Applied Catalysis for the Circular Economy II

4 March 2024 08:30-18:00, London, United Kingdom

Novel processes utilising renewable and sustainable feedstocks, process byproduct re-use/valorisation and polymer recycling are crucial to achieve a truly circular economy. These processes have created the need for new active and stable catalytic technologies that allow transformation of new substrates, also in the presence of impurities.
This 1-day RSC Applied Catalysis Group symposium will bring together academic and industrial speakers to share exciting developments and examples on the relevant role that catalysis plays to achieve carbon neutrality in real world as well as their perspectives on the future of this stimulating field.
Sponsorship & supporting organisations
Enabled Future Limited (EFL) offers consulting, subscriber reports, training, industry tracking and thought leadership across the lifecycles of chemicals and polymers, biorenewables, catalysts, hydrogen fuel cells, electrolysers, batteries, and solar PV
The Royal Society of Chemistry

The Library and Council Room, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W1J 0BA, United Kingdom

Contact information
Michelle Lynch
Contact us by email

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