RSC publishing webinar on key messages from Chemical Science and peer review
英国皇家化学会网络讲座:英国皇家化学会旗舰期刊Chemical Science出版动态及同行评审
2019年09月27日星期五下午4 - 5点(北京时间)
近年来,随着中国科研水平的不断提升,英国皇家化学会发表了越来越多来自中国的学术论文。在论文投稿、评审和出版的整个过程链中,英国皇家化学会在不断地改善各个环节的服务,使评审过程更加公正公平,投审稿和出版速度更加快捷,内容质量更加有可读性和引领性。Chemical Science 作为英国皇家化学会的旗舰期刊,在投稿,同行评议以及内容推广方面更有特色。2019年9月为您详细讲述英国皇家化学会旗舰期刊Chemical Science的出版最新动态、同行评审等。此次网络研讨会免费对外开放,只需完成在线注册即可届时收听。
- 英国皇家化学会旗舰期刊Chemical Science出版最新动态
- 同行评审
May Copsey, Chemical Science执行主编
May Copsey is currently the Executive Editor for Royal Society of Chemistry’s flagship journal, Chemical Science. She joined the Royal Society of Chemistry in 2006 as an Assistant Editor and has worked on a variety of different journals during this time, including Dalton Transactions, CrystEngComm and Journal of Materials Chemistry. She was Executive Editor for our Analytical portfolio of journals for four years, before moving to take over the General Chemistry portfolio, including Chemical Science, ChemComm and Chemical Society Reviews in 2015. She has had the pleasure of leading the formation of a new team dedicated to Chemical Science since June of 2018.
May is a main group chemist at heart, as before joining the RSC she worked for three years as Post-doctoral Research Associate at the University of Calgary, after completing a PhD in main group chemistry at the University of Bristol.
She very much enjoys travelling as part of her role and the opportunity this brings to meet authors and scientists and hear about their research. Outside of work, she spends most of her time running around after her two small boys.
宋冠群(Guanqun Song), 中华区出版人
英国皇家化学会(Royal Society of Chemistry)成立于 1841 年,拥有超过 5 万名会员,是全球最具影响力的化学专业团体和信息传播机构之一。英国皇家化学会出版 40 余种高水平的化学及相关学科领域的学术期刊,以及图书、数据库和杂志。英国皇家化学会旗下的学术期刊不仅以前沿的科研论文和权威的研究综述享誉全球化学界,更因其严谨的科学态度、公正的同行评审、迅捷的出版速度而广受好评。