Laser flash photolysis

Definition: A technique in which a sample is first excited by a strong pulse (the 'pump' pulse) of light from a laser. This first pulse starts a chemical reaction or leads to an increased population of energy levels other than the ground state within the sample. The absorption of light by the sample is recorded within a short time intervals (by a 'test' or 'probe' pulse) to monitor relaxation or reaction processes initiated by the pump pulse.

ID: CMO:0002510


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Articles referencing this term

Photoinduced DNA damage efficiency and cytotoxicity of novel viologen linked pyrene conjugates
Mahesh Hariharan, Suneesh C. Karunakaran, Danaboyina Ramaiah, Ina Schulz and Bernd Epe, Chem. Commun., 2010 , 46 , 2064
DOI: 10.1039/b924943e