADP_mx);
J_MgATPi    = x_MgA*(ATP_fi*Mg_i-K_DT*ATP_mi);
J_MgADPi    = x_MgA*(ADP_fi*Mg_i-K_DD*ADP_mi);

%   Cytosolic Energy balance for single cell model (see text)
J_ATPK   = x_ATPK * (ATP_e- K_ADTP_dyn*ADP_e);
%   Calculating derivatives for next step
f(1)  = x_buff*H_x*( +1*J_DH - (4+1)*J_C1 - (4-2)*J_C3 - (2+2)*J_C4 + (n_A-1)*J_F1 + 2*J_Pi1 + J_Hle - J_KH )/W_x; % H_x
f(2)  = (J_KH + J_K)/W_x; % K_x
f(3)  = (-J_MgATPx - J_MgADPx)/W_x; % Mg_x
f(4)  = (+J_DH - J_C1)/W_x; % NADH
f(5)  = (+J_C1 - J_C3)/W_x; % QH2
f(6)  = (+2*J_C3 - 2*J_C4)/W_i; % Include loss of reduce cyt-c with half time t12cyto
f(7)  = 0; % O2 unused
f(8)  = (+J_F1 - J_ANT)/W_x; % ATP_x
f(9)  = (-J_F1 + J_ANT)/W_x; % ADP_x
f(10) = (J_MgATPx)/W_x; % ATP_mx
f(11) = (J_MgADPx)/W_x; % ADP_mx
f(12) = (-J_F1 + J_Pi1 )/W_x;  % Pi_x MOD
f(13) = (+J_ATP + J_ANT + J_AKi )/W_i; % ATP_i
f(14) = (+J_ADP - J_ANT - 2*J_AKi )/W_i; % ADP_i
f(15) = (+J_AMP + J_AKi)/W_i; % AMP_i
f(16) = (J_MgATPi)/W_i; % ATP_mi
f(17) = (J_MgADPi)/W_i; % ADP_mi
f(18) = (-J_Pi1 + J_Pi2 )/W_i; % Pi_i
f(19) = ( 4*J_C1 + 2*J_C3 + 4*J_C4 - n_A*J_F1 - J_ANT - J_Hle  - J_K )/CIM; %MOD
f(20) = 0;                                                    % unused
f(21) = 0;                                                    % unused
f(22) = (- J_DH +(4+1)*J_C1 + (4-2)*J_C3 + (2+2)*J_C4 - (n_A-1)*J_F1 ...
    - 2*J_Pi1 - J_Hle + J_KH + J_Ht)/W_i;                       % Change Intermembrane Hydrogen
if cytosolic_ATP

f(23) = (-J_ATP - J_ATPK)/W_c;                  % ATP levels established by mitochondria & glycolysis
f(24) = (-J_ADP + J_ATPK)/W_c;                  % reviewer comment
    f(23) = 0;                                  % No ATP change for isolated mitochondria
    f(24) = 0;                                  % reviewer comment
% Scale Time to minutes (parameters in seconds, but output in minutes)
f = 60*f';                              % Scale to minutes
% Output variables
C(1)    = J_DH;                         % Dehydrogenase flux (input function)
C(2)    = J_C1;                         % Respiration flux Complex I
C(3)    = J_C3;                         % Respiration flux Complex III
C(4)    = J_C4;                         % Respiration flux Complex IV
C(5)    = J_F1;                         % ATP synthase flux
C(6)    = J_ANT;                        % ATP transfer matrix IMS
C(7)    = J_ATP;                        % ATP transfer IMS cytosol
C(8)    = J_ADP;                        % ADP transfer IMS cytosol
C(9)    = H_x;                          % matrix Hydrogen
C(10)   = Ctot;                         % Total available cyt-c
C(11)   = Qtot;                         % Total available Complex1
C(12)   = dPsi-2.3026*(log10(H_x) - pH_e);       % unused
C(13)   = dPsi;                         % Mitochondrial Membrane potential
C(14)   = dG_H/F;                       % Membrame Protomotive Force
C(15)   = J_Hle;                        % Proton leak flux
C(16)   = ATP_e/(ADP_e+ATP_e);          % Cytosolic/Medium ATP
C(17)   = -log10(H_x) - pH_e;           % delta matrix and cytosolic pH
toth    = (4+1)*J_C1 +(4-2)*J_C3 +(2+2)*J_C4 + J_KH ;           % total proton extrusion
C(18)   = 100*((4+1)*J_C1 + (4-2)*J_C3 + (2+2)*J_C4)/toth;      % proton extrusion by respiration
C(19)   = 100*(J_KH)/toth;              % proton generation by potassium hydrogen
C(20)   = 100*(J_DH)/toth;              % proton consumption by inpt flux
C(21)   = 100*(n_A-1)*J_F1/toth;        % proton consumption by respiration
C(22)   = 100*2*J_Pi1/toth;             % proton consumption by phosphate-hydrogen
C(23)   =  100*J_Hle/toth;              % proton consumption by proton leaks
C(24)   = ATP_e;                        % cytosolic ATP
C(25)   = ADP_e;                        % cytosolic ADP