4th RSC-BMCS / RSC-CICAG Artificial Intelligence in Chemistry

27 September 2021 09:30 - 28 September 2021 18:00, United Kingdom

A virtual symposium held over two full days


Artificial Intelligence is presently experiencing a renaissance in development of new methods and practical applications to ongoing challenges in Chemistry.  Following the successes of three annual “Artificial Intelligence in Chemistry” meetings starting in 2018, we are pleased to announce that the Biological & Medicinal Chemistry Sector (BMCS) and Chemical Information & Computer Applications Group (CICAG) of the Royal Society of Chemistry are once again organising a conference to present the current efforts in applying these new methods. The meeting will be held over two days and combine aspects of artificial intelligence and deep machine learning methods to applications in chemistry.

Who should attend
This meeting will be of interest to scientists of any level of experience from academia and industry.

Features of the Meeting
There will be a mix of plenary and keynote talks, and we will include some lightning poster talks and breakout rooms to chat with the poster presenters and exhibitors.

Call for Abstracts
Applications are invited for oral and poster presentation.  Posters will be displayed throughout the day and, at the time of submission, applicants are asked if they wish to provide a two-minute lightning oral presentation. The closing dates for submissions are 30th June for oral and 13th August for poster presentations.

Networking Sessions
At the end of each day’s talks, delegates are invited to join us for a chance to unwind and chat (using either Zoom Meetings or Grapevine). They will have a chance to talk to our speakers, poster presenters, other delegates, and exhibitors. These sessions will start at 5 pm BST.  Unlike the Webinar sessions, delegates will also have a chance to use their video and audio.

Exhibitor Sponsors
Please see our website for Exhibitor Sponsor opportunities.
Sponsorship & supporting organisations

United Kingdom

  • Nathan Brown (co-chairman) BenevolentAI, United Kingdom
  • Garrett Morris (co-chairman) University of Oxford, United Kingdom
  • Samantha Hughes (co-chairman) AstraZeneca, United Kingdom
  • Chris Swain Cambridge MedChem Consulting, United Kingdom

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