How Chemistry Can Save the World - Short Story Competition

10 February 2025, United Kingdom

There have been many notable writers, both chemists and non-chemists alike, who have written stories inspired by chemistry. These stories have described the fascinating history of how a molecule was discovered or the life of a great chemist. In other stories, chemistry has been the originality behind a fictional telling of events or relationships. 

The Chilterns & Middlesex Local Section committee is running again a friendly competition to engage the next generation of chemistry writers. To showcase how Chemistry continusly contribute to improve everyone's lifes.

How to participate:

Submit an original short story on how chemistry can address global challenges. Choose any angle: fiction, non-fiction, essays, historical accounts, science fiction, or mystery. Entries must focus on chemistry’s potential to solve problems like climate change, health crises, or sustainability. Stories should be in prose, without illustrations or diagrams, and be up to 500 words. The competition invites creative, inspiring perspectives on chemistry’s role in building a sustainable future.


There will be prizes for the best two short stories will receive vouchers of £200 and £100, respectively. In addition, the top two stories will be published on the Royal Society of Chemistry quarterly magazine, Voice.

How to Apply:
Entries should be submitted by midnight on 10th February 2025 with the winners announced 6th March 2025 through the RSC Chilterns and Middlesex local section and RSC social media streams. 

Entries should be submitted, with the email Subject Title of STORY to  

United Kingdom

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