RSC Chemical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Network Annual Symposium

15 - 16 January 2024, London, United Kingdom

This annual flagship event of the RSC CNN Special Interest Group will cover recent developments in fundamentals and applications of novel materials, with the aim to provide a forum of nanoscience and nanotechnology researchers to engage and exchange information, discuss challenges and build networks. 
The Symposium will consist of plenary lectures and invited talks, contributed presentations, and poster sessions covering a wide range of topics in nanoscience and nanotechnology.   Nanoscience is at the core of many emerging technologies for energy, environmental and health care applications. Examples including thermal catalysis, photocatalysis, electrocatalysis, solar fuels, batteries, photovoltaics, fuel cells, sensors, biomaterials, and targeted drug delivery.

Registration Fees:
Early-Bird (before 30/11/2023, 2023)
* RSC member £120
* Non-member £180
* Student RSC member £60
* Student non-member £100

- Standard
* RSC member £160
* Non-member £220
* Student RSC member £90
* Student non-member £130
Book now
  • Grants for Carers - Apply for up to £1,000 from the RSC to help cover caring costs
  • Accessibility Grants - Apply for up to £1,000 to reduce accessibility challenges
  • Travel Grants for Postgraduate Students and Early Career Scientists: Two travel grants of £500 each are available for postgraduate students and early career researchers to support their participation in the symposium. Find out more and apply to the Travel Grants in the attached pdf.
Sponsorship & supporting organisations
The Royal Society of Chemistry

The Royal Society of Chemistry, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W1J 0BA, United Kingdom

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