Neural circuits in the past, present and future

14 - 17 May 2017, Heidelberg, Germany

The symposium will cover neural circuits both in traditional model systems (worm, fly, fish, mouse), in humans, and in diverse, emerging models to (i) discuss the origins, commonalities and differences of animal nervous systems, (ii) highlight the spectacular capabilities of neural circuits to control animal behaviour, and (iii) reflect on how technological innovations will open up new possibilities to understand and repair the nervous system. By bringing together a unique and eclectic mix of scientists studying nervous systems from the molecular to the psychological level, this symposium should stimulate novel cross-fertilisation of ideas and methodologies to understand neural circuit structure and function.
Sponsorship & supporting organisations
EMBL Advanced Training Centre

EMBL Advanced Training Centre, EMBL Advanced Training Centre, Meyerhofstraße 1, Select, Heidelberg, 69117, Germany

Organised by
Richard Benton, L. Vosshall, D. Arendt
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