ChemSpider is our free chemical structure database, averaging 664,000 visitors each month who have access to over 98 million chemical structures from hundreds of data sources.
If you are marketing chemistry products or services, ChemSpider will help to raise your brand awareness and reach a broad spectrum of the chemistry sector.
Advertise your brand, product or service
There are a range of banner advertising and sponsorship opportunities available. Please get in touch for more information.
Become a ChemSpider vendor
With hundreds of thousands of chemists around the world visiting the site daily ChemSpider allows your company to be seen and listed as a vendor under each structure that you sell, visible when users are looking at buying options, and clicking through to your purchasing pages.
We have over 40 active chemical vendors onsite and in 2020 ChemSpider connected over 148,000 buyers with potential suppliers, generating 148,227 clicks to vendor purchasing platforms.
ChemSpider web services
The ChemSpider web services are a powerful suite of tools that provide access to many of the commonly used features of ChemSpider through Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). The web services make it possible to enrich your Apps, your website, your in-house data systems and data workflow tools (e.g. KNIME, PipelinePilot) with data from ChemSpider.