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Analytical Science in the Environment

25 February 2022 15:30-21:00, Masham, United Kingdom

3.30 Tour of Black Sheep Brewery 1 (an escorted 1 hour tour*)
4.00 Tour of Black Sheep Brewery 2 (an escorted 1 hour tour*)
[* maximum 15 per tour; you need to book your timeslot with event organiser.]

5.00 Annual General Meeting of RSC/AD Northeast Region (free to attend)

5.40 Welcome to event: John R Dean, RSC/AD North East Region.

5.45 “The role of the decommissioning chemist – Clean-up of chemical facilities” Bob Shaw, Aver Decommissioning & Environment Ltd.

6.15 “Is it risky out there? A case study on arsenic in the soil environment”, John R Dean, Northumbria University.

6.45 “Air quality in emergencies: environmental exposure”, Michael Deary, Northumbria University.
7.15 Summary: Graeme Turnbull (Chair, RSC/AD North East Region)
7.30 Buffet and Beer (or soft drinks) with networking.
9.00 Close and Depart
Black Sheep Brewery

Mezzanine space, Black Sheep Brewery, Black Sheep Brewery, Wellgarth, Masham, HG4 4EN, United Kingdom

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