Ready...steady...scale! Enabling technologies and strategies for chemical manufacturing

17 November 2023 10:00-17:00, London, United Kingdom

This hybrid one day event, organised by the RSC's Process Chemistry and Technology Group, will consist of oral contributions and posters looking at emerging and recently established technologies for chemical manufacturing (synthesis and downstream processing) of high value chemicals.  The  use of these technologies allows the development of the material to proceed to the next phase and stay off the critical path for its development.  Attend to get answers to questions on
1. How technology helps navigate the journey from lab to plant
2. Which technologies have allowed for process intensification during product development
3. How technology can help build value into products during development and to address supply chain vulnerabilities for launched products
4. Stories of establishing ever greater levels of "readiness" for enabling technologies
5. How companies have built cases for investing in enabling technologies
Students undertaking doctoral studies who present a poster are eligible for free registration.
The Royal Society of Chemistry

The Royal Society of Chemistry, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W1J 0BA, United Kingdom

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