Comprehensive GC-MS Training (Agilent SQMS with MassHunter)

4 - 8 November 2019, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom

This course has been approved by the Royal Society of Chemistry for purposes of Continuing Professional Development (CPD).

This course introduces the fundamental theory of single quadrupole GC-MS along with the operation of the Agilent single quadrupole Mass Spectrometer using MassHunter software.

The first part of the course covers the function and operation of the individual components of the Agilent SQMS instrumentation as well as the important MS parameters. Attendees will gain practical experience of performing maintenance of each MS component and troubleshooting an instrument.

The software part of the course introduces the Agilent MassHunter software for instrument control, data acquisition and analysis. Delegates will learn how to install, set-up and operate the software, covering types of tuning methods, how to create full scan and SIM methods and gain an understanding of each method type, how to analyse individual and multiple samples and how to undertake data analysis. There will be an introduction to macros and retention time locking and delegates will also learn about method maintenance.

The course combines a mixture of classroom based presentations with hands-on hardware and software lab exercises, to give you comprehensive training.

You can attend all 5 days of the course for a complete training solution. Alternatively, you can attend individual courses for specific training on hardware or software.
The Open University

The Open University, Walton Hall, Kents Hill, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, United Kingdom

Organised by
Independent experts providing training and consultancy in the analytical science fields of Gas Chromatography, Liquid Chromatography, Mass Spectrometry, Spectroscopy, Mass Spectrometry Imaging, Physical & Structural Properties of Molecules, Thermal Analysis and all their related techniques.
Contact information
Rhiannon Ford
Anthias Consulting Ltd
+44 (0)1480 831262
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