Fully booked: East Anglia Local Section Gourmet Evening and AGM - “Meat misconduct and olive oil offences: fighting food fraud using analytical chemistry”

26 January 2016, Norwich, United Kingdom

Gourmet evening with talk “Meat misconduct and olive oil offences: fighting food fraud using analytical chemistry”, followed by a themed dinner, in the Norwich City College "Debut" restaurant.

The talk, on food authenticity, will be presented by Dr Kate Kemsley, from the Institute of Food Research. The talk will be preceded by the Section's Annual General Meeting.
City College Norwich

Debut Restaurant and Lecture Theatre, City College Norwich, Ipswich Road, Norwich, NR2 2LJ, United Kingdom

Contact information
Dr Tharin Blumenschein
University of East Anglia
School of Chemistry
University of East Anglia
Norwich - NR4 7TJ
United Kingdom

01603 59 2963
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