Managing Vendor/CRO/CMO Oversight

3 October 2019 09:00 - 4 October 2019 17:00, London, United Kingdom

Course overview

With regulatory inspectors increasingly finding issues with vendor oversight by sponsor organisations, it is becoming increasingly important for the pharmaceutical industry to employ efficient and accurate strategies for managing outsourced activities. A company’s ability to identify and select the right CRO/ vendor for the right project and manage them efficiently and effectively will help to ensure compliance with the Regulator’s expectations.

On this course you will learn how to prepare a Request for Proposal (RFP), evaluate and select the right CRO and establish procedures for vendor oversight for R&D projects you need to outsource. You will also cover the techniques for successfully managing CROs/ vendors and the shared responsibilities required by the sponsor and the service provider. Managing CROperformance issues will also be discussed.

The course is equally useful to CROs/other vendors and consultants to understand how to work effectively with sponsor organisations.
Rembrandt Hotel

Rembrandt Hotel, 11 Thurloe Place, London, SW7 2RS, United Kingdom

Contact information
Leigh White
Management Forum Ltd
10-12 Rivington Street
Contact us by email

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