Basic Concepts of HPLC

15 May 2018 09:00-10:45, Manchester, United Kingdom

Basic Concepts of HPLC 
This short seminar is intended as a first introduction to ‘HPLC’ and is suitable for anyone who wants to gain a basic understanding of this technique. The basis of the separation process and retention mechanisms will be covered, as well as how the important parameters of resolution, peak shape and efficiency are measured. An outline of HPLC hardware and different modes of separation will be considered. This course will provide a good foundation from which to progress to more advanced training. A number of topics will be covered during the seminar:- 
Principles and history of chromatography
Basics of the chromatographic process
HPLC column chemistry
Components of an HPLC system
Important chromatographic parameters
HPLC separation modes
Available as in-house or off-site courses. Contact us for details
Tel: 0118 930 3660 Email:
Radison Blu Airport, Manchester

Room 208, Radison Blu Airport, Manchester, Chicago Avenue, Manchester, M90 3RA, United Kingdom

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