Additions and corrections

Synthesis and properties of chiral imidazolium ionic liquids with a (1R,2S,5R)-(–)-menthoxymethyl substituent

Juliusz Pernak, Joanna Feder-Kubis, Anna Cieniecka-Rosłonkiewicz, Cedric Fischmeister, Scott T. Griffin and Robin D. Rogers

New J. Chem., 2007, 31 (10.1039/b616215k). Amendment published 26th April 2007

Further to publication, convergence and a better refinement was possible for 1c·0.5H2O by locating and isotropically refining the hydrogen atoms on the solvate water molecules (O10 and O11) and by calculating and then freely refining the hydrogen atoms on C15 and C37D.

Crystal data for 1c·0.5H2O: Formula C17H32ClN2O1.5, M = 323.90, monoclinic, a = 9.4408(10), b = 34.119(4), c = 12.1754(13) Å, β = 90.292(2)1°, V = 3921.8(7) Å3, T = 173 K, space group P21, Z = 8, µ(Mo-Kα) = 0.200 mm-1, 25 429 reflections measured, 17 433 unique, R1 = 0.0652, wR2 = 0.1473 [I > 2σ(I)].

The Royal Society of Chemistry apologises for these errors and any consequent inconvenience to authors and readers
